Mid-day Herald, 9 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER VOL Hi SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1890. [NO. 450
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 378 1 HE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PEN ANG. situated :n Province i\ the entrance of th^ i itely i»«-.'n lengthened i. md i- now of the follow- bit Cks 550 teot Btraoee M mi sill at 1") peap tvU 1^ v eSI ifl been largely I with all the neog repairs i
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    • 471 1 THE MID-DAY HGRA.L B SINGAPORE. The otfice of publication of the "Mid-day Herald 11 is at No. 19, Malacca Street, late the 4< DAILY ADvKli'ilsEU I'KEss." The hour of Publication is at 2 j). ni. daily aud at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for
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    • 238 1 Tabaqiieria Universal. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Btos to inform the public that a lar^estoc'c of the choicest brands of Cigars nas been received bjr the Tast M.mW Mill from the leading factories of La insular and La Perla del Orient? which has just
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    • 450 1 MEDI AL STORE, 31 Raffles Place Wholes ile aud Retail Chemists aud Druggists. We have the honour to inform the pubic th't from Jan 552 nd the above establish;, ent will b opened as a Medical Store. Prescription! accurately trade up ace >rding to all the rec >£ nised Pbmrmacopiat,
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    • 419 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. apital Subscribed $2 500 (HO AMOUNT PAID UP sf^A)Oo Reserve Fund g^ouS Head Office, Hovqkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathwon k Cv> The undersigned having been ;i f pointed Agents for the above Ccmpaut are prepared to accept marine rUka at curreu rates. A Bonus is
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  • 854 2 Singapore, Saturday, May 9. The Water Supply to Coolies. THE question of the private supply of water to coolie lodging- houses and ricksha depots has just heen placed before the public iv a light that teuds to shew that the Muni, cipal Commissioners are acting m a manner that might
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  • 226 2 IT will bo gratifying ka v people of this Colony to learn that our last Colonml 5 tary who wont us Go verm./ the Gold Coast has boen Knighted for his services n, DOOtIOH with thi s-Mi;!", settlement of the Ashaate lair. All who had any
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  • 579 2 The fruit of Anac-nlium if well* knotrn to West Indian*, who v eating it m the fresh make con. serves of IS >»i furioUtf arajs. i'umji fcWtet, it id at Lao tame time v tmii't-nt aucl said v be useful m if dysentery aiui diarrLflSi. ai d
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 906 2 THE TAHJONG PAOAK DOCK COMPANY, LIIfITBD. ThK premises of the Company atv situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one milo IQI H mi titei and is divided by tho entrances lotheOntTing Docks into throe parts. The West Wharf oTer one mil* m length
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    • 113 2 John little Co., Limited. MILLINERY AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENT GREAT STOCK TAKING Cash Sale From Ist to 31st May. A T Cfi A LoO, HARDWARE, LAMPS, IMMENSE REDUCTIONS GREAT BARGAIN'S TO CLEAR STOCK JOHN LITTLE Co. Limited. Mkssks. Katz Bros. Have just received the following m large TABLE KNIVES, DESSERT KNIVES.
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    • 523 2 Ferguson's I SPECIAL CREAM BREADALBANE. j HIGHLAND WHISKY. Recommended by the Medicial Faculty as Superior to the best French Brandy. Hundreds of Medical Certificates as to its excellency and purity. Dr. COOK, Bognor, reports Very much pleased with the Whisk, and shall have no hesitation m recommending it to my
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  • 1143 3 s or< r »ud Us associations, and I'JjLrdn. ties saw the la«t ot him dance. lisstran^ Lut to iravu v*. AH heait banung* jjgaupolataeati are oast to the 1 i nid vso yoU (ha t/oiu^ man ITioily ljJ lttllow We drillk to (t)ii |tt, at.d Uud him to
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  • 442 3 Shir Edvviu Arnold, m the vo'um of autography mhirk lie m a just puolished, tells tue uuiqu* stcy of how, as kj i ii ro\ the Birmingham Grammar School, he was caucd by one ot the boy i?. Tbt olass was engaged on Cicero
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  • Correspondence.
