Mid-day Herald, 7 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER lOL IL] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1896. [NO. 448
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 423 1 HE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENA N G D «-U. ilto&ted iv Province M the entrance of tfo re r, •<- lately been lengthened md ii now of thefollowua th.» blockf 330 tort entrance 50 th <>l water on sill at du y ipring t ido-... 1•» h do. ueap tides
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    • 464 1 THEMID-DA.T SBKALD BINQAPOBB. The office of publication of the Mid-d\y Herald is at No. 19, Malacca Street, late the Daily Advkktiser Press." The hour of Publication is at 2 p. m. daily and at noon on Siturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and $1.25 for
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    • 227 1 Tabaqucria Universal. I WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. BKG3to inform public tbat a Ur^estook of the choicest brands of Cigars nas been received hy the last M.nila Mail from the leading factories of Li Z V Perhl del Onente wwe»h 'c» has just been unpacked and are offered tor sale
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    • 456 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 Rafflks Place Wholes ile and Retail Ohemists and We havo the honour to inform the pub ie th t from J. m 22nd the above establish-, ent will b > opened as a Medical Store. Preeorip loni accurately a ade up acc^lim; to all tlie reow vised
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    • 388 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. «««»S3^izzJ SgJigS Head Opficb, Hovgkomq. General Agents Dlibsrs. Jardixk, Mathk^on Cd Thk imdersi-.ied baying been ap pointea Agente tor ho above CcmpaS are prepared to accept marine risks at curren rates. trLll ***** alnimi]l >' P*^»Oall00D tnbu.rsot bntiimt, wuother share holder* or m>t. The Booai for
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  • 493 2 Singapore, Thursday, May 7. The Famine in Tonquin. IT is always distressing to learn of one of these dreadful visitatious known as famines. Fortunately, except to those m the immediate neighbourhood of the stricken region, only a theoretical acquaintance with the horrors of famine is obtained. On the other hand,
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  • 253 2 THE forces engaged ou the expedition to protect the Egyptian frontier have had a brash with the Dervishes who were repulsed. This goes to shew that the Arabs are not disposed to permit the Egyptians to reach their objective without trouble. The passage of arms just now
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  • 2242 2 Abstract of the proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordi. nary Matting hel y^sterilay. Prf^f.nt. The Presideut. A\<x, Gentle Esq T. Shelford, E a, CM G T. Sohtt, E-q Tan Jiak Kirn E g J. P. Jouquim Esq M. Meyer E-q. A. C. Muses Eg. Absknt. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 898 2 HE TAN.IONG PAGA.R DOCK I oMI'AN V, LIMITKS. Tp.k preniim of the Coiupauy are ituated ai Taujonfl; Pagar, adjoining te Town of Singapor >. rhfl Wharf extetldi to ouo mile and qmitei ftnd is«livided by the eiilrauo<* j otheGrttviug rKwki into lnrot pnrti The L Vest Wlnu t over one
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    • 110 2 JOHN LITTLE Co., Limited. MILLINERY AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENT GREAT STOCK TAKING Cash Sale WILL BE HKLD From Ist to 31st May. A \7 I JOHN LITTLE Co. Katz Bros. Have just received the following m large varieties PEN KNIVES, POCKET KNIVES, scisso&a, RAZOBS, TABLE KNIVES, DESSERT KNIVES. TABLE FORKS, DESSERT
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    • 199 2 Notice. Mt«flrs. Ks Chtih>fii:iu Bro*. having r» cn^fd ire>h heavy ordtfri l dry tutta pcrcba leavt>\ want to buy a larger quantity <>( the feame up to 1,009 iculs per m:)i»th.) Apply to C. FAYRE Co. Smgapoie, lOih April, 18 J6* NOTICE. RHEUMATISM, Paralysis, Cramp?, Sprains, Irie ular Circulation uf
