Mid-day Herald, 4 May 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER VOL ll.] SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1896 [NO. 445
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 405 1 IE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. d Dock, sitnated \m. Province esleT, at the entrance of tlw River, Las lately heea lengthened 1, and is now of thefollow- i us Dgth on the bloeki 590 feel I at entrance 50 pth ol water on sill vi uarj spring tides..* 1* do.
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    • 450 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD SINGAPORE. The office of publication of the "Mid-day Herald" is at No. 19, Malacca Street, late the Daily ADvkktiser Press." The hour of Publication is at 2 I>. m. daily and at noon on Saturdays. Tho rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and $1.25
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    • 259 1 Tabaqneria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Begs to iuform the public that a large stock of the choicest brands of Clean InLIT Tr°o l 7 th 6 laSt Minila Mlil horn the le^ iu g Stories of L-i »or «J
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    • 452 1 MEDICAL STORE, 31 Raffles Place Wholesale and Retail Oheinista and Druggists. WE have the honour to inform the pubic th t from Jau 22nd the above establishn eat will b i ope*ed as a Medical Store. Prescrip:ions accurately made up according to all the rec >" nised Pharmaoopiiis, by Mr.
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    • 354 1 (JANTON INBUBANCB OFFICE LDUTED. Subscribed $o son rjpn amount paid up... V Reserve Fv^ZZ f s^oSS Head Office, llonokoxg. General Agouts Mkssrs. Jardixk, Mathwos* Co. n mlerBL ne<l bafing been an Pointed Agea M tor the above CfemUur are prepare.l to aeoept .narine J curren rates, A Bonus is annually
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  • 329 2 Singapore, Monday, May 4. Captain Loth aire. IT will not yet bave faded from the memory of our readers that last year the civilised world was shocked by the announcement that Mr. Stokes had without the benefit of judge or jury been hanged in the Congo region hy tho arbitrary
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  • 135 2 BUT the other day tho French cabinet resigned, pro bumably over the Madagascar affair, which has not yet been settled to the satisfaction of the French people. Another cabintt h;is been formed but as soon at it got into office it was decided not to vote funds
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  • 151 2 Notwithstanding Sir Chamberlain's expressed opinion that except m a serious crisis, regular troops should uct opera:o to quell native risings, General Carringtou has left Gibraltar ior the Cape to take command oit the. forces af/airist tne iVlaTaboles. It would seem iheu that tbi* rising i< conbidored sutliciently serious
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  • 316 2 The Orange Free Sta te. It would seem that the Beer Parliament are not disposed to bo idle while Mr. Cham' erlain and President Kruger arc exchanging views m the form of despatches. Come what may the Boer is determined to be ready, and with this object m view ho
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  • 1211 2 A very intefftttiog and aom vvh|> pleasant tune ,o n *as p- rfor^d r Saturday er.nin. at thy Bj lu&uiuie. liie occasion Va c livenng of a hrewll ad in-* to Da B.air who is aixul lo leave f r Euoi* and to sever hid
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 877 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK I COMPANY, LIMITED. Tub premises of the Company aro situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to ono mile and a quartet and i.s divided by the oiitrauoes loUieUravingDocksinto three parts. Tho West Whart; over one mile m length with from
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    • 120 2 JOHN LITTLE Co., Limited. MILLINERY AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENT t GREAT )K TAKING Cash Sale WILL BE HELD From Ist to 31st May. A L>U, HARDWARE, LAMPS, GREAT BARGAINS TO CLEAR STOCK JOHN LITTLE A Co. Limited. Katz Bros. Have just received the following m large varieties PEN KNIVES, POCKET KNIVES,
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    • 278 2 MEDICAL NOTICE. f)R. V. A. PILLAY. L M ft fir, can be consu.ted at any lime, day or niyht, at Ruflet Dispensary, 79, North Bridge Road, Singapore, 2iJlh March, ISUS. Notice. Messrs. Es Chrtsj-eriau Bro 3 luwiug received tresh heavy orders for dry gutta pt-rci'a leavo?, want to buy a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 72 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Eligii Water,— l;. 13 350 p. Mo i), Labi Quarter, 10.20 a.m. Philharmonic Oiv eetr ,8.30 p. :u Emulation ge, 6«i>o p, m. Tvetday, .*)tl'. High Water,~-H.16 a., 4 3 p. M. M. Mvii OaUraraa, W» (husdny, 6th. Hi_h Water 4.:. a 0 16 ]> m.
