Mid-day Herald, 3 March 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER VOL I.] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1896 [NO. 395
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 380 1 ,HE PRYE KIVER DOCK. PENA N G [lock, i itoaled -v Proriofl w,,. .|.v, .it. tlio entvaoot <i! I 1 r, ius lalelj been leogrtheu c I. and <s now ol the Follow* p mom I njth on tlit' i»locks ISO tti r Ith al entraaei Wl r> rii ol
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    • 392 1 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors. Outfitter s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPE^IW CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION Ob Coatings! TrowerrUiga, F.mcy Twrt-eds, CbrVlot^, !euni> FlanneU uud LiniMj D ills, ALL NBW REASON PAITKUNS B. )(>•-, Sho'-s, H »n, Hosiery Shirt-* Towle, Rjij*, U n'Mell:i5 t Walking Hticka, &c LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING CHRiSrViAS CARDS.
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    • 247 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bko9 to inlorm the i nblio that a l«r stoe'e of the choicest brands of CSgara 1 been rfceivod l>y th-* la^t M mil i M til from the leading factories of Li In-nlur
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    • 415 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTEKYROaTT SINOAPORIi RESIDENTS ,f ;tn .l visior-Uo Singapore vriahimg td obtain interestintr Kthuoloificai and Kar.aral History apecimens should p.iy a vim- t-» tit* above collections. Small assort «.l c'olledtfong supplied at $5, $10, $15 and upwards ivadv paoke J Genuine Native weapons received for
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    • 435 1 nANTOH INSURANCJi OFriOS MMFTBD. llPITAL8Dfl»CRI««O J2.50.) 0:'«> AMOUNT PAID trp ft IHH) Kbskhvi: PUMD j Huad Onrtoa, H*moko««. Cieneral As?en:s ItflMas. Jardins, lUTftitofl o THB u.ule -BU'twed hav.t^ k>»»Mi ai> pointed Agtuti rwr tha ab;>vo Otmnsiof •MprapMrtdtoaooftpc marirvc ri«to»t Oiirren ruU;a. A Bmiu i« at»nually p> u o alt cjn
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  • 350 2 Singapore, Tuesday, March 3 Germany. THE first Lord of the Admiialty, i" a recent speech made at Lewes, said that the political relations hetween British and Germany were new excellent. It will bo remembered that tho recent crisis m the i rausvaal caused quite a little excitctnen? among our Teutonic
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  • 330 2 THIS is heard every w hero just now, that is to say, everywhere m Singapore. No doubt lbs Municipal Engineer does much with the resources at bis disposal, and sprinkles several miles of road, but as long as ratepayers livein every p:irt of the town and suburbs,
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  • 717 2 TllEliE have not been want, ing ineu of foresight who think that tho boainesd now being done m collootiog stamps must come to a close. The repeated changes, issues, &c, far from keeping up the craze, will, if anything, create disgust, and with this the mania wilL go.
