Mid-day Herald, 5 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER FD 2345 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1896 [NO, 446
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 383 1 PRYE KIVER DOCK, PENANG. c P .k. ftituated \m Province t the entrance of kin Ately been lentrtheued vow of the follow- i: the blocks 3iV) Feel ::ti anee 50 m sill at ring ti«l< l« r > ip tidei Li m Shop hai been largely •ml i^ ftttl I
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    • 474 1 THE MID-DAY II ]ll VLD SINGAPORE. The office of publication of the "Mid-day Herald" is M No. 19, Malacca Street, late the v Daily AdvhiKTisKH IJHESS."1 J HESS." The hoar of Pablication is at 2 p. m. daily aud at uoon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a
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    • 259 1 tabaqiioria Universal. I 8, RAFFLES PLACE. I WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. a Bb:Qsi iuform the public that a lar^e stoe'e of the choicest brands of Cigars nas been received t»y the last Manila Miil from the leading factories of Lt insular and La
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    • 453 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 Raffles Place Wholesale and Retui! Ctieinists and Dru grists. WE have the honour to inform the pubic th-.t from Jan 22nd the above establishment will b 1 opeacd as a Medical Store. Prescriptions accurately made up according to all the recjg nised Phaimacopias, by Mr. J)ffo a
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    • 394 1 (UNTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. «SSSSS head offich, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jahdixk, Mathks^x 4 Co. THK undorsi-ned haviag been ap pointed Agents tor the abo 7« Company A bonus is annually paid ro all ooa tnbutorsoi business, whether share holderu or not. The Bonus for the past tive y ear
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  • 289 2 Singapore, Tuesday, May 5. Li Hung Chang. THIS Chinese nobleman is the lion of tho season m Europe. Tho honour .vill bo shared by Marshall Yamagata as soon as he makea his appearance m Europe. That there will be a great deal of tho usual kowtowing gono through with tho
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  • 238 2 THE world has agaiu been startled by a royal murder The last was that ot Aiexan der 11, the Czar ot Russia, now the bhah of Persia has fallen a victim. It is said to have been the work of a fanatic. The Shah
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  • 105 2 It is now reported that m tha trial of Dr. Jameson and his Officers evidence is forthcoming which seriously implicates the Chartered Company. From this it may be iut'erred that the denials of the responsible manager ot the Company are not true. It does more; it involves Mr.
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  • 263 2 From the accounts received from time to tiino of the operations carried on agaioat the Achinese by the Dutch, tho latter do not seem to bo at all seruro. For many years (here has been carried on what may bo termed an outpost war. The Achineae will uot allow
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  • 1419 2 Thursday, 9th April, Present: Hi* Excellency the (i vernor ,< Charles Butlen Gii ;h Mitchell v.c.m. The Hm'ole the Colonttl SeciHarf (J. A. S.vctteuh;»m, C m G (W. ri. LiJlycr). tJ^S Hao'bletb.CoUialTi The liou'oie tue AoditocQcatnl (11. TroUcr). The Hon'Dif A. Huttenl'ucli. The
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 899 2 fUi TANJONG PAGAU DOCK I COiMPAMY,.Lnni'EI). Till preraisefl of tho Company aro eituateii at Tanjon^ Pa^ar, adjoining tho Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile .n»(i a qu.trtoi and lediTided I>\ Iheentraaoei toLheGravin«( Dookaiato three parta L'he West Wharf; ovor one mile m kngih with from 2") to
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    • 426 2 ROBINSON CO Aro now showing a largo Stork of DINK E R s E r l S IS ROYAL SEMI TOiU'KL.UN. oonpnjmro tub lathi BHArci, DUlQiie, AND OOLOVtUNM. "PARIS 1 PBNOIL "PARIS 11 lUIOWN, UOSli AND GOLD. UAftEBEbL AN!) IiOLD, TAKI> IN Dl VN L iiOiVN BLUE. CAKNOL 1 fU*tt'LE
