Mid-day Herald, 26 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 371 1 PRYE KIVER DOCK, ,c Dock, sitnatfd m Province ;it tiio entrance of th^ hss lately \wa lengthened md M now of thefollowDiensions D tii.' Mocks 390 feet enirmnos M ]>, pth «»f water on sill at (trdiuary sprins; tidss... li do. nesp tidsi 1^ M.tcir.iiH shop has bsen karysly [ed,
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    • 375 1 ftu Bon Marcfte, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECT-lON OF Coatings, Trowarfings, Fancy Twr^od^, Cbi vio»*. Teosji* Flannels and LifiHi Drills, ALL MOW SEASON PATTEUN.S Boots, Shoes, H»U, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Ru^s Unnlu-ellas, Walking Sticks, he LADIES' UNDKRCLOTHING. CHRISTKAS CARDS C'hil ren'«
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    • 225 1 Tabaqueria Universal. S, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE B?.03to inform the public that s l:ir*estoc< ofthft choicest brand* of Ciyars I\«h Seen roceivod hv the la-»t Minili Mill from the leading factories oi In In*Sjiar and I^i Perla del Oriente which has
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    • 427 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE J^ESIDEXTS ->f and visitors to Singapore wishing to obtain interestj ins Ethnological and Natural History I specimens should pay a visit to the above collections. assorted collections supplied at $5, 810, $15 and upwards ready packe Genuine Native weapons recoived for
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    • 434 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital subscribed ttMOJOTQ AMOUNT PAID UP s^ooo Fund .^/0,,., llbad office, Honokon*;. General Aleuts Me.sheis. Jardink, Mathbso k "6. THR uiid»)! signed having »>ef*u aa pointed Agents tor the above Oo*p»Uf are prepared to accept marine riak«»t curren- rales. A Bonus is annually paid to all
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  • 390 2 Singapore, Wednesday, Feb. 26 Italy and Abyssinia. Since the capitulation oi' the Italians ai Makaleh uothing of an active nature h<tl been done. The Italians huve held certain outlying spots mid t:io Shoana have been quiet. Tkia, however, does not Bait Italy. and she is sending large reinrorcemeuttoMaS6ovvalj,and it is
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  • 381 2 IT is reported that two hunched ot the men who were with Dr. Jutm-Hou have landau at Plymouth and were loudly cheered by the people. This is but natural, for whatever view the Government and the Press may take of \h\ Jameson's movemeut, the people are not Likely
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  • 332 2 It is vory satisfactory to tiad that this serious subject is attracting the attention it de- serves. TUo manor does uoi fttrika the groat hulk ol unthinking community M ing anything out of the m hy for ihe simple reasou ihui i (l are so accttHtumed to i^sun
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  • 1461 2 On 'r!> i). ..i-i cotnpi*inod a'hhii the din m the Magistrates' Court* i have another > a. ld, aud it i« certain* ly not a gronudltfM <>no. 1 m lime pant, it mu«l li iv« ticcJ that the Mai i irate* 1 Coin;- 4 «r T-resiJed **t by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 951 2 THB TANJONG PAOA DOOI OOMiWNY, LIMlfB The premises of the Company are. Situated at Tauj.mg P*gVt adjoining the Town of Singapore The, Wharf exteodl to one mile and i rju rtci and is divided by the entrances totheOraving Doekriintothree parts The Wist Whai I ov t one niilo in length
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    • 520 2 A^T. A. WAFFORD CO. 1 WHOLESALE tk (tfcfAlL WINE, SPIRIT, MGAR MERCHANTS, BOMDBD slOd^s No. Lv. We l»e<? ti intorin our p;itron«. and th p pnblit* tint all our £>3i-»are imported dtrvci from tho Diitillera, BrevrerJ, ii 1 :\\3l wj are tile S >le Agents lor tiie following well known