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  • 1369 3 Tue following are extracted fro-n the above annual report by Mr. Elcum whioh appears m last Friday's Goveimuent Gciaetle The revenue collected by this D»parlment Cuusis>ts of fees from papili attending the Qovernmeut English Schools, nod receipts from the sale of hooks. The amounts collected iv
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  • 940 3 The outwird M. M. Packet Ualedo Bion left Colombo at 10 on the »Oth ult. Tho Qieen ha* iastUuted a new order u» Kugblbood to Iw called tke Koyul Victorian Oder. Inan^ r» Paling is said to contain era m payable quantities but the great drawback sj
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  • 185 3 (Translated for the "Pinang G..z;tte.") Batavia, April i 5 —A Ulegram to the "J^va Bode" says that an ultimatum was sent to Turns v Oemar, allowing him 24 hours time to submit, and should he fail to do so, the kainpon^ will be Loinbard'd and tr >ops will
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  • 389 3 The **insi le'' history ol the Jatnesou episode is still for most of us a sealed book (says the "Cap.- Tim >*), but we are continually coming across little scraps ol evideuoe. For example Mr, J. C. B )Jensteii), tielJ.cornet of the Krugersdorp
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 651 3 I -j 3^ate»t J^duciitificmeiTtfj-To-night! To-NwHt!l ELITE SKATING RINK, 30, RAFFLKS PLACfc), SIN ,APORB. Open every afte:no»n at T> n. m aud every evening hoa 8 U) li p. m. A Boxiitg ooiapetition wil tako place for thf Uha'Upi unship n VV «(Ines day, th<» 6th of Mty, between C. Wor<*an
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    • 213 3 MUNICIPAL NOli(;E. Tii Municipal (J.jinmiwoncr-of BiSgaporc require iho jervicos ola Corn,: v Bu.ldio^ (nsp f-ctor. salar/ ifered is from $125 to #170 per tn fn aocordiog to „i with per iu-ai«fn transport il, lovfau m addiioo. Api <mtd mnU possess tba f</!>*. in^ (|>ir->iiicatti>i]s. l«t. A practical kn >wl,^.. f7f
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 434 3 shipping arrival^. April l>6 British Btr Bar,wo t Saitb tf»« Labuiiu, Low and ©o. British Btr Kau G«ar>' liitishstr Hiu Wit. So,i, D«i Aizj Train Pontiamk, Om B*og Britiali stea.uor Priiitt, J^kiOn from Amoy, W Maustteli, and Co British itr Shanghai, Cowi,, f JWIu HoiigWotig, P and O co April
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 500 4 Powell &j;o. v. SINGAPORE. iTCRKiTUaB MAXTF.VOTU UEUS A LARGE stuck of Household and Offioc Faruitur.' always on hand Orders c;m be executed tGr the best desoriptiou of Furniture. D->ijis and Estimates auppliod fr c o h.ir^rt. The Chinese rkme •*iiij» yd at the Orchard Road Fu:; •> y iu< ludd
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    • 543 4 Jossdt Co. HAVE ON HAND -i n i nr i l^i si t l WINCHESTER RBPEATISG RrFL^S, Lvest Models. O 3 ta on Barrels Heavy Calibres, each $40 00 Same Rifles to (Take D >wn) latest out, each $45 00 KEPEAUNG RIFLBS, 22 cal (Take D >wn) each ho 00
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    • 199 4 A. FRANKEL, Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. has now opene i his large and commodious Fremi es. 375, Victoria Street. HOURS* OF INSPECTION: 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. At the above address, you can aeo> tho Largest Stock of Household and Office Fu niture m the East. Be
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    • 582 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. CO KUPPER'S BEER CIIOP"PAYONG," Ul« orily beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition, CHUB B d IRON SAFEB AND LOCtf The best iv the vr^rUl, APOLLINARIS WATER. The queen of table Waters, a Bloat Ueai thy and rafrahing driuk m trdpUii countries. $15.00 per case of
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