Mid-day Herald, 10 October 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 212 1  -  ROBERT ANDERSON Mauager. Nor 1.1 s \\\V. I'VVC Dock. situated in Province \Y<-iiesdey, at the entrance of th- i K wr. iuis latrly W'«*u lengthened j. r:i♦ *;I, and now of the followI l i ;-i« »Ujri 1 i-L'th on the blocks IVW feet |i,
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  • 69 1  -  W. ti. 0. AIIDDLK r K\, Hon. rioi'.ioL-i-y. THE pnMic art- informed that the a I dress of the .Society's Inspector Mil. E. F I'ACLAR, is at the Old GaoJ «ite, lirass Bassa Road. Ail persons wishing to report any cases of
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  • 28 1 I) It. V. A. PILLVY, LM. &.>, can be consulted at any time, day or at Dispensary, 7U, North Bridge It >ad. Singapore, 2lHn M ii'cli, I^'JO.
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  • 67 1  -  DR. K. SUZUKI HEUMAT! SM, Paralysis, Cramp®, Sptaris, Irie.ular t'ir .r.ilatioa of the 8.0 >d, Coatrac'e 1 L inba bv a-jcid ui and various other suuihr uatare, can be cirel or the meiii'jd kaowu sis thj> S:i c:»i*i»» 'are. .V large number <>t" uortilio tr>;n European pi:i* i?,* i.a
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  • 62 1 I A Malay Version of the Improve! Illustrate! Reader, First Boo'*, lias 1 just b«en published by Mr. J. F Ivess 1»»% Teacher, Government Mil l. Scii >ol Singapore, It may b» ha I from M issrs. Kelly «fc Walsh and Messrs. John Little Coy., at 50 Cents per
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  • 96 1  -  By ortlt'r J. POLGLASE Municipal Secretary, Municipal Oili *e, Robinson Road. Singapore, 3rd July, li%. I-TJDSE and Land Assessment Rates and Anim il and Vehicle Taxes for the half-year ending December 31st IS%, and Private Water Supply Rates for the 3rd quarter !89G, are now payable at the
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  • 133 1  -  PUAH SIN KEE, TAN TOCK KEE WE the undersigned, PUAH SIN KKH and TAN TOCK KKE, h vreby notice that we have retired from the business carried on by us in partnership with TAN* KIAN HENG KEK and CHONG TBK KKK, under the siyle or chop KIA.N JJLONG Ills
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 264 1 CLARKE'S PATENT lirown Leather Polish Co.. Ltd. N 4v i, Ili'.l Street. .-it* the Armenian Church, Singapore, At the a l >ove address, I>!<ick and .ir i Liquid Polish tor Leatbei c n l.e oitv.iiiitii at .51.50 o*r (ioZ"u. 5,000 GUILDERS REWARD. j> virtue of G >v. >ment Decree of
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    • 407 1 TIIE MID-DAY HERALD SINGAPORE. THE otlice of publication of the "MID-DAY HERALD" is at No. 19, Malacca Street, lute the DAILY ADVERTISER PRESS." The hour of Publication is at 2 1 p. m. daily and at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and
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    • 169 1 Tabaperia Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGRS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. BLGS to inform the public tint a l;irje stoc'c of the choicest hnnds of has l>eeu received l>v the U-t Minili M;il iron :li* !«.•:*JI nfictories ni Li Insular aud La Porl.i del Oriente
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    • 132 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 RAFFLES PLACE holes.de and He till Chemists an J Drugirjgts. WE have tlie honour to inform thfi pub ic th «t from J.m 22nd the above e>tablisb > eut Aiil b opoued as a Medical Store. PrescripJons accurately trade up aec>r,liai? Mall the reo nised Piiariu ieopi
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    • 467 1 1 A x TON IXSUIi A X <' K <>, v F j,; LIMITED. APITAL SUBSCRIBED ?2,. r >» >u.( K'O AMOUNT PAID ur r>i>o,oco RESERVE I< I'M) Head OFFICE. Hoxokoxg. General Aprils MESSRS. JARDIXS, Mathksjx O l H undersigned havinir i»ot*a nt» P')iutiiil r »r thy ;ib-»ve (Jo'D »ij>*
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  • 324 2  -  JAMES SELLAR Manager. THIS Company executes ships' repairs of all descriptions in the most efficient m inner under the superinten. dence of European Shipwrights and Engineers. No. 1 Gt: A viso DOCK Length—4ls feet. Depth of Water from 14 feet t > 15' feet.
