Mid-day Herald, 25 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 305 1 PRYE RIVER DOCK. litmated m Provin» c antnuioe of \h- .i been len^rthened i. v if no .v <»i The follow- B th, blocks... 330 feel woe ftO u| mthU r on sill at ing tide>... 15 Ip ltU'S 1- [aclnne Shop baa bi a lai ;tH i fitted with
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    • 391 1 All Bon Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfittei s *uui General Importer*. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST BBLBONON I Coalings. Trowdcriaga, W*no§ Tvv<^eJ>, Cht viot*. '\ti\ nis F. annuls Linen Dmlls, ALL NEW SEASON PATTKHNB U«>ots, Slioes, H»ts, Boaierv. Shirts Towels, Rmgs UaiWlla«, Walkiog Sticka, <fee LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. CHRISTMAS CARDS
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    • 237 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THK CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bros to inform the public that a lar-*atoek of the choicest brands of Ci^irs »»'«> Leon r^ceivvl »>v the la<t M.nili M ,'ii from the leading f;ictories of Ln InsaWr and La Perla del
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    • 422 1 Mulayan Ethnologic^ Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. IJESIDBNTa c! mi visitors to Singapore wishing to obtain interestiner Kthnoloirieal and Neural lli>t(>- v ■pecisiens should p.ty a vi^it. u> the above collections. Small aatortoH collections supplied at $10, $15 and upwards ready packed. Genuine Native weapons received for sale
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    • 425 1 (r\XTo.\ [NBURANCI UMITBD. Capital Subsohihed.... «L5O ocij Amount paid up..... k^ebvkfund HICAD OFFICE, HOBOKOI General Afeate Mbssrs. Jaiidink, Matiibsjs 4 C^, TiiQ nndtrauiaed havinvr been ao potnled A-VMts ror the above CciA i v \ut* prepared to accept marine risk curren rates. A Bonus is aonnallj paid :o all coo
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  • 360 2 Singapore, Tuesday, Feb. 25 Rhodesia. But a few days back, it was all over the world that the public career ot* Mr. Cecil Rhodes was tor ever obscured and that he would sink intc the abyss of the unknown and forgotten. This does not however seem to be the case,
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  • 370 2 This gentleman, us is now w/ell known, is about to retire tiom the active list of the Tanjoog Pagar Dock Company's oilict'is, but ie is extremely gratifying to learn that the Company, being fully aware ot tno immense advantages they have gained by the loug, faithful, and zealous
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  • 345 2 This term pirate* La intended, us a rule, to convoy to the reader tbo idea of horrors of the most dire description, Bach, m fact, as only a very vivid imagination cau conceive, Thia was really so m by^ouo days. ft/ J t7 and occasionally, they are
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  • 427 2 Smirifj and Di viy i;.. I'u toe X litor >l the I 1> ir —A- youi v\.-i^ upon t..- done lv Lius i »ny by rbtj reti H i ;o. i md I) iij X lil i ha-) btfCU i ..ui.ii.; r j Mud lepi eseiitali
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 898 2 THK TAN JONG P\OAK DOCK COMPANY, LIMITKD. Thk jucinisps of the Company are riitualud al Tfcnjttng Payar, adjoining the Tow: of Singapore The Wharf extends to one mile and (in rtei ami isdiv tied by the entrauces '.oiir -ivi hocksinto three p*rt.s The h t Wl art; over one mile
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    • 543 2 W. A. STAFFORD CO. I WHOh&SAIM RfiTAIL WiNE, SPIRIT, CIG^R MERCHANTS, bondi:d BTOftB No. iy. WE b^tr to inf »rm our patron* and th^ puhlio th^t all our g gov >o Is are impor. ted direel from t Ue. Dmillor*, 13-w^rs, and tint, w i are r,h? S »le Ajjints
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    • 274 2 Handsomk Ivkwakd Offered. 0 Tuk Government of NetkerJanda Indi.i i* prepared lo piy to lbo<S who will information leading to the seizure m Netheiiands-litdifin letri tory of counterfeit Dutch silver c )in, j a rewafd of 5'J pei cent of tin int insio value cl the C«iin seized, the minimum
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 87 2 MEMO: OF PilE VVEBIC. Tuesday, b, Hiu'h Water, -6.32 a., 8.T»1 p II,A. QttjMtriUfl (tin Uooaiead Inatittwct 11, M sfai! Homewards. Wednesday, 36th. \{:..b \Vaur a, 938 p. M luicipul Commissiou, 2, v p n \V A. ru.ixi.ii gun drill, ~).ii> pin Thursday, 27th. Hiuh \WitrL-r,—B.r>.» a, 1012 p >,V.A.
