Mid-day Herald, 12 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER ll.] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 12, L 896 NO. 452
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 PRYE RIVER DOCK, PEN ANG. <. I it» tVorinoe m •< of the thened v ol the follow--330 fed >•.. 1* of 1 —ill Jil liii'ii 15 w L a been largel) I with all the ne- ol all I lOi Of l. W ,v tbl« of «i«d i itock
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    • 507 1 THE MID- 1 VY T l Y\j D BINGAPOEK. The offioe of pubUoikion of the "MID-DAT Herald" is at No. 19 a Malacca Street, late tho Daily Ad- KR PIBBB Paßfld The h<»ur of Publication is at "2 p. m. daily and aft noon on Saturdays. The rate ol ittbacription
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    • 235 1 Tabaqiieria Universal, j WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE IRAOE, Bkgs to i:itorm the public that a l;ir_r<? >toe of the choicest brands of Ci^ats has been received by the last H.mils M»il from th« lead m 2 fsictorics of L» nsuiar and La Perl 1
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    • 507 1 MEDI AL STORE, 31 i:.\Fri,K> Place Wholes le and Ret :i Chemists and Di ugyisto. We have the honoar to inform the pnbicth t from Ju» 22nd the above establish ent *HI b opened us a Medical Store. Prescriptions accurately ii ude up ace r mm t all the rec
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    • 433 1 AN TON INSURANCE OPPIOG LIMITED. aPiTAL Subscribed 12,500,0^0 AMOTNT PAID T!> WOt* RMBBTi Find m a h Head Office, Hongkong. Qeneral A^enU HBBBBB. Jahdim:, Matsbson (o Thh nhdet-itgned having been an pointed Agents to,- the above Ucm wuy are prepared to accept marine risk i cnrrou rates, A lionus Is
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  • 329 2 Singapore, Tuesday, May 12. Mr. Cecil Rhodes. THE management of the Chartered South Africa Company is now m a disturbed state and somewhat divided against itself. Owing to cvi dence elicited at the examination of Dr. Jamesou and his officers at Bow Street, Cecil Rhodes has resigned his con nection
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  • 327 2 It is now ktiowQ that m addition to those who wore senteuced to death, fit'ty-uine of the remainder of those implicated m rhe matter have been sentenced to two years' imprisoumeut and a tiue of two thousaud pounds, to which is added banishmeut tor three years. London
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  • 356 2 The Provident Fund Scheme. It was muutioned last week thai while 11 i,. the Governor approved oi' iau scuooie generally, there was oue clause m it that which reiat.ed fo clauses of deceased servctais, which ho could not possibly allow, sines the payment oi money from Municipal Fuuds to tbe
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  • 1405 2 1 notice Mr. ftditor tbal ibe adeonae, oi the Municipal public water 2pp|J ooing questioned, and >our coiS pondeiit-B to nave Keen at some p4UMt»thew Hut tl,. of people de^nJiu* ou Cl4Oa sldl| pipe is more tiun m* tap can apply even k iv.M^ them ouiv iUottl -x i.r
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 902 2 Tin .TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Tub premise* of the Company are aituated ai Tanjong Pagar, adjoiniug the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile aud a quartei and is divided by the outrauces totheGraving Dockeinto three parts. The West Wharf; over one mile m length wrth from
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    • 427 2 ROBINSON CO Are now showing a large Stock of DINK Eli SETS IN ftoYAl* :;fcm porcelain. tioUfMltSlNU THR LATEST SHAPKS, DKBIQNB, A.ND COLOURINO3. "PAHIB" J ENUIL "PARIeS" BKOWN, HOSE AND GOLD. HAREBELL ANi> HOLD, FAi<i^ INUi v.S f'L PtfS BLUB. CAiiNOi, i JiIPLG &a<JoiJ, PAW V AhU UOL L >,
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    • 406 2 Ferguson's SPECIAL CHE AM BREADALBANE. HIGHLAND WHISKY. Recommended by the Medioial Faculty as Superior to the best French Brandy. Hundreds of Meclioal Certifloates as to its excellency and purity. Dr. COOK, Bopjnor, reports Vpry much pleased with the Whisk, and shall have no hesitation iti recuminending it to my p'ttieuts."
