Mid-day Herald, 26 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 14 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER I SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 2S. 1896. [NO. 463
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 343 1 IhTpRYE KIVER DOCK, PENANG. lUttled i a Province a the entrance of trw Ltoly been lengthened Mid ii now of the folluw- Ul blocks... 3iM> feet niraooc 50 -.11 at •ides... 15 .;> tidei I* Shop lias been largely ie fitted with all the nei toi effecting repairs of vessels
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    • 463 1 THE MID-DAY IYXV SINGAPOU.;. The office of publication of the "Mid-day Herald" is at No 19, Malacca Street, late the Daily ADvurtisgr Press." The hour of Publication ie at 2 p. m. daily and at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and $1.25
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    • 260 1 Tabaquerla Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE I RADE. Begs to iuform the public that larvtttod'l of the choicest brands of Cigan nas beeu received by the last Manila Miil from the Utdlßfl factories of Li insular aud La Perla del Oriente
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    • 950 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 UaFFLBs PLACB Wholesale and Ryfc.il Chemists aud Druggists. We have the honour to inform the pubic th-tfroui Jan 22nd the above establish" e nt will b i opened as a Medical Store. Prescriptions accurately made up acc>i\liug to all the rec>" nised Pbarmaeopiw, by Mr. Joffe a
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    • 365 1 (IANTON INSURANCE OFPKJI UMITBD. ■ra«£==^zj igSS Head Ofpich, Hongkong. General Agents MB9BRS. JaHDINB, MatHESON CO THB undersized lvm n g been an pointed Agents tor the above Company tribu^T 8 f 8 aauall J P^d to all cdn holdr B or°not bUBm^ WhetU ba The Bonus for the past five
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  • 494 2 Singapore, Tue sday, May 26. The Policy of Parsimony. In Friday's issue of the "Free Press" appeared a letter dealing m a fairly square }Ul d straightforward manner with this subject. Beini' quite m acco'd with the riewsofthe writer and, perhaps, more ptououueed m oar opiuiuus as our issue oi
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  • 242 2 OUK renders will remember that thoro was a stir just a while back at Johannesberg and thut it was either followed by or preceded the famous "Dr. Jameson Rind." Tlie matter has become histor'oal, though it yet dwells m the minds and hearts ot the people wlio feel
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  • 1729 2 Minutes of Prddeedi*. Municipal Odntfmitsioneri at t>ie ary tftoting on Wednesday May, LBW. PSttIKT. The Fro*»ic!i-m v fl i T. Scl,Bf X. q. Tan Jiak Kirn E»q. M. M»yer I><|. J. P. Jouquim Ixj Iluu'ble T. Shelf ord. tu U Aloses L-q. The Inspector Geaeral u| Colonel Penoelal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 896 2 rHI TANJONO PAQAB Ddo« COMPANY, LIMI Dab. R.iK premises of the Odtnptny aw 1 tuateil ;ti Tanjong Pftgar, aejoialog Town of Singapore. ths Whajpf oXieudil to one mik and qu'trtei and is divided bj theentraooss beOranng Doeksiato three parti 'l'ho «-ht Wbtrf; over one mils m length w.tb from 25
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    • 105 2 JOHN LITTLE Co., Limited. MILLINERY AND drapery department great BTOOK TAKING a Bli Sale From Ist to 31st May. m HARDWARE, LAMPS, GREAT BARGAINS TO CLEAR BTO :v JOHN LITTLE Co. I I M ITE I T A- I t i' Katz Bros. Have *iust received the following iv large
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    • 492 2 Ferguson's i SPECIAL CBKAM BREADALBANE, HIGHLAND WHISKY. t Recommenced hy the Medical Faculty as Supari or to the best French Brandy. Hundreds of Medical Oert;fl^ato.s as to its excellency and purity. Dr. COOK, Ho^nor, repents 'Vpvv muoh pleased wiih the Wliisk. an i >huil have n> hesitation iv lccoiniueudin^ it
