Mid-day Herald, 24 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 389 1 HE PRYE HIVER DOCK, PEN ANG. 1>». k. -nnated m Province 1 at tlie onti-ancf of th- v,r. baa lately baoa langtkened i. aad is now of the follow- a .ih igtk "ii the blocks 330 feer Ith at entrance M jt ptfa ot Mratei <»n sill at ordinary spring
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    • 374 1 HO, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfittei s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN GUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings. Trowteriaga, Fuicy TweeJf-, Cheviot, !f um> Flanuels and Liu. n Drillt, ALL NEW REASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoe*. H»ts, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Rujv4, Ua^Wallaa, Walking Sticks, Ac LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. CHRISTMAS CARDS Chil 'ren'a Pint*
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    • 244 1 I Tabaqneria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. BKQ9to inform the public that lurrestoc* of the choicest brands of Cigala has been received »y the la^t Mmih M»il from the leading factories of Li IlWilar and La Perl.i Hel Oriente which
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    • 409 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAI7, SINGAPORE. JJESIDFA'TS „f n visitor to Singapore wishiritr to obtain interesting Ethnological Hr ,,l Natural Hi^torv speoinaeni should pay a visit to th» i above collections. Small awori^d collections supplied at *5, $10, $15 and upwards ready packe- I Genuine Native weapons
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    • 441 1 (IANTO2! INgftlßANOfi Oj i E LIMITED. I AriTAi.SuiiSOKIHED ttJOOjOM AMOUNT PAID UP I r )<»og Head Officb, Ho»oko*«i. General Agents Messrs. Jardinb, Mathks >v Co. Thk undo signed havh. ■<• beei an pointed Apjttnfcs tor t.heab.tv<; Ccttp-^Hf are prepared to accept marine ri«k»aC curren--. rat**. A Bonus la annually p;
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  • 405 2 Singapore, Monday, Feb. 24 SHOCKING TREATMENT OF Chinese Coolies. A correspondent to tho "Free Press" iuumhes a translation from the "Deli Coar&ut" ot a shocking account oi the treat* nicut of some hundreds of Caiuese coolies, emigrants from China to Dutch territory- Thuso unfortunate men, who were allowed to die-
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  • 240 2 Xow that this matter has been yen led, it is reported that a knot ot agitators, who seemingly have nothing else to do tnau to harass the Goverameut, a r o commencing to raiso tho question thai tae expeditiou ought uever to have beeti undertaken, li is tiiou^ht, or
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  • 469 2 The result of iho enquiry i into the question of Naraina Govtadasamy's quaiitications ad a medical practitioner has proved disastrous for him, as the magistrate, though ho dismissed the case, uohesitatingly characterised him as unqualified. In the course ot his ovideiice Mr. Goviudasamy suited that he held
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  • 1188 2 Scheme prepared by Ihe Manic Coininittii ners of Singn > >r<* \o: the pbt ib iMnnem in< Diiaiiuu Provident Fu > t r the provisioQ ot p»yin*au r other .itiowunces mi death, perannualion, reiigoutioa, retit eineut or discharge ut pemoita >\ bo ii iVe iie^u or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 920 2 T&H TANJONQ PAGAK DOOI COMPANY, LIMITKi). ThR premises of the Company are miuatod at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. i'lio Wharf extends to one mile and a qn rtei and is divided by the entrances tfetbtOravisg Docks into three parts. Tho W'-.st Wharf; over one mile in length
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    • 538 2 W. A. STAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE B&1A1L WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BOSDKD STOKE, No. l'J. We [»-cr to inform our patrons and th« public thai all our goo J* are impor. ted direct from the Distiller*, Brewers, eV*., and thst treare tiie,Sile Agents for Cbe rolUtwinnf well kuown firnu, which enables
