Mid-day Herald, 25 March 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 14 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER f SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCU 25, 18% [x\O. 414
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 RYE KIVER DOCK. Prorinc )..< I Ol 1 n Lengthened i,. w the follow bl cks I feet 60 Bill ;it 1 5 le« 1 all the ne- ;ill ,1 Lo Ol D I 1 I «i war* Mount 1 ibing, l*i descri] s oi well d hand. to itsell
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    • 400 1 Au Bon Marchs, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Bailors, Outfitters and Genera] Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Cuaiin_<. Prows ring*, Funoy Tweed*, Cheviot*, tennis Flannels aud lji:icii I ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS 1> tots, 8hoe«, II its. Hosiery, Shifts Towels, Ru, f s [Imbrellas, Walking Sticks, v!»cc. LADIES'
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    • 374 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, BAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. Bi-:G3to inform the public that n Urre*toc'< of the chi)io"<t brand* <>f Ci j:ir«< ntif been received 'v the last Mmili Miil from the lt j :i<)inj: f»ctorw»fl o<' Lv Insular and La Perh del Ortente which basjnst been nnpaeketl
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    • 178 1 BRITISH IXDfA STEAM NAVIOA TIOX CO., LIMITED. TOPE9ANG, RANGO >N, AND OALCUTTA QNE of tin- Company T i Steamers i intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every Week. Paasengen and Cargo ar« booked b\ tho above steamers "at through rates to all ports m India and Oeylon, also to Kast
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    • 497 1 MEDIOAX STORE, Bl ItAFPi.Ks Place Wholesale and R t :i Chemists and J) ugg^'sts. WB hare the honour to inform the pub ie th^t from J.«u 2*> n d the above c tab'Ubi! ent vill b o;>.'ue<l as a Medical Store. Prescrip'io.lB accurately > ade up ace t. ling to
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    • 435 1 (IANTON INSURANCE OPFJ LIMITED. Capital Subscribed |2,500(X0 AM'H NT PAID DP S i HEAD OFPICB, HOS .vn\ General A jeni i Mkssiis. JARDIXK, VtATHBSOai >v CO. Th« audersi^ued having i> e <Mi an poiuteil Ageuta 1.,, th« above Ccm way are prepared to accept marine i earren rates. A Bonns
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  • 185 2 SINGAIOKF, Wj'DNKSDAY, IfABCB 25. According to latest reports the Italiau Chamber has voted money for the operations m Abyssinia. From this it may bo concluded that the ministry have quieted down the mobs who clamoured for tho recall of tho Italiau troops and the abandonment .of Er
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  • 318 2 ri tit: elaborately detailed aii- liU-ii. report ot Ltiis insticulion just issued by Mr. Nod Trotter is exceedingly interesting from several points of view. O.i<^ satisfactory L'eature m it is its indisputable frankness io deal- iog with the administration oL" j tun department. It is clearly
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  • 350 2 Th writer ol I Jourch news m Straits fiines," lor lack ol > -i.ia.iir-- aipiQ iuteiestiqg. "rinds fault ujtu ruild amuse!:i* tits on Suuday. It is sur ■ii^iicv tar aggression will carry sotna people. Dariug all centuries tliat passed from I te time 01 Christ till tliu
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  • 1243 2 AtßoWStrc.t-.yr™^,,, oC.i The offiaiVa at B>w Street P i Court bad been ioforoHd thJ ti.n,,W,.rin ,ha Jay Dr. J an the officers of bwcxpcdiii,,, conveyed Ihcre, m»J c v against Uiem »t th« m. ,K Public Protecutoi. W ur the of rim etutrgc ,v, niM-.lier «tmi| mu.natod
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 473 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, MESS-CATBBBRB, AND OTHERS. JOHN LITTLE Co., Limited, Beg bo announce that, owing: to the present Pavoarabl rat<? ot exchange, a r i (action will be m:i<l i m the prices of PROVISIONS A OILMAN'B STORES Prom after Ist March A revki si Price List wil shortly
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    • 488 2 TV. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLEBALE ft RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BOM^L) ttfOttE, Xo. id. ;:i r>ur pa^roii^ an i the public that all oj- 1^ a«*e impor. I■' <ii ii] Di#trlier^ Brewers. <Sc;., and that w-. .ire the d»le A t* I ii r \>L-il known finn?, which enables
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    • 232 2 Gh K. L'AiißttfiT (Jo., PHOTOGU\PHBRS By SurcUl uppuiniuient to fl. M. the Lviu^ ot ttiam and fl. 11. tlie J.hure. Bosiueta II -^ma: Vu week day^ 7.30 a.in —5 p.m. Ou Sundays 7.30 a. m. —uton. Speciality Platinotypos. Kv.mv style of PORTRAITURE LANDSCAPES. ENLARGEMENTS from even the J most faded
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 106 2 MENU): OF THB WEEK. Wednesday, 25th Annnnciatiou Day. Muuicipal Coramiasion, '2. fl p ra G'h",—Mrs. Uauitniuir'j) Piize, .>.•:> »v 3.V.A iuu i drill. 'j.Vj pin Thnrpday, •_>(>»1» Hich Water,—7. 7a. '.'.l il'u Ui n, Siu^a>; o.e Golf s.V a. •> 1 n. Dr 1. 5J5 i m Philhan p m
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  • 545 3 IV g extracts are taken i the Report of the Working of Barkruptcy Ordinance ltfsB," < *r 1 S^s, ial A*iga« (Mr. T. H. X V ict«d v Atiornry-General ill* Ist January to the 13ih Mr. J. 0. AuthonUz acted b Official A-i^nee troin the Ist
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  • Correspondence.
