Mid-day Herald, 29 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER 81NOAPOJll<; «ATUKDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1896 [NO. 303
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 351 1 |H E PRYE RIVER DOCK. j ii situated m IVovinc- t the entrance <»t tlv m lately been lengthened \t mow ol he follon i t lie blocks feel entrance &ti rater »'n sill at tipriug tides... 1 5 [h>, << i.<';q» tidei 1t largely is titled with all tin-
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    • 390 1 Au Bon Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN GUTTER. Till: TINKST SE USC WON OF Cuaiin-.s, i r>>\\ --t riM^s F nicy Iwi-eJ-. Clu\ »♦)«>. Pertni** Flannels and Ijiiifii D ill«, ALL NLW 6KABON I'ATTKUN.Boots, Sd If its, Baticfy Khirtf Towels, Ud^j-, [Tinbrellas, \V r
      390 words
    • 182 1 Tabaqueria Universal. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. Blotto inform the public that a l.tr t<«tac;'< of the caoicest brands of Cigar* iNin received by tho .la^t Muvi» M til from tl»e leading f.-ictorics ol Li Insnbr and La PerU del OHente which lias just been unpacked and are offered ic-t
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    • 416 1 Malayap Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE RESIDENTS *t ,al mi tors to 9ingapore wishing to obtain intere«tin* Ethnologic*! aud Batumi History specimens should pay a visit u> tUn abore collections. Small asajrt«l collections supplied at $5, $10, $15 and up.yards ready packe\ Geuuiue Native weapons received for
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    • 450 1 (IAXTOA LVjSURANUB ->KfiIMITED. apitalßubscribjsd $2,50( i o AMOUNT PAID UP I >„/ fi Ukskj:vk FUKD ;.J, HttAD UFFICB, ilo\.;M>.\,. Geoeial AgenU< Mkss!:s JARDIVB, MATHB3M A V rHb: <»•»>!•'- bay been a > pututeil Aleuts tor he above C«m n*ay "re prepared to accept m brine rUk i a', correa rates.
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  • 365 2 Singapore, Saturday, Feb. 29. The Plaque. On Thursday a special Government notification was issued to the effect that from information received from Hongkong that a contagious disease, namely, the Bubonic Plague, has broken out m that Colony, and that, m consequence, the port of Hongkong is declared infected. 11. E.
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  • 336 2 Notwithstanding the distinctly expressed prohibition that bombs were not to bo fired, a man feeling himself bound to disobey the order, did fire one on Thursday evening, with the result that a girl has lost her lite, the man himself lies with a broken collar bone and a
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  • 304 2 ftut recently wo made some remarks on this commodity as it appears m this market, and we then pointed out that the very best brand obtainable here, and perhaps, any where else, is the lino old Scotch whisky of Messrs. John Robertson and Coy. Our remarks, such as they
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  • 985 2 (Perak Pioneer, February 23.) A gaug of Übiotat had n.tcu battle at a gardener's hut at Pulie, Km. ta, on the ni^ht of the 20h inst, They hud come tl^re to loot and as*.Bta, iC < coming to the gardener an ,ffray took plaoc iQ whioli one of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 902 2 THH TANJONG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITKD. The premises of the Company are Mtuated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Sinpnpor*s. The Wharf MLtonrtl to one mile and a qu irtei and is divided by the entrance** otheGraviuff Docksiutothree parts The West Wharf; over one mile m length with from
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    • 529 2 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. ltf. WK b^K to mtorm our patrons and the public that all our goods are imported direct from tho Distillers, Brewers, &j., and tli3t we are the 3 »le Agents for the following well known firms, which
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    • 254 2 Handsome Reward Offered. I The Government of Netherlands India is prepared to pay to those who will give information leading to the seizure m Netherlund9-Indmn territory of oounterfeit Dutch silver coiu, a reward of 50 per oeut of the intrinsic value cf the Coin seized, the minimum reward being* 25
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 54 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Saturday, 29th,— High Water—lo.3l a 11.15 p. F.i 11 Mo t\ 2,4t> a.m. Partial Kcti|NM of the Mo n. Ember Daj. Tmajong Pagar Dock meeting 12.30 p. Sunday, Ist Match. High Water,~lLls 11.45 p. 2nd Sunday iv Lent. Hicrh Water.'— 11.58 a.. 0.17 p. Philharmonic Choir
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  • Correspondence.
