Mid-day Herald, 28 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 365 1 HE PRYE RIVER DOCK. PEN A N G. jj^; l> k, situHtcd m ProTinoe i gley, at the entrance <>t th«j >,-. .> lately l>»'«!i lengthened t i. nui w now of the follow* itb on the blocki 530 feel lirrflultli -i' entrance .">•> ptb if wjdter on sill at
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    • 376 1 Au Bon Marche, 30, BAFFLES SQUARE, Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coalings, rrovrteringt, F;incy Tweeds, Chrviot*, l'euni« Flannels «iud LiiH*n Drill*, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS tt<»ots, Shoes, Hrtta, Hosiery. Shirts t Towels, Ru^s, Umbrellw, W.ilkin^ Sticks, &c. [ADIES 1 I NDERCLOTIIIXG. CHRISTMAS CARDS.
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    • 233 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. Br-aato inform the public th*t a Iftfentook of the choicest hrand^ of Ci<r ;l rs h:»s heen received by the last M.mli Miil From the leading factories of Li Insular and La Pprla del Oriente which has just been unpacks!
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    • 401 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY JtOAD, SINGAPORK. RESIDENTS nf aid visitors to Singapore wishing to obtain Interestinj? Ethnological and X;i:ural History sp.'ci:ne:is should p.ty a visit to tUo »DOT«j colK-ctions, Small aMort^i collections supplied at $9 SUK £1"> and upwards ready packe Genuine Native weapons received for sale
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    • 431 1 HANTOfI INSURANCE OPPIOB LIMITED. I'APWAL BVBBOBIBBO $3 iKW f» AMOUNT PAID Ul> JW>(.O Hbskrve Find Head office, Hon«ikon<;. General Agent* Messrs. Jardixr, Matubh >v ft Oa. Thk undersigned baring been ad pointed Agents tor the above Comtunv an prepared to aocept marine rwks*! eurreu rates. A Bonoi is annual)? paid
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  • 292 2 Singapore, Friday, Feb. 28 Russia and Corea. Last week it was know a that something unusual had taken place m Corea, m which the Russian Government was much interested. It now turns out that the King of Corea, anxious apparently to pleasu Japan, raised the temper of his people, with
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  • 335 2 This gentleman acid his officers have appeared betoro Sir John Bridge at Bow Street aud have been charged with taking part ia a military expedition against a friendly State. The etise has been postponed for a fortnight and the accused roleased ou bail of £2,000 each. As niigux
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  • 239 2 Among such fastidious people as the Siugaporoans, it is a remarkable thing to see anything taking on m a way that promises to be permanent, permanent, that is, wheu compared to other amusements and sources of entertainment which are established here from time to time. Tne
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  • 588 2 The Mh 4 V..nc.2 U eU, n Jirir( v Venice, and wus y.ven o i,,; 7 le hrn Ind.a.i villas Uu.t yto t»ie«hor,sol Lko Mar«e«ybJ i VtnetueUh 1,..d trouble Uppre^ion was luccceden r v nued revoluti.) nary outhr«akt "ally the peo pi. -m 18*1-.^ m securing th ir
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  • 370 2 Ihe inbaUiaui oi v• a ijr^e exttui, mulatto?, W* COttOli tor mucli. 1h > nl nature of hali-bu'edn r- I pastionaie. Xuvy drink than is lur ihrm >« exceedingly ciita|> Mid Cttl I buil tights, ami bora .ra among tiieir most popaUr |>**j m 11 auy oi ttiu
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 906 2 lilH TA.NJONG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITKD. Thb premises of the Company are Hiiuated ai Tanjong Pftgar, adjoining ilm To«rn of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and n mj trtei and is divided by the entrances loMie Graving Docks into three parts. The W'-Bt Wharf; over one mile in
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    • 521 2 "W. A. WAPFORD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL, WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STOIIE, No. 19. We b^ ro inform our patrons and tho public that all our goods are imported direct from the Distiller*, Brewers, aud thib w* are the SWe Agents for the following woll kuown Brass, which enables us
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    • 254 2 Handsome .Reward Offered. The Government of Netherlands India is prepare! to p;iy to those who will give information leading to the seizure m NethorUnds-Indian territory of counterfeit Dutch silver coin, a reward of 50 per cent of the intrinsic value of the coin seized, the minimum reward being 25 guilder*.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 MEMO: OF THE WEtiiv. Friday, 28th, High Water,—9.43 :>. M 44 p Tanglio ClobA.naaa< Meeting Saturday, 20th, High Water—lo.3l a 11,15 p. Full Ifo p. 2.4(1 a.m. Partial Rclipea of the Mo n. Ember D iy. Tanjong Pagar Dock meetiug 12.3 p. Sunday, Ist March. High Water,—ll.i:» a, 11.45 c.