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 81 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Tuesday, G;h. High Water, 10.U 9 45 p. Kaoe Meeting, Fi.&t Day. HiiiL Waier 1U..")7 a., 1U.24 p. m. Full Md r, 4." 1 p. m. P« O. M <i s Homewards, N G L Mail Outwards Thursday, 28th High Water, 11,42 a,, 11.2 p. I'uoiic
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  • 1257 3 vv" ao oot olteo hMr of boycotting out here, bat it M c mi Mr. Edito?, triat it i» not quit* uakr.own m tho Native State, Pfcfc^ especially. It must not b« onc-U'i th*t thu iwplie. to the \f < vt N Of m unfortunately it pra* *ed by
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  • 504 3 In spite of num rous counter attraction*, H irmston continues to draw. Ou Saturdry night the pavilion accommodated, not hundred-, but thousands. Li?t ni^ht was no exception, and the artistes *«ct through I heir respective parts wiih ay great, if not greater, ■itlsfaCUOO, W* c^u only i «ffei
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  • 800 3 Two Chinese have been fvund dead 1 v the town during ihe last twj day A drain is being dug from tbe S.CC. 1 avilutn to the sea, whit k this I .i > The Treasury Flag staff is at last undergoing repairs, for a lon* time
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 600 3 HARMSTON'S I GREAT CIRCUS and Royal Menagerie of Pei forming Animals To-xight! To-night!! OUR KIUBT GRAND CHAN iE OF PKOGRAviMU. A FULL UO^lPLfit'E UIiANGK 15 NEW BitiLUANl 1 ACT!*. RenHsmbef W beu we say we change otir ro^m ruj we do so. 'Ib-NiGHT TO NIGHT TO-NIGUI* The Great WAERJOT gltfteda
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    • 563 3 $ti*st 3Miu)ijfi^m*i!f». TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT!! ELITE SKATING RINK 60, ttAFFLKS *L\CH 81N iAPOKH o>eneVtry evening from 8.&) io 12 p. m. Skit's Admtwon |0 5U A i ni^dion .....^0 ;J5 A Myequ^rade Bafl will b« h hf on Whit Tu-sdxv, May 26. A lane* cpu-i 'iimout of Skates for sale
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 45 3 Mails will close Tq-mo««ow for X Pahan?, Pekau Kuuiilau, A TiW K am LailLubgduu, 7 a ai JIMI 7 Deli, Uaa<ljermns»in lpm Poimng, Ce>loa, ludu, Aiutraliaji I„. E Jgpt .tviaT..,, 1 0 Burop«, eto. Ras»j, 4 u, 2p ta I U^ F Dick^^^"« Booa all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 502 4 Powells 00. SINGAPORE. YV KN ITU B B M AN' l' tkO TO RERS A LABGEtiockol Household and Office Furniture always on hand I Orders can be executed ;*>r the best deseriptiou o( Fumiuiro. Designs and Estimates supplied free o ohtxge. Tho Chiuet-o Wuikmei employed at the Orcliatti Road Factory
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    • 460 4 JOSS&</0. HAVE ON HAND WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLES, Litest Models. Octagon Barrels l l.vi vy Ualibret, each ># $40 00 Sttme Rifles to (Take I) >wn) latest out, each $4 r > 00 REPEATING EtIFLBS, 22e.il (Take Dawn) e«oh $2.") 00 RBPBATINQ BHOTGUHS, 12 (1n,;., SO inch ami -20 iacb barrels
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    • 201 4 A. FRANKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. ha 3 now opene 1 his large and commodious Premi es. 375, Victoria Street. HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. It. to 9 P. M. At the above address, yon can see the Largest Stock of Household and Otfice Pa iiiture m the East.
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    • 570 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &CQ KUPPER'S BEER CHOP"PAYONG," 'he only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. OHUBB'S IRON SAFES AND LOCK The best m tho world APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen of table waters, a baosl u<- thy and refrshing drink In tropic*.- countries. $15.00 per case of 100 glass
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