    • 617 3 >ir,—Much :uh> appears to have been uo ide over tiiis ease, and this, of ■ur>e, u;ih I ajed on the rt marks by the Magistrate. Attuning 'ak was made by Dr. Sauii, and ibal me chilJ lust its lite through ur .:iuly tredted, is th* ea««|*o Lionally
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    • 543 3 Dear SlR,—Thare appears to be a good deal ut iu.-s over Dr. Samv'i blander, r mthec mislurtnn« l»hpnld say. Acer Jud -.x, it, irviu..- to champion ihe Doctor's eaute, is only nakin 4 maitcr* wo iUd he would bj ui-e to bold his peuco. Samy is wdi k.h
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  • 863 3 The Band will play at ibo Botani. cal Gardens at 9 o'clock this eveniu"- i The body of Chiniman was found ve>terday floating about off B uch Road. Inquest to-day. Yesterday a nntpecUble Earopeau w;is beiore the 3rd Court tor cheating m the sum ol $15 Cu:e
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 629 3 TIIEMED-I>VY HBBA.LD, SINGAPORE Thr oflioo of publication of the "Mid-day Ubr\ld" is ut Mo. iy, Malacca fc'treet, late the u DaILTAOvkktisbr Press." The hour of Publication i<s at 2 p. itj. daily and tit noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is u month for loc;il und $l.'i."> f/, r
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    • 607 3 IND3-CHINV_S. H. ,J. LTD FOit PSNANG ft CALCUTTA. Th»s Company*! Str. WINO3ANG, 1,^17 kids, Capt. Jhh. V>i:,^, having left BongKoug on ttio b, ntaj ba expeoted to arrive hyru oa or üboilt tlio 2nd prox, and will huvu prootpc des. patch for t Ue übov^ p>ris. Vov freight and passage
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    • 629 3 TlfK I'AN'JOX I Pi<MR v COMPANY, LIMITBO. •JtfE Tmn^fer [J ilk of ihe C.vnprnij tu-ecl „..,1 till S.,i U rd, lv t i o 20ih intl. •JOHN BLAIR, Manager. Singapore, M>th Pebvoary, 1896. TANMONG PAGAR DOCK C6.Mi'ANY, LIMITED. rpHE Half-Y.'.-.riv O dinar; Or, Mevtm^ ot tho Shareholders :a Ibis Co
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 478 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. KURNITURE MVNUFACTU KERS A LARGE stock of Hovsehold and Otftcc Farmfcure always i<n hind Orders can be executed \or the hest •c-*crij»tion of Furniture. D si^ns and Rstisjsaftai supplied free ot charge. The Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Road Factory includo -everal skilled Cabinet Makers, Car.
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    • 551 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Bakor ani Confectioner, Under the most dißtlaguUhed patronagtfu* ►Slit CfiCIL OISMBSTTI >\i,th, 0.C.M.G., late QoTernor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission A^ront. To those Furnishing. V rare an 1 i hoice c rile >tion of drawing dir\io/, taid bed room f.urnil lowest r
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    • 617 4 HUTTtNBACH BROS. I KUPPER'S SEER chop"PayoNG," th« fr.ii> beer which feceired su v iwwcl at liic (jbicago Exhibition Cll U 1) C s IKON SAPKB AMD LOCK The best m the n orh\ ▲POLUNARIS WAT;,:?. The qneen of table w icers, ;i 1 thjr and refmliiuj; driak iv coan tries.
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