Mid-day Herald, 27 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 356 1 it RIVER DOCK. PENANG. -!tu.itt'<l ill !Y-\ ,a \:w tntvamx of thi lately bcou lengthened iind is iiuw of tin- follow- cka 5130 tf« r l 50 i tcr on sill :tt spring I idos... J ||< J» I ill* 1 2 >r p Mis been l:urg i|, and i*
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    • 405 1 Au Bon Marehe, SO, RAFFLES SQUARE Tailors, Outfittei g and Generiil Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OV Co.iliu^s. I rt'\v-t rm F mcv lw c i ht vi<>»*. !tiinh Flannel* and Lint n D ni.-, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERN^ Hoot?, Shoe*, H«ts, Ho»icrv< Shirli Towel-, Rug*, [Jmbrellas, Walking
      405 words
    • 220 1 Taliaqweria UniversaL WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IX THE TRADE. Broeto i'tform the Tublio that Ur»e«toc< of the clioio*st brand- of Cij-irs li^« hwn received hy the U*t Mmili M.il From the leading factories ni Li ln«ul:ir and Li PerU del Oriente M'hich baa just been nnpfteka*!
      220 words
    • 428 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTEKYROAr, SINGAPORg [JESIDBXTS ..f lU risieomi 8i Q pipore irishios; to obtain Intero^t* inir Kthaolosjicnt aud Batumi History specimen! should juy j. n*it u> tun j above c,lltction<. small a««jrt Elections anpnlifci at 110, aud ttptrards reaiy pa«ke tieuaine Xative wempoos rec?ir«d for sal«
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    • 451 1 lAN lON fNs, KANOK i>J- i- iy iIAU'IKIV •■PITAtSaw d ;;i... $2,50(1 'I' 0 AMOUJW PAID IP v r,,,,,;.^ «*W^V*FUND MH( LiLAD OFFWK, lt;J.\«.Ko\;;. Geaerjil AvrenCa M^ss.is. JaRMXE, Mat»S9 »s ft I > THS u:i.l.j si::. ■t i^{ n l >e<Ml m poiiitd A-sCbiits tor the at ;.-n na? ar-
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  • 342 2 Singapore, Thursday, Feb. 27 Mr. Maxwell. OUR lato Colonial Secretary is evidently m clover, and may safely be called a made man. It is not a trifling matter to have one's praise trumpeted forth by a Secretary of State. No ono m this Colony will grudge Mr. Maxwell disreputation he
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  • 374 2 It is cistouishiug how generous a chetty can sometimes be, at lofit?t, it would seem to ho generosity tv an outsider, but tj the initiated io their ways of doing things, it is simply oppression. We will suppose a case. A chetty holds ;i promissory note of,
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  • 339 2 But recently it was announced that three officers of the Russian cruiser Vladimir Moaomach bad been lined s,7* each m Hopgkong tor sketching, or attempting to sketch, tho Kowloon Forts. The Hongkong papers are not satisfied with the leniency shewn fo these officers whose position iv the
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  • 890 2 T.k» 4 irsiiuu whether auitna i souia o, not is one which lias much debated aiancg th< i ar Irimd*. Dr. Ann* Kiu«*orJ very ttroDtf views upon m,.* p«iul beU-vm.; t:ut v .til m a reCo^, tint animal* hi i tout* lik tiit-y \\> v J never
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 902 2 THW T/VNJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. till premises of the Company are lituVftod ;it Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the lOvrn of Singapore. Tin: Wttarf extends to one mile and ,1 tiKM and is divided by the entrances •Ui;ivin^ Docksintothree parts. The West Whsrf t over one mile in length with from
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    • 485 2 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. Wr beg; ro inf»rra our patron- and tbepubUc tint all our goods are impor. led direct from iba D. -tillers, BrewsjrSj &.v, aad that wa are the S >le AgenM Following w^ii known firms, which enables
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    • 256 2 Handsome Uewari> Offeuud. Tiik Government of Netherlands India is prepared to pay to those who will give information leading to the seizure iv Netheilands-Indbin territory of counterfeit Dutch silver coin, a reward of 50 per cent of th* intrinsic value cf the CJin aeiaed, the minimum reward bein^ 25 Tins
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 103 2 MEMO* OF Mi: WEKK. Thnradar, *27:h High Water,-—8.5 ia. 10.12 p. S,V.A. Binchi!un ilnn Tanj ngKatong 6 pin Foutbah, Esplanade. Lracker ftriag 7 p,m. to midnight Philharmonic Orcliesim, 8 p m Am ual irueti r Debating Society, Raf fles Museam, pin Friday, 28th, High Water,—'J.43 n, 10 44 p Tanjrlio
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  • Correspondence.
    • 412 3 AMENDMENT AND RE-READING OF THE RANDOM NOTES AGAINST Dr. Samy. There are two things m a man that gu baud ia liaud— conscience and Kttioo (the diction or conscience); >ut of them conscience is divisible into good ai.d bud; as a rule, bad Di)6cieQ66 rules over ths other. It Random
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  • 1733 3 It is .aid there is cholera m Penan-. C'acker Kis allowed from 7 till midnight to-night. H. B. the Governor returns to Singapore on the 7ih pioxuno. It seem* that a successor for the Rev. Mr. Keith has at last been lound. The outward P O. Packet
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 461 3 5,000 Guilders Reward. gY virtue of Netherlands-India G >v. ernment Decree of the 11th J inuary, 189G, No. 1, a reward ol /5,000 (five thousand guilders) will be paid by the Government of the Netherlands East Indies to any person or persons who shall give such information regarding the present
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    • 577 3 latest INDO-CHINAJy N. 03. LTD FOR PINANQ CALCUTTA. Thk Coaipiuy'B Btr. Wi:sOS.VXtt, I>^l7 tous, Oapt. Jas. T*>ong 9 haviaj; left Hongkong on the ~.b i), may bi expected to arrive here on or abaut tho 2nd prox and will have prompt del. patch for the above port*, for freight and
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    • 661 3 THE TAN'Jox i- \f* vi< fi>C& COMPANY, LIMITED. rpflK Tran^fei- H,>ks of thcCfoolpany are closed till Saiurdiv i\ c 29th iftst, JOHN' BLAIR. MaiiM^t* r. Bmgattore; iOifa February, l««> t TANJONG PAGAR DOOK COMPANY, LIMITED. rjMIE Haif-Yeorly O dfnarv General Meeting of u>* Shareholders m this Co-upaiiy v\; 1 Ihj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 472 4 Powell €o. SINGAPORE. FURNntTitE MANUFACTU RERS A LARGE stock of Hoasehotd aad Offioe Fiirnifeore always on haud. Orden can be executed tor the best deseripiioa of Furniture. Designs and Eat i mates supplied freeot charge. The Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Road Factory includo several Bkilled Cabinet Makers, Car.
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    • 535 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confeotionar, Under tho most distinguished patronage! of Sir Cecil. Cleaiknti Saiith, G.C.M'.O., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agront. To those Famishing. V r;ir<; ;\n\ choice oolleotion of drawing, dining, and bed room Carnitnre at the lo^ prices for
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    • 603 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER Chop PAYONG," th, oniv be^r which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CII U j; p. rj HION BAFKB AND L IChS The best tii the worhl. APOLLINARIS WA Tlie queeu of table waters, ;i 10 thy and refrshing drink iv countriefl* $15.00
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