Mid-day Herald, 15 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER VOL ll] SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 15. 18%. NO. 455
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 429 1 PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. above Dock, Vitnatert Vn Province Wi 'i etlef, at the entrance of th*3 rer, Ivih lately bee* lengthened i, ;ind i» vow of thefollow--01 Lengtb OB the blocks 330 feet idtb at entrance 50 M tli of irater oa sill at rdinarj spring tides... 15 neap
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    • 472 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD SINGAPORE. The office of publication of the Mid-dat Herald" is at No. 19, Malacca Street, late the Daily Advkrtisrr Press." The hour of Publication is at 2 p, m. daily and at noou on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local aud $1.25
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    • 269 1 Tabaqueria Universal. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. B eos to inform the public that ;i larje stoc^ of the choicest brands* of Cigars has beeu received »«y the la^t Mi nil i M til from the leading factories of Li I Insular aud La Perla del Oriente which has just
      269 words
    • 455 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 RaPfles Place Whoksal« and Retail Chemists and Druggists. Wfl have the honour to inform the pub ie th t from Jan 22nd the above e>tablish!- ent will \y- opened as a Medical Stord. Prescriptions accurately n ade up ace ir. ling to all the recjg nised Piiairnricopias,
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    • 431 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOE LIMITED. I 'apital Subscribed $2,500 (mo AMOUNT PAID UP sooVw RESERVE FUND S^UOU Head Oppicb, Honukong. General Agents Messrs. Jardinb, IVlati*b9os a Co. Thb uadei signed having been ap pointe«l Agents for iho above Ccmpaay are prepared to accept marine risks af currcn rat«^, A BOBDI m
      431 words

  • 369 2 Singapore, Friday, May 15. Mr. Chamberlain and the Transvaal. EVER since Dr. Jarnosou's raid into the Boor country and his defeat, there has been a good drill of speculation as to the piobabilily of some do cisive measures being taken secure to the Uitlauders a voice m tho Govern niout
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  • 375 2 Now that Russia is prepared to net ou the offensive m tho Pacific, great surprise will be eviuced uot only by the authorities, hut by many others, it will not, however, cause air. Mst nishtnent to those who by journalistic efforts have en- ivoureU to keep this
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  • 1966 2 rHUMDiv, iniH April, law Commission of KnQuißy Pktroleum D^pot. «van ,0 notice, I move: ;at this Council r^Bolv CH I r M a nquia.lior, to Hit BxiJn |W Governor, under lhc C'£\> to le pleated to ISS(i »i*| »»».K •^m.aC,,,nrn« W ;on <"'•■ "ed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 910 2 THK TANJONG PAOAH DOCK I 'COMPANY, LIMITK hiH premises of the Company are Bitnatod at Tanjon^ Pavgat-, adjoining ihe Tov?d of Singapore The Wharf extends to O;io Bik and a qu trto» atid i« divided by thfi autonaiaf tothcOraviii}< DoekslfetothrOfl palta Tho West Wharf; ovor one mil<'» M Irflgtb with
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    • 417 2 ROBINSON CO Are now showing a largo Stock of DINN X H H E I 8 IN ttOfALvSBMI POItCELAIN. tMtfrmsiNa thb latbst shai-k.-:, OKSIQNB, AND COLOURINGS. j TAHIB" PENCIL, "PAULS" BKOVVN, HOSE AND GOLD. lIAUEBELL AND GOLD. l'AKi> LXIJI v.S fLOVVN BLUK. CA4iNOl\ t'UiitUE AGOL.D, r'AiS^Y niiD GOLD, AitLUX AiND
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    • 444 2 Ferguson's SPECIAL CREAM BREADALBANE. HIGHLAND WHISKY. Recommended hy the Medicial Faculty as Superior to the best French Brandy. Hundreds of Medical Certificates as to its excellency and purity. Dr. COOK, Bognor, reports Very much pleased with the Whisk, aul shall have no hesitation iv recommending it to my p:itients." Db.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 137 2 MEMO: DFTH 3 i\ EJSK, Friday, lsih,— High Water,— 9 £a, '1 38 p Diahict Grand Lodge ot tie Ear crn Archipelago. Cricket,— S. C. C. lat XI v. B.C. C 2ud XI. Lecture, Anglo Chin se School, 8 p. n Saturday, lGrh,— High Water,— o.4B Cntrics Close Spring Race.