    • 323 3 SIR, -Kindly allow ne tt Ji uic apace to say a few words on ihe ab^ve suwj ct, a paragraph of which, quoted from the ferak Pioneer," aplared M your i»aue ot the 2nd instant. Macao does not nit-an a horse-dog nor does it mean anything,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 516 3 j&atfst jUuqrtwmeitts. The outward P. A O. Paokei K »«d U was signalled at Peiung tl 10 a.m. to-day. Mr. VY.E Mci well tm«bj<»M K lighted, cial i» ROW Sir William Maxwell S rgeant Paduiore has been placed in charge ut Oi«uard K>uJ Police Statiou. We believo Mr, Superintendent B.-ll
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    • 738 3 and n;>Qey miS9ing We d|jobr 6iuce t»i« matter became know.i lispector Q »m and hi« men 11ll llV been t-ry active, but we htva not heard the ir=u.t U their iovfsu^^iyu^ The Unarm, n< O^era -'G.izar.E. r I •■•'P'oduceil to-u.ght at nceptiou it received a» iv first producuon, we d^uot
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    • 93 3 FRENCH BAKERY. 206/209 Orchard Road VARVEY'S YORK HAM, AT 43 CENTS PER lb (CASH) Can be sold per piece of 9 till 12 lbs Singapore, 21st April, 1896/ NOTICE. BHEUMATISMTParaIjaia, Cramps, Spraitis, Ine.ular Circulation uf the Blood, Contracted L raba caused by acrid nt and varioas other illness of similar
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    • 608 3 ltd (siji![|i|i: HORBK BBDDING. gEST Oitronella s^rass will bo delivered f«r |1 50 ca<*h per cart load at purchaser* letiJeocd by MANAGER TEBAN LOUISA E^TAI'K, c/j L»ml>»rri Livery St*b es. Singapore, 9th May, 189tf PARSEE TM2ATRE. The oue VVjnder of the Season. Their Most Oharroiug Fasciua'. iug Opera, eutnled. GHLZARE-NEKY.
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    • 323 3 SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD fruit NITURE &c The Property ot A Kk.shlbr, B q At Hey-Tor, Grange ftoad, Saturday, 9th Atiy, afc L.30 p. m ITie undersigned ire instructed by Keller Ksq to sell by auction, at HiyTor,Orangeß>ad, on Saturday 9th May commencing at 1 30pm. the ?alu%Wo househole furniture*,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 53 3 Mails will close no Monday for Billiton Pontianak, B, W. Soon Noou Kan^k>k, Hecuba, 4 p m Malcca Klang T, Anaon, Neera, 3 p m Poit D. Klang T Annso, Sri Hong Ann Malacca, Bangkalis, Siak A ak»n, PaU 9pm Hoakong, Kut Sang 3 pm. Tringganu and Kelantan, Sri Tringganu
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    • 442 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. May 4 British steamer gri Hon? Ann, R^ zells from Teluk Anson, Wee Hia British str eiik.in Biuc©,fromP 4 k tn, Wee Bin Bnt.sh str SaiD Tor, Cupon, fror tt Kelantaiij Bun Hin Brit.sb str Girnogle, Gasson, frr (m LoudoL. Boustt-ad and C o. British tittm inl Konge^e
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 497 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. I POKMITORB MANUFAOrUMaa A LABGEltockof Household and (Jlti c Furuitur- ilwiys on hand Order* own ba executed the beat dteteriptiofl of Fur»itur«* f Drsi^oi and Intimates Mip|4ie\l I: c o ;har^o. The Chinei-e W-i me <..;>! >yd the Orch: > i li>dd F.tCtaiy iuelndu several nk II
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    • 663 4 A. FRANKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag*ent. has now opene his large and commodious Premi es. 375, Victoria Street. Hours of inspection t 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. At the above address, you cm see the Largest Stook r>| Household and Office Fu niture m the East. I3ed-teads
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    • 604 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO KUPPER'S BEER CHOP-'PAYONG," the only beer which received :in v award ar the Chicugo Exhibiiion. c li v ii \r s IKON S\FES AND LOCH The best io the worl.l APOLLINARIS WAT^.L The queen of table w .iters, a mc-t i^a chy and relishing drink ia r
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