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 105 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Thursday, 7th Hi«h Wato-,— 7. -5 a,, 7.?9 p. Legislative Council, 2, Op. m, Fcotbill,— S. C. C. v. R. B. Philharmonic Choral Concert. Friday, Bth,— High Water,— 7 21 a, 8.8 p Cricket,—^. C. C, V, Fusiliers 4 p inj Saturday, 9th, High Water,"— 8
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  • 558 3 BOX IN G EXHIBITION AND INDIAN CLUB SWINGING. List nivjht, at the Skating Rink, there was a very large and eutuosiastic gathering to MfttaeM the above exbibitiou. Th« proceedings ot the evening, whicu wjre enliven jJ by tn* excellent Santa Cecilia's Bind, were very much admired, aud the- utuust eutbu^iasin
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  • 1622 3 m^"' f rr *l>;'em™t s have yet been PMki to fill up the vucum pet ol Buil.hu^ Inspector. M.Budwyn Senior U transferred froyi the Slau^Utci House sU tf to UMll o -he .YUriceU. r,, til th, Vacancy uauaodbytlie death of tl* late Mar KU Inspector (Jotter. B.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 33 3 PURE FRESH MILK may be obtained from the following depots Mr. P. II GMJinRPS, lt>0& 161, Middle Road, YONG LEB SENG Go's, 149 150, Orchard Road, AT MODERATE PRICKS, Singapore, 4th March, lbDti,
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    • 420 3 latest J^du^fi^ateutfi. En Route to the Woxd tous Isles WILLISONS GREAT WORLD CIRCUS AND f RAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION OF THE WORLD'S DJtt asTlC PETS Tie NoVelty Sh *w of tho 1-Jth Centuiy. Ab^olutoly iht; Best and Bri kN«t| Bqut-s riau Enterprise that ever VISITED THE EAST. EXHIBITING AT SINGAPORE, J
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    • 326 3 BALK OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FIR NITURE Ac, The Property of A K^a.s^r.Kft, X At riey-Tor, Grange H >;id, Saturday, 9fch Afay, at i.tf p. m The undersigned .tre instructed by A Kestfler Esq to sell by auction, at H wTor,GrangeßMd,)Q Saturday 9tii Mm com'uwnciu^ at Jk Wpmj.. the v.vl.it! househole
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 41 3 Mails will close to-morrow, for Cheribon A Samarang, Pan&ng 2 p'ra Malacca, Uorbraugh, 2 p tv Penang and Deli Hebe, 3pm Malacca, Klang and T Auaon Hye Leong, 3pm Malacca, P. D. Klang, Hong Wan, 3pm bngkok, Cerberus, 4 p vi
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    • 421 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL*. May 4 British str Ping Suey, Davies from Honekong, Borneo Co Dutch str Sri Pe_rata,n. Craig, rronv B,jerm Li^aiu, a L T »y British str Calypso, Lowry, tVoir from Deli. Mansfield. Brltiab str Kirkdale, S uherlan -I trom 110 110, BoiMteaU and no Dut;h str Siak, Van Rhre,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 440 4 SINGAPORE. FURS TOaB MAXUFiOTOBBBS A I.ABGE «tock ol Hooneliold and v nii <.- I'm tut tit :i vv iys «'n bai 1 ,r- can l>ti < j x outcd lor tfcc betl Mjriution of Furuituro. i) i. m^ anil tidtimaiet supplic I(• o h ir-«-. The Chinee Worl me y
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    • 636 4 A. FRANKEL, Furnituvo Dealer and ComUii^ion A.cron f lia3 now openc his largo and pomtnotlioas Pieini sf, 375. Victoria Street. HOURS OF INSPECTION: 7 A. If. to 0 P. M. A.t the above n\ l r»^, jou caa sea the. f*r*eBt Stock f Soa^ehold and Office Fn nitnre m t!ie
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    • 607 4 HUTTcNBACH BROS. CO K UPPER'S BEER Chop p;,YONG," *h< only bfedr wrliicb tecei^ed miy award at the Chicago Ex!til>i: ion. oii V B i> a [RON S kFBS AX D LOCrf Tllo host ii) the r .»i-i APOLLIIs T ARI3 WAT.: I. Tin (Jii i n t)l table w iters,
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