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    • 276 2 MEDICAL NOTICE. I) It. V. A. PILLAY. LM. fc&, can .be consulted at :my tune, dar or nitrht, at R^ffl^ Dispensary, 7y, N>ttli Bridge Road. Shim:, pure, 29tb M .rcb, 18iJ5. Notice. Meiers. Es Chasseriau Bros, having received iresli hoavy orders fur dry gutta pereha leavot, wain to buy a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 95 2 MEMO: OF Till: WEttK. High Water, ;'.io a.. 4 3 p. 11. M. Mail Homewards Hi.h Water 4-.:>'» a., 616 p. m. Mnnicipal CommissioD, 2. t» p m Church Work Asßom tion, 4pm Paper Chase 5.i5 p m Hi^h" Wutv r,— a,. t.Z'JJf Legislative Council, 2, U p. m, Philhariuuiiic
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  • 1450 3 It it reported that the Sultan of Pahang is ill. Yesterday was the G3rl anniversary of the binhdiy ot u k Uts Buhop Gasuier. The Philhamvm'c S cicty give a concert m the lo«u tint on Thursday next, 7th iustant. Three Caret wvre on the Senior Magistrate
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  • 270 3 The "Al-idras Mail" has the following We learn from Simla that it has beon decided that all officers whose salaries arj* fixed and regulated by Statute should be diiquilified from receiving exchange cornp^n^arioa allowance. Our correspondi-nt telegraphs Tliia presuniilv mclud.s G ivcriior?, Lieutenant Cj v r:i »rs,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 244 3 SR,— Ue Municipal Commissioners have lor lon, tlme betfn aiix ous to improve the .sanitation of the town and suburbs, aud to this .end employ a staff under the Health Officer wuos. uiuy it s to remove public nuiiunc s "I any cost To a great extent they
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    • 566 3 Si R Will you permit me m the interests of lair play, about which Britishers tulle so much, to say a few words about the man who forms the subject of this letter. Ido not suppose that all his official acts while b« occupied a icat iv Council
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 litest %tosiitmttte, PARSEE TH£ATi<£. Urund Comedietta O,>era. The N. E. Thoatricil C>. of Btmbkft Will play to-night Their moat appreciated and popular Comedietta Opera, en.itled. BOSTUN E BULBUL. With more New Sjeues and Brilliant Dresses. For further part culirs see baad-biils. Singapore. s<h May. 18^6*. To- night I To-night!! ELITE
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    • 335 3 SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE &c, The Property o f A, K«^f,tfß, fi<q. At Hey-Tor, Oran^,. R«>ad, Saturday, 9th Miy, at l.3Cp. m. The nndersignol iro instructed by A. Kessltt Lscj to sell by auction, at H iv--1 or, Grange Rjad, n Saturday Jth Mtv commencing at 1 30pm., the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 372 3 > a. i Mails will close, to-morrow. FOR Bangkok, Meduna, 11 a n»" B»tu Pahaf, Ain X Ann 1 pm 2 1OC P Diokeon A Klan^ Bo S»n 11. "ttsL p i P Dic r n Kiang a Manila, Elcuuo 3pm SHIPPING ARRIVAL! British steamer Kon^ee Olaen, from Macassar, Soon
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 480 4 Powell toSINGAPOrt*. FURNMTURE MANUFACTURERS 4 LARGE U(»ck of Household and Office Furniture ;il ways on haud. Orders can be executed lor the best description oi Furniture. Desi 3 ns and Estimates supplied In o rharge. The Chinese Work me 1 employed at the Orchar<l Road F ctory include Severn! pkilled
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    • 679 4 Joss Co. HAVE ON HAND WINCHESTER RBPEATINO RtFLSS, Latest XtoJel,. O.tagon J Td' rels Heavy Calibre?, each *4000 f.*"e Hifles to (Take D.wii) latest oot, each 44-, no E^? G KIFLES cal (Take Down) each fls 00 REPEATING BHOTOim 12 o.^ 30 iuch an d 20 U* tamfa^ tr Six
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    • 593 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &G0 KUPPERS BEER CHOP"PAYONG," the only beer vviiicb received ttny award at the Chicago Exhibition. OaUBB'B [RON SAFES AND LOCPt The best m the world, APOLLINARIS WATER. The qiieen of table waters, a most he* r thy and refrtaing drink m tropics countries. $15.00 per case of 100
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