Mid-day Herald, 17 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 205 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Manager. Nov. 1, 1894. 111 Dock, situated in Province fiitslev, at the entrance of the i w lUver. h«* lately been lengthened tiii-pened, and is now of the followiiH»'*n*ioii3 I.mirth 011 the blocks 330 feet I rtudth at entrance l»t i»ih of water
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  • 66 1  -  W. ti.O. MIDIiLKI'JM, Hou. desreui-y. THE public are informed that the a i dress of the Society's Inspector MR. E. F. PAGLAR, is at the Old Gaoi 9ite, Brass Bassa Road. All persons wishing to report au> cases of cruelty which may
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  • 29 1 T)R. V. A. PILLAY, L M. &S, can be consulted r.t any time, day or night, at Raffles Dispensary, 7y, Njrth Bridge' ltoad. •Singapore, 291u M-ircii, 18i*5. <,
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  • 67 1  -  DR. K. SUZUKI A\O, 14, iiou'iu.-tja ii J.il RHEUMATISM, Paralysis, Cramp-'., Sprains, Irie.-ular Circulation of the Biood, Coutrae'ed Limbs caused by accident and various other illaei* of similar nature, cau be cure<l by the method kn<»wa as the Shimpoo Curo. A number of oertitioAre* frjiu Kurooem puie'its in fctie
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  • 52 1 A Malay Version of the Improve I Illustratel Reader, First Book, has just published by Mr. J. F. Kess lar, Teicher, Government MiUv Schoo' Singapore, It may b»3 had fr>m Missrs. Kelly Walsh and Messrs. John Little Coy., at 50 Cents per copy and at 23 Dhoby Ghant. Singapore,
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  • 99 1  -  By order J. POLGLASE Municipal Secretary, Municipal Offi?e, Robinson lioad. Singapore, 3rd Juiy, lt:%. TTJUSE and Lan i A?sessment Rates and Aniin d aud Vehicle Taxes for the half year ending December 31st 189G, and Private Water Supply Rates for the 3rd quarter !896, are now payable at
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  • 126 1  -  PUAH SIN KEE, TAN TOCK KEE Singapore, 7lh July. IdJi. WE the undersigned, PUAH SIN KICK and TAN TOOK KLK. hereby give notice that we have remed from the business carried on by us i:> partner-hip with lAN KIAN HKNO KKK and CHONU TKK KICK, under the style or
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 255 1 CLARKE'S PATENT Brown Leather Polish Co., Ltd. No. 43-4, Hill Street. Opposite the Armenian Church, Singapore, At the above address, Black and I:.n Liquid Polish tor Leather can .j.v be obtained at 551.50 per dozen. .5,000 GUILDERS REWARD. V virtue of Netherlands-India G>v. eminent Decree of the 11th January, ltfDtf,
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    • 400 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD SINGAPORE. THE office of publication of the MID-DAY HERALD is at No. 19, Malacca Street, late the 4< DAILY ADVERTISER PRESS." i The hour of Publication is at 2 j p. m. daily and at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for
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    • 147 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. V/HOLLSALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGRS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN' THE TRADE. BeOS to inform the public tint a lar re stoc'c of the choicest brand-; of Cigars has been received bv *he I i-t Manila Mail from the leading factories of Li lnsciur and La
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    • 125 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 RAFFLES PLACE Wholesale aud Retail Chemists ami Druggists. WE haye the honour to inform the pub ic th»t from Jan ;>2nd the above e>tab!isb:r eut will b« opened as a Medical Store. Prescriptions accurately trade tip according to all the reo-f--nised Phar miopias, by Mr. J a
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    • 459 1 HANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. C APITAL SUBSCRIBED $2,500,0' k o AMOUNT PAID UP i>U(M KH) RESERVE FUND 500,ii(M HEAD OFFICE, HONGKONG. General AgentsMESSRS. JARDINU, MATHBSO.V Co i'HE undersigned having been a|i pointed Agents lor the above Coinoiiiy are prepare i to accept in trine risks at. current rates. A Bonus
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  • 322 2  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager. THIS Company executes ships' re; pairs of all descriptions in the most efficient manner under the superinten. dence of European {Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 GKAVING DOCK Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water from 14 feet to 15 feet. Width at Entrance
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  • 279 2 SOME years ago a steatw laundry which was here, was voted a failure, and we have since reverted to tho primitive method of washing practised by the rascally Kling dhoby and his equally dirty Chinese brother. These people, it is well known, give DO end of trouble,
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  • 180 2 WE havo often given voico to the ott repeated complaint about the entire absence of a complete pictorial representations of the different views of Singapore. For tropical sconerv, architecture, aud natural surroundings, insignificant though Singapore might seem to the outside world, this tight little island of tLe tropics
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  • 290 2 FESTIVITIES C. We are about to have quite a round of festivities, while there will be no lack of evening amusements. Besides the steam riding gallery at the foot of Fort Canning which is open every night, there will be the Circus and NVillard's opera tonight. On Tuesday next the