    • 189 3 the I V V v lCn y° U j ™wed the claun ot Mr. Noel Trotter lor tho Postmaster Generalship ia the column, ot your paper, you bit the nail on the right spot, and remitted the pu'.lic ffood serv.ee. Prom In* annual report, recently pubu>h,d,
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  • 258 3 SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. J. R. CHOPARD. We rtgnt to leara of the sudden death, brought übout by heart disease, of Mr. J. R. Uhopard, yesterday aftoruoon. The deceased" was aooat 32 >ears of a^e and worked wit his father, Mr. H. D. UaoparJ, the wellknowu estate agent. The inelauch
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  • 370 3 The case against Mr. llcK«nito, the manager of the Singapix.- Dispensary, was concluded ptrtenlajr. Ue deteniaut being discharged ami tlie morphia seized, forfeited. Tih iv was a good deal of expert evidence taken, and it went to shew that the .snU* o t morphia, unless under Vt«ry
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  • 658 3 Our Kaudom Notes reached this ofhe* at uoon to day, ani i are therefore too late for publication i v this issue. Ab will be seen from the advertisement, the Skating R.ulc will m future be open till midnight. The bereaved family of the late French Consul,
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  • 153 3 L^st ni^;<i llx Kiial 1».:k ..t the O c U)!ie handic;i;> liij.h off, tue «>m pft;t»rs Olmu^ .\h'— rs. Baaatfuiti, L. C. Ij^uuh and K. 11 L%Tlll| all ulnftill tr<xii BCftllCft. On tile >ijii^i iv bo v tf, L.tvuz u-hed alieud, closely toliowed by L :a >!i
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  • 139 3 S;iys the Perak Pioneer Sir W. lionser, Chiet Justice of CeyJ«.«u, uii'i lately of the Bicttitl »a^ettleiiieiitt«, ha* invented look: uew oalhs we are lutonu.d. FilM .J}>(kmm lob- sad inst met* «>t cvi! a < >• i o<»miptinK threat faith m thin genii :>i\ >"> an I should never have
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 288 3 Sated J^uwtiscmcnte. To-night! T o-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, X, RAFFLES i'LACE. SINGAPORE. Afternoon Session from 5 to 7 p. m Pricks. Skates and Admission 50 cts. Admission 25 Evening Session from 8.30 to 12 p. m. Skates Admission $1.00 Ad m ission $0. 50 The Santa Cecilia's Baud will be
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    • 477 3 Joss Co. HAVE ON HAND WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLES, Latest MoJ^ls. O^ta^on Barrels Heavy Calibre?, each 140 01) Smtip Rifles to (Take Down) latest out, each $45 00 REPEATING RIFLES, 22 cal (Take D>wn) each $2.') 00 REPEATING SHOTGUNS, 12 Gau^e, 30 inch and 20 inch barrels Six Shot. 1893 Model,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 164 3 Mails will close to-morrow. FOR Djambie, Kian Ann, 11am ltuugkok, Medusa, 11 a m I'liiung, Rangoon A Calcutta. Pontilcoii ;•< p w Vennng, Olchloh <V l'a<inn/, Van Got-os. 3 p, m. Mlvtacca Klaug bun tint i) tun, 3 p m Lubuan Sandukan etc, Kunu(>, 3 p, vi. Indra^iri, Bt'iiuit. 3
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 878 4 TAN JONG PAGAU DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. I'HK premises of the Company are litaatod at Tanjong Pagur, adjoiuiug the Town of Singapore, Phe Wharf extends to ono mile and ;i quartei and is divided by the entrances totheOraving Docks into three parts. The i Wharf over one mile m length with
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    • 502 4 Powell* €o. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTU RERS A LARGE 4tock bC Household and OhHee Fin mtnr<« ..Uvays on haud. Orders cm be rx -cuted tor the best description ot Furniture. Designs and Bstimates supplied free of charge. The Chinese Workmen employ -d at the Orchard Road Factory inolude skilled Cabinet Makers,
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    • 592 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Bakor and Confectioner, Underthc most distinguished patronage of Siu Cecil Clubnt] Smit:i, G.C.M.G., late Governor of tho Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Famishing.— A rare an 1 choice collection of drawing, dinintf, an I bed room furniture at the lowesl prices
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    • 568 4 HUTTENBACHBROS. &C 3 KUPPER S BEER Chop -PAYONG," the beer which reeeired my r at the Chicago BxhibiiioQ C II I' B B'S IRON 3APBB AND The best m ti'o world APOLLINARIS WATER, The 4nee.ll of table waters, m< thy Mid refrshing drink m tr countries. $15.00 per case of
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