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 153 2 MEMO: OF THi: WEEK. Tuesday, 12th.— High Water,— J9.27 a., 10.5 p Lodge Zetland Itaralar, p m WedneacUy, 13th. Higb Water.— llJ a, 131 p. m. P. A O. M v s Homeward*, New Ho r, 2 41 a.m. li. Al. riio Kmg ol dv Tharaday, 14tl;. High Water, jl.Ji
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  • 303 3 LAUNCH OF A NEW P. AND O. STEAMER. The new steamer -India,- or- of s-.-i'a- .=:-.r;~ f.;'-': U>: lar "<«inm y,-U, u ,h Uu«U. 500 1... br^rfUl 5i 7 depth, .5, o.t „,,J r ,l" dutribuiion of powers and amothno oi w,r. lQ g will be ensured by employ. tho
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  • 307 3 Tiie No.tici.anis authoi ities appear to have uc.ed with unwonted promptitude ana v.i^u: m iiealing with tlu Utcftl pilose ut ,iie Aaheen war, which, lite the poor, see.iij lj be evei with us. We may n >p C tli.it Luis euergy on the
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  • 253 3 LI HUNG-CHANG'S MISSION TO MOSCOW. Li Hun^-chang, who is to repreaiiut the Emperor ot China at the coronation at Moscow, is the first Chinese to Attend such a ceremjny at a foreign Cjurt. His mnsiou proves thittua Emperor of Chiuu regards tbe Tsar as au ecjuil. The Vienna correspondent of
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  • 1206 3 One of the $150 appointments ha?, wo li^ar, been given to Mr. J N. Van dei Beck of the G.vernor's Office. A Macao woman named Ung Ah u> v wv- arrested on a. warrant y s'•"•'•V tor se!!i-»r l Hrl oitUl L c Ai H:>lit> Obop .Vf
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  • 573 3 THE STRAITS ASSOCIATION AND THE GOVERNOR. The following lettor, from the Bon. Secretary of the S n^apore Branca ot the Scraits Association, wan sent to G.vernor Sir Ch.irles Mi;c!i li on JS.iiurdviy, the 19 h mstan; To Hi^ Exollency Sir Clnrles Hu h Uulieu liiiehtfll, G. C. M. G G.veruur
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 661 3 clatcsf |b(luci:ti t ieiiteiTti3. To-night f To-night f! ELITE SKfVHNG RiNK, 81N .APO1I&. O >en every eVeuriit^ fiom 8^) Id 12 p. m. Skates Admission $0 5) Alini^i<m K)23 Grind Skating Fancy Dress C^rni val willtak' }!vc d oq Wednesday, X\p 13 h, D«ncin^ to commence at 10 p. m.
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    • 186 3 MEDICAL NOnrE. J)lt. V. A. pTILAY, L If.**, can be Contilltwi at any time day or ni^ht, at Raff^s LXisiHJiwa.v 79, North Bridge Uoad. Singapore, 29th March, 1H95. NoticeMessrs Es Chisaeriau Bros. fcaflOff r. ceived tresh heavy orders for dry tiuUa p.Tel a leavop, want to buy a httget quantity
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 443 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL-. May 5 Pranoh str died nian, Blanc froos Marseilles, M M Dutch str Ban Fo BOOH, Odink. from Ban«bas, Lim Ah Sam. British s r Chelydra, ('as frOfa Boagkwngj Boustead aud co. Biiish str Kia:i A-m M frjsj Djambie, We* Biu British itr RuHd?, PUlett, rro.ix Ba n
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 500 4 Powell ik SINGAPORE. 1 RNITUBK MANUPAOTURBBB i LARGE itock of Hoosehold md IMM i' Kurinuir -tUv.iys an baud )'.ier» cMti >e eX'M'utcd o- the bi^t leaoriplion oi FnruiMir. H uns and bstimatea anpplied !< o nir^e. Tht* Cbinete W..r, me a. 1 -v-d :,t the Urch Road Fci J iv
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    • 661 4 A. FRANKEL, Furnituro Dealer and Commission A^ent. has now opene his larj^o and commodious Fieini es. 375, Victoria Stre«3t. L HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. At Iho a')ovo address, foa c\n see the I/,tr vst Stock f Hoawhold and Office Fn nitnre m the K.ist.
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    • 620 4 HUTTINBACH BROS. CO KUPPER'S BEER CHOF-'PAYONG/ 1 the uol> beer wbieb received tiny award at ib v C n tcago E xhi bh ioa 0 iri v r. B 3 IRON iAFiIS ANi) L.d the best m tbo world APOLLINARI3 WAT£&. Tlie ijacen of table waters. nost lies thy and
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