Mid-day Herald, 23 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 16 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER I m n.] SlNUAroillv SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1896. [MO. 462
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 405 1 "pRYE K1VER DOCK, H D ->k. liUftted iu Province 9 ft- outrange of ih 2 hM UtMy been lengtWeoed B iini if now of the followM n S U t,u- I. locks 890 feet S »l cut ntisce. M 9 j jitii of w.iUr *»n till -.it 9 urdiuarj ftpniig
      405 words
    • 485 1 BINGAPOUKi T^a office of publtottloto of the "Midd^ asRiLo*) h it No r.>, 'Malacca, Street, late the D.vIL.* A.i>The )%oiir or Pabli itiou ia at 2 l>. m. <lailv an-i at no m ou S TlM rate of subscription is $1 a mvirth for local and $1.25 for outtsfcitiou tubtpriborm,
      485 words
    • 252 1 Talmqueria Universal. WHOLESALE. IMPORTER OF MANILA' CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bfg3 to inform thft public that n lar.?estoe'< of the choice brands of Cigars Bat i,e»Mi reoiv...| l.y the U-t M.mli Miil from the l«»<Hag factories of L-i l«r.and Li Perk del Dr. erjte which has just
      252 words
    • 483 1 m£#fgAl srcmte; 31 Kafflbs Place Wholesale and Reteii pheiajsts and We bare the honuaq to inform the pub ie t.h t from J. in 22nd tlie above e^UblUh cut will b opened as a Medical More. Pretoriptioftfe a*ttirfttfeY' nade up acor.liu^ to kil ttiis rtfbti nise.i p ,ar, v icopias,
      483 words
    • 409 1 (VVNTON INSURANCE OFFIOti 'aplt.w. Subscribed t&flOfktfO Head Opficb, -Honukonu. General JfgenU Jaudwb, Mathbs;).i4Co 'L^Sfi i l vl having been ap pomte I A^ ltd r o^ above Cora >u£ A lionus i 3 MIIIIU% paid to all oou liOld< r* or not. The Bono, tor tho past fi ye years
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  • 333 2 Singapore, Saturday, May 23. Buffaloes, Etc: Since an accident h;js liap pontd and a man lo^t ijis lifo there seems to be BOtue ma le vviih m view to see what tbd aiiministruiurs ot the Law cao do to pal down vvh.t; hu., iopir been tell to be a danger
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  • 671 2 IX the month of April a boy of ti»:i years of asse was, ia ooiilpany w til auottaor ciiar^od wit'i being id possesiou oi' a saial! quantity of illicit cliaaJu. iui- is not looked upuu an a felonious offence anj tar ishuieut is ii-ie or imprisonment iv
    671 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 414 2 Dcau Sin,-!'.,!,,,,,™,,, ilcn tol(1 J>'i t>r any »L» cial (July, *h., v d avi »»e f..|,J he urchin 1 w vit v ylw wlnt Ihejouxhl no> fo d->, JuZ a.e >l,i..ain..u J wilh Uliy y T inteM-njce iuob U 9 w uli n »bU thf.n In ft* r!iecr*f|<*
      414 words
    • 537 2 SIR, 1 h;*Vi? no vvi.sh fo he ma> annisi, :it t lie same tim<» it i* imp >r f a ii that uo means tti >ul 1 be ne^lecteJ W avert a public diUnity. Cv -I-"-* i* ifl our midst. It, is tru^ it hun/ai* •ome'l an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 954 2 iliX TANJONQ PAQAR DOOK COM I*l NY. LlMll'tfl). Thr ]»reuuHo« of tho Company are futu&beri at Tanj.m^ l*a-ar, adj<»intng iho Town of Singapore The Wharf extends •(> One mi)e aal qu rtei Hud is div (led by the outra»c»»fl o the ravin/ bockninto three paria The West Wnarl; o?er one
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    • 420 2 ROBINSON CO Aro now showing a largo Stock of DINNER HEIS IN BOTALSim POa(^KLAIN. COMPKISINO THK LATBST SiIAPBS, DK.SIU s&, AND COLOURINGS, I'bNiUL "PiRW UUOW^, liO*E AND GOLD. UAUEBSLL AND uOLD, iAKI> l.S^i usi v^O »v.>l BLUE. DttE^DEM GRCiiN AND QOLl), bXU It! Lt u'' ANiJ viOLD, TULlr* A\D <»
