Mid-day Herald, 27 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. 1896. [NO. 164
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 347 1 IPRYE RIVER DOCK. PENA N G D< :k, aituated m Prorinoc .a the entrance of tin Km lately been lengthened 1, and i> n-.\\ the follow:i... 330 ft- ot •>" lill ;it spring tides... li cap tidet -■..•!> hai been largely ;tr I with nil the a- :..r effecting n
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    • 464 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD SINGAPORE. Thr office of publication of the Mid-DAT Herald" is at No.. 19, a Street, Late the v Daily AI>rERTISRR PttßSa The hour of Publication i* it I p, m. dailfand it nosu oa Sttardays. The rat»» of subscription is $L s month for looal and $1.25
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    • 237 1 Tabaquetia Universal. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. Bk(}3 fo inform the public that a larjrestoc'c of the choicest brands of Ci^irs «as heeu received by the last KaniU Miil from the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has just been nopftctaJ aiid are off Ted
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    • 486 1 MEDICAL STOIIE, 31 Raffles Placi Wholes; le and Ret .U Chemists and Druggists. Wk baca the honour to Inform tfa pubicth t from J» n -J/iid the above establish oat iil b opened m a M.>dical Store. Prescriptions ajem^y made up aoo >r Jiog to all bha ree>g aised Pbarmacopias,
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    • 374 1 'ANTON INSURANCE OF PICE UNITBU. &UBBCRIBSD *2,6MmOU> IiEAD UFFICA, HONUICOXG. General A^ento--'iKssrts Jardixb, Matbwjou A Co, VJW nndergi^ned baring been aw prepare i to acoept marine ri.ks v t ourren rat*-*. A H.mus isannaairj pnid fo all con trinitTHot bMinew, wnether shun lioldt ra or not. The lioaus lor the
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  • 278 2 Singapore, Wednesday, May 27. The Chinese Protectorate. THR report of this institution for last year has just baen issued and is very interesting. to those who give any thought to the work on which it is eu. gaged. It deals clearly with Secret Societies and crime. The HokChin District Guild
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  • 536 2 iHiii Uaily average number m prison during the year was 797 which shows a steady re* ductioQ year by year sin^9 1892. Daring t W year' 145 i^uropeaus and Buraaiautt were received and 161 discharged, leaving 2\ m 3 til at tho eid of tbe
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  • 757 2 Tneß.oie i*m*,we Jjnih the whaie it oiicu oilmi oy., v asau inaUnoe i>h« |*rl c y V and incredible Ulal *«J those w.»o a-e c»mvm,col oi rancy l>l the Sail**!* llvll|l the ev«m tuu lL rei«u:« A mince, and oouers v u ti;| iiaiuUui u,,au ttaa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 913 2 lUX TANJONG PAGAR DOCK OOMIWNY, LIMITED. This premises of the Company are Mtuated at T:rij -i!i*jj Pagaf, adjoining the Town of B(ug^poi >, The Wliarf cxtoudrt to one mite arid a quit tei and divided hy the entrances AjtheGmviujc Dm'kH into three parts. The 2 Wost Whar! over one mile
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    • 120 2 JOHN LITTLE Co., Limited. i MILLINERY AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENT GREAT STOCK TAKING Gash Sale WILL RE HELD From Ist to 31st May. ALoU, JOHN LITTLE Co. 1 m* w-> JL i o X\ o Katz Bros. Have just received the following- m large varieties i PEN KNIVES, POCKEH KNIVES, SCISSORS,
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    • 438 2 Ferguson's SPECIAL CREAM BREADAL3ANE. HIGHLAND WHISKY. Recommended hy the Medical Faculty as Superior to the best French Brandy. Hundreds of Medical Certificates as to its excellency and purity* Dr. COOK, Bognor* reports "Very much pleased with the Whisk, and slmll hav-j n> hesitation m rt-commeuding it tv my puieuts." DB.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 82 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Wednesdny, 27th. High Water.— lo.s7 a., 10.24 p. m. Full Mo r, 4.51 p. m. P. O. M;ii,e Homewards, XGL Mail Outwards High Water,— ll,4* a,, 11.2 p. Public Holiday. Bini'day Parade, Esplanade, 6.45 a. m. Second Day Races. B.rth Jay Ball, Government House. Friday, 29th,—
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  • 757 3 pHff DAT, lU**»AT, MIT tti rnoe season, whMi <i«u*tiv K-rod by roenj ft* the tnott eaable «ne. at laBt o° m *od« to the Cteric uf the Woatltcr* it hJ yPHtenUy afiernoon under the favoraUc au<*p»ces. Although i •> days I'iai (ho best hit been subject ol complaint,