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    • 276 2 Handsome Reward Offered. The Government of Netherlands India i* prepared to piy to those who will &iv<j information leading to the seizur.; m Nellie Lnds-ludiui territory of counterfeit Dutch silver oin, a reward of 50 per cent of the intrinsic value of the c .m seized, the minimum reward bein^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 125 2 MEMO: OF L'UB WEEK. Wedo< bday, 2 ih. Hi.h Water sp. i>.V.A. iuum q drill, 5.15 p m Thnrsda; 27 h Hi<:h Water,—^ o a. 10.12 p s.V.A. Bißohflma Ls-ill TiuijongKaf 5 p m Fo.'tt.al Esplanade v l-a*. ker firing 7 }>.m. t<. midnight Phiih;inuv nic Orche«l ra, 8 p
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  • 1590 3 The Right ftev. Bishop Bjss hs a returned from IWa^k >k. One Rabuo \va- yesterday i. e J ||0 for iad«o*ucy m t!i preaenco ot a m rmau and al use. Tiie Dike oi Cmn tught wi 1 pro. bai.ly represent Her Majesty at the comiu^ coioudtiou
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  • 235 3 Id the (Jay« w.ien the isUndofSi Helena wai an anpsop.ed waiter 1 »ug before the coming ol thj vmi «.xii« who hes matt* its name famous, a Dutch v^'K^' i, returning from vie West liidits, oast anchor off its coast. In a tmoii Yvtnltf tbo.it
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  • 471 3 We cuil the following i'c im au In. dian Journal: M Members ot the G^o« graphical Soceiety snnetitned bear •irangs things. Perhaps this is part ot the pouahy, or privilege, of t^iviii^ a local official habitation tv traveller?' tale-. However that may b<», their thust {or the marvellous
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 NOTICK. 1 hare by ?ive notice ilub I will not be responsible for any dobts or obli^a* tiony inclined Dy my lute Misirosn, he >ng Shun, and tho c who «rive her oredit under any t'onn must do so at their own ri^k. iIOVV Ail LEONG, Chop lvi;n Nyan Shiieisiaker,
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    • 619 3 EA>TBRN SCHOOL Gkmmill'B Hill (foemmlt Gotirst. MINT Mal.vy luAiMNu School r piLE Hon. A. SWdtteohain, c M a., will dutribnte tljo prizes 0 the ■ueeeteful pmpili of this School on Tuesday afternoon next, ;j;\l proximo, at hallLptst four o'clojic. Thepubii: are cor.lially invited. A. LAMOMT, Principal, Eastern School Singap'ire, 26tuFeb.,
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    • 672 3 TBE TAN JON 1 PAdAR l> -MIL COMPANY, CiUIITED. Tranter nV»k* o( the CoeJ. panysredottf^iHl Hninrday, rl.a 20(h id st. JOHH BLAIR, Mat»f«wcp, Singapore, ftfkh February. 1896. TANJONQ PAG Aft DO^K COM. PANY, LIMITED. r j^HE llall-V.aily O dinarv General Meeting of v> (i Shareholders m this Company wi-l h-
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 43 3 Mails will closb tomorrow, for T.atu Pahat, Aing Ann, uoon. Mnlicca iV Kl.iiiv: l>au Hia (r xun. ;< p <v Mu:ir, Glaii^>,'i. A p DO Bacairak, Uijuh Brook* 3pm Maar, Kiau lang, 2pm Baas' ieweaein.lfalae Laut. I'uJ.Hir t v Coti-. Nieuhuij 2 p. m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 495 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. i I KNITUKK MANUFACTU RBBB A l-AKGE 3tock of Household and Office FuruUure slwayn on band. Order.- can be executed lor the beat description of Furniture. Designs and Histiinates supplied tree ot oharge. The Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Road Factory ineludo several skilled Cabinet Makers.
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    • 545 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under themost. distinguished patronage o* Siu Cecil OtAMBNTI Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Ag-ent. l\> those Famishing. V rare and choice collection f>f drawing, dininr. and bed room lAmitare ;ir the i resl prioea for
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    • 516 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEt rnop-PAYONG," the be< r which received any 1M at the Chicago Exhibiti C LL V B B S EBON SAFKS AND The iT'Rt m the wrorUl APOLLINARI3 WATJB The q(neeu of bible wafcecMi thy and reftsl^iig drink coamries. >i 7.00 „hf. 50 itoi PSRRIER
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