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  • 1322 2 BY CAPT. THATCHER, ONE OF HIS oFncns. ("Cap* Times1') "On Sa uid.iy afternoon,* 1 laidth*' ortijer, ••Hie c»iu uu siar ci. 11 iv a; heaiditilte m .v I j.nneii Ibata thy we.<- crotsiutf tli.: liorder n Monday ftcrnoni. I was v.) ia M. mum d strict )o
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 930 2 TH* TANJONO PA.GAR DOOK COMIWMY. LIMITKD. Piiß prcrois(« of the Company are Biln abed at Tanjong Pagar, adjoiain^; the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mi'U* Mid a qu «rtei aud divided by the entrances lotftedrHviiitf Docks into three parts Tho Wi'bt Wharf; over one mile m length
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    • 529 2 W. A. WAFFORD COWHOLESALE UIiIAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED SPOKE, No. IV. W'R li^ij fo inform our patron < and the public tint all our goods are impor♦ed dircc* From the DwtilUrtj Brewers, f and thit wj are the S »le Agents lor the toDowinf w«ll known firms, wh.cii
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    • 263 2 Handsome Kewabd Offekud. Thk Government of Netherlands India ii prepared to pay to those who will give information leading to the seizure m NJtherlands-Itidiun terri tory of counterfeit Dutch silver coin, a reward of 50 per cent of the intrinsic value cf the c »m seized, the minimum reward beinjj
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 109 2 MEMO: OF THE WBKK. Tuesday, d.— High Water, 0.17 a., 0.40 p Prize Distributiot. Eastern School. 4.1>0 Emulii ion L dire of Instruction, 8 IVJ Wedaeaday, 4th. \U2\l Water —I' 52 a, 1.27 p. Meetintr blipwaj Co. noon Municipal Commiasioo, 2. opm V. Jk O. Mail Homeward* Church Work Association,
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  • 661 3 SOR HARRY ORD AND THE MALAY PENINSULA. The following letter* to ihe Editor flppcar m th- L > i.lon and China Ex; ress" <>< F*r>. 7 S|r Will you :*tf.H m- «p -oe to my rh it 1 think it the B ne &»<** acat ef ally c m^uiiel it
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  • 1298 3 Thf* Postmaster Qc*ner*J returned from Peuang by the m.iil this morning. The Pupa his n uninated M.>n<i<rnor Jem-B tptiste Groageorge ad Vicur Apostolic of Cambodia. Sir Charles tt<ooke, Raj ill of S*»-a. wak, hat* taken up bis icsidentie at Bu arruz for the remainder of the wnucr.
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  • 362 3 o:\a who has jast returned from the lYuiiisula has been talking to the ''Pall Mali" as to its prosxrcts as a new tfold tield. Ho thinks highly of lh« coirilry, and is astonished at the apathy we display towtrJi it, Ajcordin^ to his account the c unity ha->'
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 446 3 latest §4trtytifcments. JUST ARRIVED. A FRBSH SHIPMKNT OF AUSTRALIAN SALT BEEF, IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Per lb. 16 cents. Apply to R B. LINDSAY, 14, Robinson Road, or 5, Sophia R >ad. AGENTS WASTED. LIBB&AL COMMISSION JfOTICK.~My .wife baring left m y l.ouse (»n the 25?h January without my kn >wtaUfl
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    • 371 3 IMPORTAN F NOTICE TO hol.se KKiori;,: MESS-CAI hJRx AND OTHERS JOHN LITTLE Co., LIMIYBD, Bog toanaoiuicotU.kt, oWIQ^ to tho present favourable rate of esohaoge, ;i reluctioa vriil be made m (be prices ot PROVISIONS OTLMANS STORES From after Ist March A revised Price Jjist wnf shortly be ready for isauo.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 54 3 Mails will close to-morrow. Djambie, Kian Ann, 11 a ra Penang, Ceylon, India, Australian Colomei A.ien. MaudtiuB, Eygpt<t ria Briadisi for Europe, etc. Ravenna 9p m Malacca, P. Dickson, Klang T. Anson Malacca, 3 p, m Malacca, P Dickson Klang Boon San 11, 3 pm Rangoon, Me/?ua, 2pm Bangko Hydra.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 524 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTU RBBS ALARGE stock o! H usrbold and Office Furniture ;ii way?; on Uan4< lers can b 0 <x h.-ui. ii .>• the b< st jtion of Furhiuire. I) k st a ns and i oiates ftupj Bed tr.-r <»' 1 hai ge, Cliioe>e Workmen employed
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    • 461 4 A. FRANKEL. 375, Viotoria Street. Ba'ier an 1 Confectioner, I'uderiiK-inorst dist i n-r.if m i |>atroua Sili Cb^il Clkmbnti Smith, C.0 M.0.. late Governor of the Straits Fornitu/e Dealer, and Commission A-jent. |\> those Furnishi is; —A r<u di >ie colle tion of drawin .!i;. 1 room fun:" 1 .f
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    • 438 4 HUTTENB.4CH BROS. KUPPuR'^ BZZ'I Chop^paYONG," the >< i" whicb rece i ibe Cbi< tii IHO S S A ITS AN i tin APOLUISAffcI vV The j i oi «> 50 P^iZUliJ r i JOUE I 1 'hampagrne. A a s wrind oC v at i rr. KlerttH prjc< American F>l
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