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  • 696 3 rres)K>ni2ent m invitation came to w.h a-k.Mj; him to w liich wai to ;;ike unit's from tiir- capi- \\V -tarted as fast i could i:i a crtiple ot gharries ..jjon ainv.n were met by a cuwd of wbo l»'d the w;«y alon^- a path .rated the
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  • 206 3 nis j^xce.leuey ihe Governer Sir l^Uarles Mitoholl accomptnied by Lady Macheii, Capt. Hubert tha ADC, and M r Severn, the Private Score a.y, aimed al laiping yesit-r--oayevouiiig (21,.) at about G.'SO. iiiou^h the h o u r ot His Excellency's arrival was lav there was
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  • 1678 3 The man alluded to ye-. onlay fuf keeping open his *ay»a* aCtrr Hours was not arrested. l\.e pc| lM Vk iii prjeeed by suin<nous. Yesterday lUIm ueouNti. 6 vras fined s.*>, ind«Unlt ten uav N i r i«. imoUiu^ anok»hn»pnllcr m Urcuard Kjad ou the 2oUi instauc
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 SINGAPOREJOBPRINTING WUKKS CHOP KIM YEW HBAN PRESS I No. 620, North Budoi Roao, binoapobl Tkleph >xc No. 24. The andersi^ned retpectfnllj m forms the public that he h -m' esfci bliahe-1 himself at above address as Printer, Lith i nipher, and Book. hinder, bavin v 1 t;n years' experieace m
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    • 588 3 jEatest INDO-CHINA SN.OI LTD FOR PINANG fc CALCUTTA. Turn CoapsAj*! Btr. \Vl.\GsaX(t, 1»">17 tons, Cupt. Jus. f«>ung, baring left Hongkong on the b, may bu expected to arrive here on or about tlio 2nd prox, and wilt have prompt des. patch ior the above p>rts. For freight and passage a[>ply
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    • 595 3 thbta^jon; pvgar d>ck COMPANY, LiMITKLX rpHK Tr.in-fer B >7k. of the Cos* p;i:>y areelosed till Saturday, the 29th itist. JOHN BLAIR, Manager. Singapore, SO:h February. 18D0. TANJONQ PAOAR Do(^< COM. PANY, LIMITED. Hall-Yorirly O dinarj General Meeting of th« k Shareiioldt-r8 iv thisConpany will bn l^l.l at thy Company's Oflhe,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 485 4 Powell €0. SINGAPORE. I'URNITCRK MANUKACTU BKBB A LARGE stock of Household and Oilioe Furniture always on huud. < cau be executed tor tiu |je«»l riplion of Furniture. Designs and hirtimales supplied free 01 charge. The Chine?e Workmen employed at rhe Oicliard Uoad Factory include several skilled Cabinet Makers, Carvers- French
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    • 499 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Streets Baker and Confeooionor, r.Mdcrthe most diatingdisned [mtrona^i »f Sir Cecil Clkmen n Smith. rr.c.M.o., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Ajrent. To those Famishing.— A! rare an 1 choice oolleoti m of drawing, dining and bed room farnitare at fche lowest
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    • 580 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'3 BEER CH °P' PAYONG,' the en be^r which r« 1!1V awaiti at ruc^ Chicago Bxhibiiiou. CHUB U ikon saf;:s ax;) i>m The best, m tiu iv (i APOLLINAUI3 WAT^c. The qaeeu of table wrai i :!«y and rofrahiu- I i;i <'OiiiiLri«*s. $15.00 per case of
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