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  • 257 2 THE proposal to disinfect instead ot* burning articles of clothing, &c., Lolonging to persons who have died of tholora or auy other contagious disease is a sensible one. It will save the Municipal exchequer from unnecessary disbursements and preserve to the family some remembratice of their dear
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  • 492 2 THE popularity of Harmston's Circus evinces itself by tbe manner in which the public receives the news of the coming of this show. In the young, the intelligence always excites pleasurable feelings which reveal themselves in a much louder manner thau is the case with their seniors,
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  • 903 2 I Mr, Apothecary Q l} with tor l»„ f«'ed by him n il w a .M •"ton ri';jditig is."'® occurrence a, not bur ~r ik„ ~n that In* should j T(r V; L'rostrd i u c IV r> e f-r that his bay w a i I. ">eii
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 COCA BITTERS. HARTWIG KAN TOROWIGS POSEX (GER I ANY.) ESTABLISHED 1>23. SOLE INVENTOR \ND DISTILLER OF THE COCA BITTERS. leaves of the Peruvian Oocaplants represent tli<? basis of the Coea Bitters. Besides tais only such herbs, plants, aud spices are us- 1 which have generally b j e:i acknowledged as
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    • 307 2 BY SPECIAL WARRANT OF APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESI'Y, "PSYCHO" CYCLES FOR 1806, STARLEY BROS is We have now in stock a good variety of FIRST CLASS MACHINES for LADIES and GENTLEMEN, all of 1896 Pattern, with all the latest improvements. INSPECTION INVITED. Accessories for Cycles kept in stock and repairs
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    • 408 2 BENSDORP CO'S KOYAL DUTCH COCOA, entirely pure unJ unadulterated, is the best value iu tt.e market. Sole Agents BIiINKMANN ACo ICotj.il, J >H>r L.I LTLK C >. Loci. Singapore, 15th June, 1896. 0 DORDTSCHE PETROLEUM MAATSCHAPPY, SOURABAYA. of Petroleum Lubricants unequalled for Steam Eugines, Cylinders and every cla-s ot Machinery,
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  • 1160 3 Mr. Lewis Ins opened a merry .go* lliU l at the foot of Fort Canning. l'i the Methodist Episcopal Church i.iorrow i Veiling, Mr. A. J. Aniery v> preac «»n the following subject theio a »d j,., u'wird P. O. steamer Khej.v left Penang at li p.
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  • 753 3 ELOQUENT SPEECH BY THE VICEROY. Simla, S.-pt. 24.—A* supper, at the Fa ucy Dress Ball at Viceregal Lodge givtii by their Excellencies last niglit the Viceroy proposed tlie health of Her Majesty the Qieeu in tbe following tenuis; —The presence of this distinguishe 1 company must make this
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  • 49 3 TN consequence of the deaUi of W. Mouteiro, the busiuesu v»f uadertaker lately carried ou by him .*t No. 159 Middle Rjad, will heretofore be carried ou by his a »us at th* bainu place aud uuder tue style of v\T. Mouteno tfc Co. {Singapore, 29th Oct,, ld'Js.
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  • 118 3  -  By order, J. POLGLASE Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Robinson Road. Singapore, -3rd Sept., 18Jt>. \jOriCE is hereby yiven that the Revised Li-ls of persons duly qualified to be elected Muuicip.il Commissioners for tha towu of Singapore, and of |>eis >ns .duly qualified to v>te at Municipal Elections fjr
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  • 65 3  -  W. MONTEIRO Co. Undertakers. No, 159, Muidle Rc&d "CiUNKItAL arrangement* mi ITUCeu ou the shortest possible tDliej and on very mo ierato H-ivm in view tlie restrict»*<l ut the very m.ijoiity «»I tiu e > umumty, llirr underpinned arc prepureJ, where circumstances demand it, to allow ere.lit tor a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 451 3 MAILS WILL CLOSE ON MONDAY. FOR Klang, and Teluk Anson. Amherst 2pm Peuang, Rangoon A Calcutta, Pundua 3 pto liaugkok, Medusa, 4 p m liatavia, CheriUon, ft baiuarang k ect. Van Goone 4 pm latest JUST OPENED. G. Glomiine Go 26, HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE HAVE THIS DAY ESTABLISIIED A JAPANESE
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    • 516 3 ci'utcu AUCTION" BALB OF VALUABLE PKOPEUTIES. The undersigned will sell by Pli ;*LIJ AUCTION, At their Sale, rooms No. 22 Raffles Piace. On Monday, l ith October, 18%, at 2.3u p.m. The followtug valuable properties l.—A i that valuable piece of laml at the corner of Stamford Road iiud Ar
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    • 730 3 CSJOIB llii, PRESENTS FOR HOME* JOIIII Little €o. Ltd. Have received fresh fupplii sof the following I- ian and oth*»r Condiments suitable for Christ m:i9 present®, and will hav pba<n e in «»dt»ctin:» and df\si>a'c!iins^ —carriage paid it desired —to anv address in Eairland or -u :h supplies of the
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  • 935 4  -  W. M. ROBERTSON ■Manager. THE premises of the Company are situated at lanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile an-.l a quartet and is divided by the entrances totlieGraving Docks into thwe parts The West Wl-.aif; over one
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 495 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE FURNITURE MANUFACTU REUS I LAItGE </l Household and Office Fin unure always on hand. Orders c»n be executed ior the beat description of Furniture. Designs and Estimates supplied free ot charge. T!ie Chinese Workmen employ id at ihe Orchard lioad Factory include :«everal skilled Cabinet Makers, Carvers-
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    • 671 4 A. FRANKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. bas now opene t his large and commodious Premi cs. 375,. Victoria Street. HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. At the above address, you can sea the Largest StocV <.f Household and Office Fa niture ia the East. Bedsteads
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    • 459 4 HUTTcNB.iCH BROS. j(j SUPPER'S BEei c «°-"PAYO»G," C.l tor .bieh rttyivej at tuu Kxhii.it,„ tl c a.u .j j,. IKON best APQjjliixj AT 1 "7, ihe "jueeii of table w thv Hil l rcu-siiiur ,i "> lil m lr countries. u $15.00 per case of Jo j r ii, >»
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