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  • 238 3 {Contributed.) When the Siamese snipg were »iii. nailed on Wednesday afternoon, there *'»s h ru.h for the pior, many ihi,iki.i* that the Kiug would Uul j but after ti ne it w its uoticoi th it the ibi.^ l»id ojHiod steaming iie>ond the h.!rl>o.ir. Mr. Ail
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  • Correspondence.
    • 370 3 *tm to observe ma A.r. Elcuoi, utiooding to be frauk, admiU UaVius Uevnt d from tbo iikberco en Loua»ry \raya of hot diotf the ScJjol infpeciiou aui tbU, I boli-ve, bcwiUse tie rciic-m er» b-iviu,' uakrd fcha boy 9, amou^ utior difficult qu *v n-«,
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    • 299 3 Dear Sir,— Wu v relVrence to Enquirer's qti*fitffi| permit me to siy ha ial, from a l^al point ot' vie.v, an f upl >yer is not j*#t ii d ia wita >oldin,; a Sf rvanl'i inuutnly Wigt hwittii ot a notice *>f £jnn~iiinciu wh.cj has been served upon Inn
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  • 515 3 (IV insisted for the"Pinang Oj*»Ue.") B.tavia, jrdMiy According to the »Je«* Dodo," the 3rd, 6ch aud 12ta bitt^honsand tho ICy»eb*«ieei havo vii m ik*dtr«BliM oi Be. clop. 4.11 Mijr— i'| 10 J iva Bideaonoua-«^-tliii th* rimstoo under Ov*«rstr V.M lieu 2 returned on B;.»ur ay *i. J;'"^,, ifoM
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  • 1327 3 The heU is making itself very much felt m the nii* it, so njch so tii.it sleep m rendered Jifi'j.t ia some quirters. Jipit-'r P.uviud will not be blessed for this, The result of tue inqneet oa the Ciiiiiiiinan who di d iv the cliar^e room ot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 642 3 To-NiaHTl To-night!! ELITE SK/TriNQ RINK 60, UAbVL:«:i t*L%Cfi, 9I^JAPOaS 0 >on eve rr cv 1110^ from $■?> > to 12 p. m. Skats Adtni^ion... $0 si> Ad minion .< 25 Git AND BOXING BXtIIBL riOM, Will take place on the 20 A\ inst., between Shackles and Ltvin m au eight
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    • 311 3 MEDICAL MOTiCK. j)R. V. A. PiLLAY, LM. &S f v can be consulted at nay time, jf?j day or ui^hr, at Haffles Dispensary, 79, North Bridge Hoad. Singapore, 29t,u Murob, 1895. Notice, ill Messrs. Es Chaseflriau Bros. liav«.ij{ R> received fresh hoavy or-Jers for <jry tjuUa (x-cha leave?, want to
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 327 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS May 6 British etr BoagiaUrt, Bcuah fr«n. Ifuar, Wte Bitt Bntidh- tit Sapph ahrtotwrd, froia Klang, Straita Steams tiip Co British str M :Aliatoi OuaU»r, fromMacassir, Wee Bin May 7 British atr Ru^y, D'Oriua, frora Palembiu^, Lim L m aud co German str Sumatra, Casaaoa, froitt Deli, Belm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 SINGAPORE via; >r I (> r q be cci tc 'loci iptioo ol Funn' Batimatet BttppluwJ 'bo The Chi net t W >i the Orch R i \evei kl t-1 I ibinei tun n 11, loliowin|t noticed at j taKt W>* Sm^.poro Fress. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI B \NK. Flw groond
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    • 685 4 A. FIUNKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. i has now openo his large and commodious Pieini es. 375, Victoria Street. I HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. M. to 9 P. ME. At the above address, you cm t*ee the Largest Stock f Household am] Office Fu niture m the Kast.
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    • 614 4 HUTTINBACH BKOS &tv X UPPER'S BEER Chop PAYONG," OIK > r beer which received ttny aWard at tire Utircicgo Exhibition. [RON S.U-'^« A N The bost m the wroi hi. APOLLINARI3 WATJBB Thd (fifeem of table, waters, a most heji city aud refrahiug drink ill rropiosj coimnie?. 5UM>* per case
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