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    • 463 2 Ferguson's SPECIAL CKISAM BREADALB.\NE. HIGHLAND WHISKY, Recommenied by the Medical Faculty as Superior to the best French Brandy. Jlundr ds of Me Heal Certificates as to its excel ency and purity. Dr. COOK, Ho^nor, reports V*>ry much pleased with ihe Whisk, and shall h;iv<; n > hesitation i:i n commoudin^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 MEMO: OF rilK WEEK. Ruttirdaj, L 3 il,— Hi^-ii Water, 7 .t 7 31 c. M iiumiuva.iu F«»tivai iLt.i Raya J. k-bu Mining au»! I'adiaj: <\>.. noon, ri. ..e >.i\C v FiiKtiifr^. 2 p m. S l\C. Suil X;. v. Sijtu, Oar. Lodjre St Gkorga Regular, 6. pin Sondav, :4th.—
      90 words

  • 342 3 H Mi. "Hiii y,>o for \«»ui Z ,ii Ul II .vi^ .^jb i'-'^t B 1 ii) i tv« 1> d..a S u-i mat il«« i'./mui .v t Drill tAc ii •hi i. Vui 9 >■• is»iili tVidrii Iy ifi i hit chhiol be brjfou 1 W il( t
    342 words
  • 513 3 I h \u til, t\ H I lv- i t> r of I hrn «MM y- (i <>ii r'lief w rks IB I ,N h W n i'i> v uce> :ar enc^-ds ft I I*- .m 1 1 am d m Ft'(>« 1 1 «M|
    513 words
  • 220 3 mtd 1 "«>H tent hh.l fanv is.r.ied li.ed,tf,rentcv,,t,onthcpro^nMn,n, «ucce«anJ,l lcleJroU(lds( J:; u a llw t °l i(i k^ w ltn v d r.uHi 0 J|lime||d v t lhe paite O»*«eed,ui a*, it l>rlHr •km k j,, w Croi¥d tt fi ot riMi iii« r ou of w
    220 words
  • 1214 3 l i> KfMiiljfia^ to Urnta th*l tiur (<<ii I Jj-tice Ii i' 6ru X n^re I. Tu* ho m ii 1 ,11^ u^ea cx,» c d, and thai ibd »<c"|.i>ni fuUy ilracnrc* ii io v p ii nN t .iv #aad*»W fadjib*. £Nt L -u i!o* is aiumiea
    1,214 words
  • 1288 3 Muivi.iv next (Wuit M »n J iy) being a I'diiic <iiiJ ur-i'di a nii'a), there wnl w n i«.«Uv* of i Im« |i i t >*.r. To*M >rt-«»«? is VV ill »Su lJ.if or t*. uuo T.« «it\ 'v Ii V.alioin Jui fcsiivjl 11 i i xt.y
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 96 3 PURE FRESH MICiK tnny bt- obtaiu«J from t.« t »wifl Mr. l\ II J \UI) \R, YONG LSK SKN r (i&0o f 3 149 150, O .1 li;u], AT MOD&KAl'ti iii «3, Biiigapore, It .\!.tf :••>, I,' i T tlie Ulu'tT-il.^l);- i ;imi f •,••>. 1 st.lr l.ret of ihc
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    • 451 3 Safest To-night! To-xight!! HARMSTONS GRAND CIROUS AND Royal Menagerie of Pc 1 forming Wild Animals 2 BAOWS r o .day at 4p m. 2 8110 ,VS To-day at 4p. m 2 S:lo V^s i4 nd 1' SII AYS Thii Eve ins at 9 sharp. 2 SiiO AS Thia fcv t
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    • 847 3 PALR ok VERY VALUABLK rIOUHEHOLO FUKNII URB Tho Property of the l*t«F. tt, BBiiMARD At WoodU'i^h, Sentn rton lt»il, Saiurdaf, 6th June, 18%, at noon. THK uidersigucd art Instructed to Bell by anc: i<>n ut Wo «l'tM'</li, Berni|. goon Road, on Saturday, 6t<iJane,«| noon t,h.* Valaabli Houiehold Fur u j
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 122 3 Mails will CLo^t no MONDAY. roR Djnmbie. Kian Ann, Hum Ma ttcc^t, v .d Lm^i liclea: lpm iiuu^ku!v, Altidu^u, .5 p iv SHIPPING AR!ti\ r Au\ Ma/ 2l Britiih s,r A liille^. Harvej, fr->iii I L'puoJ, Minsfrni I \ud co. l> Hish .->t (,'ovvrie, L'siisJ^ari, Eroin Hou/lc<*u^, Uoust^ t i
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 506 4 PowclUOo. SINGAPORE. FURNITtfRE MANUFACTURERS k LARGE Hock of Household and Offijr Kurmtutv always on hand Order* Can be r* united to" the best description of Furniture. Designs a>nd Kiitimates »uj4 li hI (r e 0 whar^e. The Cliinere W.»»Hnc rmploy^d at the Orchard R»a I Fictoiy include •everat skilled i^autnet
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    • 698 4 A. FRANKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agre^nhas sow opened his large and commodious Premi cc. 376, Victoria Street. HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. M to 9 P &f. At the above addre**, v m can see the I Arrest Stock <>t [In -uphold and OflSce Furniture ia the East. Bedsteads
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    • 513 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. KUPPER'B a£S^ Chop-PAYONG/' ilm "y beer which received v r av./j the Chicago Exhibi ion CHUBB S IRON BAPKS 4MO LOC^ The best ia ihe w.»i,l APOLLINARI3 CTATJSR. The queen of table W.ilr^ i most chj and refrahin^ driu.; ,a tro nc^ coan^ries. $15.00 percale of 100 4144s
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