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  • 152 3 jo situation m AcheeQ is, accord" iog to the Gavernmont paper, un•i*Qged, heavy rains still ooatinuiag •od rendering operations impossible. Batavis, Ma/ I.9lh.— According to tht J*va Bxle, tho operations agaiost Tuoku Oemar will bo renewed on the 25th instant. The enemy is reported to be on
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  • 383 3 HARMSTON'S CONTINUED SUCCESS. ti l A f \?A J UU C IUIU •*«»«iuHy ocou»>,,d. TPhi l««l:* I •Out* ot the 0,0.1 !1t cl nd >I|fac vCwarwot Ibr ,|.ov lilM)tl i^r.d reeut, a ud vo re not merrlj tf ,tu>r ™t| c m,.;my 1D mM\*t th«l th-,<* V jeh,,» h f
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  • 898 3 The Shah of Persia was a«-\ssinat-ed by a B^bi fanaiio. The B.«bi^, or 11 followers of the Bad/ ara a iiiuatic*l Mahomedan sect m Persia that dates from 1843. Their toundar wa» Mini Ali Mahomed, au eu husiast, and their 4 birtli-pUce was 'Shiraz. Mirsa AU Mahomed
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  • 505 3 To- morrow being a public and general holiday m honour of li r Majesty the Queen's Birthday, there will be no issue o( «his paper. The Japanese training ship Kongo left the harbour, eastward bound, at 10.30 thia morning. The Russia o transport Kostroma, from Odessa, arrived
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  • 87 3 I he above T'ucus opened their O<-ant Sbow lnsr ni;»ht at the c»rncr ot Wnk aud River Valley Koah, and wtU cootiour to apea f >' t''Vor;»| vi rhis ;i« will b« 86MO from ihc advertisement Tk**f met with vry tfood r^c©pMons at a lh#
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  • 197 3 I I Although it cannot he o.nd that Singapore i? entirely lacking m amusements, it is neTerthel^s a hum- i drum placH a(l«r .ill. TNose who cater for ibe amusement of ttw pub to visit U9 now »nd a^ain it is true, hut generally
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 The Lions Roar with Rage at ths Triumphant Reception accorded WILLISON S More trtistio ability displayed m oue hoar tiua any other Blusleriug Barnuma cuuid exhibit ia oue week. QUALITY NOT QUANiI TV it our Motto. Perfonnaooes e?ery Erening at 9 p.no, MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATUttDAY, AT 4 MANAGERIAL ADVICE
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    • 573 3 l Cutest BARMSTON'S CIRCUS 1 HARXLSTONVS CIRCUS 1 TWO SHOWS. To-tlay at 4.30. To-night at Wp. m. Tlic Surv.v.i! of th- Fitt«sl." The D amood ot Sut^aDure AmniieuientH, with a fliw. BRILLIANT SUCCESS OF OUR NSW PROGRAMME EVgftt ACT EN ORKI). TUB SLSTriH^ WARR&N TUB SISTERS VVAUUEN. GHEAT RETURN' ARIEL
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    • 594 3 VERY VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD UKiSII i)H& AC The t»ro|H. r ty ni th» late V U. BSuKaAd At Woodleifrh, Her.incrtmi H »,ui f Sa-ardav, 6t\\ J.iuc, 1806, «t m*>d. THK Mdertfg— Jl »r« iiiHtrnrted to sell by auction at W<»«ll<>i^h. Beran. ijoon Road, on Saturday, 6tl» Jive, noon the Valuable Household
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 48 3 Mails will close to-morrow, for Hongkong A Amoy Swatow Horn L«ong 11am CheriboD A Samar&ng, P«nang 1 p v Houakong, 4 Shanghai .and Japan, Pjxrhna, lpm Malacca A Klang Chow Phja, 9pm Penang, and Deli Calypso, 3pm Tringganu and Kelantan, Sri Tringgaoa lpm lia'aeoa aad Linggi H«l«oa lpm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 489 4 Powell4(Jo. SINGAPORE. RNITORH MAN;': ITUBEBS LARGE ttock of II as hold and i i i c Furniture always on huuJ. Orders 0 nb« ex«outed >t the hest de^ci Forttiiuro. Designs and Estimates supplied troe o oiiargo. l'u Chined Wortanei employ '<l at the Orchii rd Road Factory include several skilled
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    • 644 4 HAVE OX MAN!): TTIWIT iiilni^JT~lMMiiTiiriTii WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLSS, Litest Models. OoUson Barrel* Heavy Calibres, each 00 Same ii il to (Take D >vvn) latest out, e»ach 00 RBPEAIING UIFLES, 11 oal (Take Down) eaoli ***** RBPBA i! n SHOTGUN'S, v G, lu^, 30 inch ;,n IJO lach birreia biz Siiot.
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    • 591 4 HUTT .NBACH BROS. &CC X UPPER'S BEER aOP"PAY()NG, n the only beer which received a.nv Award j-t tiie Chicago Exhibition. C H L' 1> li fi [EON SAFES AND LOCK The best m tho world. APOLLITJARI3 WATKR, The queen of table waters, a most thy and refrshiog drink iv tropioa
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