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  • 912 2 A Mil Generalih,, f„ r X th «>•. Td.s is a greupitv i he an esteemed neat figure, but ais'» ird •nan, and his t r scene wdl doubtless cr Vf u will re|uires,m- 0,-pK 0 0 b Lavino was always to tW Jm il races, anu it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 COCA BITTERS. lIARTWIG KANTOROWIC3 PO-EN (GER 4ANY.) ESTABLISH -D 1523. SJLE INVENTOR \ND DISTILLER OF THE COCA BITTERS. leaves of the Peruvian Cocaplants represent the basis of the Cjea iiitteis. Besides tnis only such herbs, plants, and slices are us~ I which haw generally b*en acknowledge 1 as s -a
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    • 324 2 BY SPECIAL WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY, "PSYCHO" CYCLES FOR 1896, STARLEY BROSm\m 9 /NX, f/ Sv fs We have now in stock a good varietv of FIRST CLASS MACHINES for LADIES and GENTLEMEN, all of 1896 Pattern, with all the latest improvements. INSPECTION INVITED. Accessories for Cycles in
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    • 398 2 BENSDORP. CO-'S ROYAL DUTCH COCOA, entirely pure mid unadulterated, is the beat value in the market. Sole Agents BRINKMANN &Co Itet.tii, J >H>r LITTLE i.C Lt-d. Singapore, 15th June, 1896. t DORDTSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPY, SOURABAYA. jyjANUFACTURERS of Petroleum Lubricants unequalled forSteaai Engines, Cylinders and every cla-s of Machinery. MAX STERN
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  • 659 3 The steamer Elcauo it expected to arrive from Manila on Monday. I The Mutual steamer Pingauey ia now due horn Manda. Slie a >u-ignmeut of coal from Japan. A European named Wd.iam Carr w.i- lined $2 tor drunkenness and dis- (tr i rly conduct iq Malabar Street
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  • 743 3 A servant afirl who was about to be marrieJ received as a parting gift the B 'im of £5 from her mistiess. "We be L' lad to see you, Mary, and your husband, too, when you have got nicely settled," said the good lady. A couple of
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  • 480 3 A readable article by Mr. Archibald Hurd, dealing with tue lite of a boy on board the traiuiug ship the Impregnable, appears in the Windsor Magazine. He begins {his training, not by learning how to h.iudie a sail, wield a cutlas-, or lay a gun, bat
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  • 130 3  -  by order, J. POLGLASE Muuicij>al Secretary. Municipal Office, K»biust>n Road. Singapore, .3rd Sept., lS'.'O. is h ••oy given that the 11 *vi*e'l Li te» «>f person* duly qualified to be i 1 Muuicipai Corn n;i<sio:iers for >• town of Singapore, and of peismv "u v qualified to vote
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  • 63 3 "pUNEItAL arringemenU*iridcrt;i<cu ou the shortest possible notice and on very moderate terms. Having in view the restricted circumstances of the very in ijjiity of the ooiainutHty, the Hnder«i .rued are prejarcd, where circumstance demand it, to allow credit tor a reasonable period and to accept payment by auau in.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 387 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE ON MONDAY, FOR Ma'acca and Linggi Helen) 1 pmi Klang, and Taluk Anson. Amherst 2pm Malacca, Klang and T Anson Uye Leong, I p in Malacca, Bengkali6. Siak and Pekan. Hong Wan. 3pm Penang, and Deli Calyp9o, 3 p ra Muar, Isabella, 4 p ra FO BKEI
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    • 503 3 FOOT OP FORT CANNING, OPPOSITE TO HIGH STREET. i > "S k ---*-x ?r>\-'<Sr 2 a> L W 1 v x > ~*s*n* b VRI The Great American Steam Riling Gal lei y, arrived from New York per S. S. Cam, with all the latest im. proveraents f->r safety and
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    • 714 3 awm us;. PRESENTS FOR HOME. John Little Co. Ltd. Have received fresh supplies of the following Indian and oth<»r C<»ndim«nts ?uitab!e for Christmas present?, nud will liav.* pleastre in and despatching—carriage paid it desired —to anv ad<l r »"s* iu Borland or «-uih supplies of the following as mav b.»
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  • 898 4  -  W. M. ROBERTSON —Manager THE premises of the Company are sHuated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quaitei and is divided by the entrances totheGraving Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 469 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE tU .ek of Household and Office Furniture always on hand. Orders c;iu l»e executed lor the best description ot Furniture. Designs and Estimates supplied free of charge. The Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Road Factory include several skilled Cabinet Carvers, French Polishers,
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    • 622 4 A. FRANKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. has now opened his large and commodious Premies. 375, Victoria Street. i~- HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. At the above address, you can see the Largest Stock of Household and Office Fu niture in the East. Bedsteads all
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    • 501 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C O KUPPER'S BEER CHOP-PAYONG," the only beer which received any a «,H atthe Chicago Exhibition. cH U 15 •s; lltO.V SAFES ANO LltC} The bost the world. apollixaris water Ine queen of table Wate~s chy aud reri siim- drinw la iroMi,..! countries. r Lh! 15.00 per case
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