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  • 1085 3 (1 prepared by rt.e Municipal mistiopera of Bingaport for »üblitbmeat of a Boperan* Mid Trovident Fuj.vl, for provision <>t pajrmeiiU or „l K r ullowanoei on death, to. unoalion, resignation, rv.,,,„,.,,L of diacuarge of persons ive or may be taken imj lojment of the Aiu. H
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  • 168 3 Regarding the appointment of '.Ir* U.liou to the Uadvrsnip ul the Irish j party, the U view of EUview^' 1 nnder the heading vfth« D >u.n .»f the Anti- Union Utt bas tne fo!io»iug 11 Mr. Justice McCarthy In, suggested the •atamoaiag ol irh^t nay be
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  • 298 3 Can thif be true?:— A lawyer d«. feuding v proimssory-iiate case wenr to tiffin, leaving hi* buokl and citaiiou oo the table iv the court room. The opposing counsel snetked i>acU into the room and changed the place of *il his book-mark. Iv the afternoon tho lawyer taking
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  • 1488 3 Th-re will l»e no meeting of the Muuicipal Commissioner* tomorrow. Kuala Lipii is said to be diue!i lot. proved m appearance. Of the* nine poreosjsj bitten by dogs at Serciuban seveu have died. H. H the Sultan of Pabaag proposes to visit Johore next month or so
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  • 176 3 Raogooo, F^b. ii. About 10 o'clock today [Ungoon was itartUd l>y a .-e--wre explosion, t.bo whult town beia •liakeo at> it' wuh au ei«tliqaikc fb iek. Some lime elapsed before »t oou'd >.t* diMnvcred wuat hud happened, when it w.i> found ili.it from 10 to 15
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 462 3 latest (x. U. Lambert Co., PHOTOGRAPHERS By Special appointment toll. M. the K.iDg of Biam and 11. 11. the •Sultan of J chore. Business Hours: Week Dayrt... 7.30 a. m— [> m Snadays 7.3 >a. m.— noon. Speciality Piatinotypes. Every style of Portraisitre. and Lauddcupe enlarge inputs, even from the
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    • 634 3 TUETANMOXi P AOA R DJOrS COMPANY, LIKITBD. JHK Transfer U ,7k. the Compaay are clotiud till Saiard the iiOih inst. JOHN BLAIR, a Man. bin^apore, JM);h Fbr.ury. I8y.;. TAXJONG PAQAfI DWK COMPANY, LIMITED. I^IIB Half-Yearly O dmar > General Meeting ol the Sharebolde/a m thisConj.aMV \\'i\ h.ri.i t Comp.-niy's ijm
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 44 3 Mails will close to-morkow. FOX Bangkok Singapore, Ham Djumbie, Kiau Ann, 11 a m P«naof| and Deli Hebe, A t m Mala ca i'ort Dickaon A Klang, .J uno, 3 n m Ala acca, P DiekNa, KUag A T. Auson ■nlaOO<, 3 p, m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 491 4 Powell €o. SINGAPORE. FURNITUBE lIANUFACTU RBBS A I.ARGK stock of Household and Office Fnrnitnre always »n Imotl Order? enn be executed !<>•' it.t* best det*cri|>tiou ol Furniture. D/si^ns and Kfetimate* tepplicnl free ot uharge. 'i'ir Chinese Workmen employed st the Diehard Lioid Factory include seveuil skilled Cabinet Makers, ('ar. \ers>
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    • 550 4 A. FRANKEL, i 375. Viotoria Stroat. Balcsr an:l ConffeotlOTi9r, Quder the most distinguiphefi [nitron >.• Sin CE( f [L CLBJf KStI S.vurii, late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dsaler and oammission Ag-ent. To those Famishing.— A rtre nn\ choice Boltostioo of drawrin&r, dinia;. and bed room funiitare at the
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    • 557 4 HUTTcNBAGH BROS. &C 0 X UPPER'S B6ER CHOP' payong; l**er wbicli ree< «»i felw Obictigo Bxhi i. APOLLINARI3 WAT: The queen dftabfc w tt<»ra.H m chy and rafrahin^j $15.U0 per case oi I KJ j A hiu'h ula^i wine of en ration at a moderate price. READ BROTHER'S ALE AND
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