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    • 267 2 Handsomk Rewahd Offbbkd. The Government of Netherlands' Indin is prepared to pay to those who will give information leading to the seizure m Netherlands-Indian territory of counterfeit Dutch silver c?iu, a reward of 50 per cent of the intrinsic value cf tho c tin seised, the minimum reward being 23
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 112 2 MEMO: OF PHB WEEK. Monday, C4th, High Water, —6.6 i.. 7.42 p. S>.V,A, Leotnre, ."> l"» j..ir_. Philharmonic hoir Praottee, .V.30 pin Lodge »Sl George Regular, t?..Vo p m Tmesday, 25ih< High Water,—6.32 v., 8.51 p H.A. (juidrille partjf ii'.a^iead lustitut^ I M, M Alail Homewmrds. Wedassday, 26th.— Hi.h Water
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  • 1348 3 C h meU J leave, 1() Bot Dr. Wi irid promises to be nue«est»ng, cveral ci lo ••aving been reu.nedjor the defence! Aaglo Chinese School, bus to Calcutta ov a business trip. Sir -Nicholas O'Oouor ha 3 been de loged with l.on.urs. He i 3 w a
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  • 307 3 R-^fert 111^ to tho visit of the above team to tB6 oonhern Settlement dur. Dg the -..le-e New Year hoiidiys, the M Pinany Gazette" of the 17th ins' nit H rites \Va are to hear that our repre*e[gativ«M m tue Recreation Club ontartaiiud their Singapore
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  • 265 3 His Excellency the Governor has b-en pleased t;> g.am e «ve ot absence lor oue year lrom the Ist March, l«i)G to the Hon'ble Major H.E. IfcCallum, R.E., C.Mo., Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Arullery, and to approve of Captain R. Duiiman Meting as Commandant, Siujjapore Volunteer Artillery,
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  • 898 3 Interview with Capt. Hastbup. {Pinang Gazette.) I left PtfOAOg with my boy m thj British India it earner "Palamcotta" on the 11 th January, and tv« arrived m Singapore on the i'dih. O.i tha EoL lowing day, the Preach mail steamer arrived, and I took ptasagea
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 366 3 SALE OF VERY VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FUfcLNLI'UttE, cScj, Tile property ot The Hon. Major Me Call aic, r.& c m o. A' B-aousfi'id, Sepu> Lines, Satubdat, 29ra Fib, at il a k. The undersigned are instraoted by the Hon. Mr j »r IfoCalla n, R,B C MO. i.) sell by auction
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    • 659 3 THi: TANJONT, I>A(iAK DWS UOVIPAMY, LI KIT 80. rfttß Tran.fer »J9ki e< «b, C,;n* pady art efafed till Sai«,-.i. fey tlie 'Z'J\.U inss. John Blair, llaa%|^ef Singapore, ftOth February, 1890. 1 k TANJONG E*AGAH DOCK COM PANY, LIMITED. 'pilE Half- Yearly O diusiry GtOMftl Mr-etin^ of tlie Shareholders m this
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 73 3 .Mails will cLOst to-morrow, for Uutavia Saniarang ,Goiiaveiy, 'Jam I'eaant:. Ne^apatam, Karioul. A Madrass, s n»a J [i m DilUton 6c i'ontianak. B. W Soon Noon, bourabaya, KongMA. 2 p ra Ucyloo, ludiu. Australian Colonies, Aden ftiMuritiuSt'Egypt «v via MaffriHoi for E^iu]>e. eic. Caie^ua tu. '2 p 111 Malacca, ;v.aa_:,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 497 4 Powell &Vj o. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFAOTD RERS A LARGE stock of Household and Office Km niturn always on hind. Order? omu be txacuted to< Ute detcripti q ol I'urniture. Designs and Bstimaten supplied iwo of ohar^e. l'li.' CUini re Workmen employ d :>t the Orchard Road Factory include several skilled
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    • 585 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Streat. Baker anl Confe3oioner, [Jnderthe most, distingtu^hed patronage of Sin Cecil Ckhmknti Smith, 0.0. M.G., late Governor of the Skrattfl Settlemeilti Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Famishing. V rare an I choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture atihelowesi prioei i'>n- cash.
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    • 512 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. X UPPER'S BESR Opm PAYORG/ 1 the an beer which receiverd :i at the Chicago Exhibit i >v C ;i U B l; IRON SAFES AND LQ( r l he bdBl m iho wu APOLLINARIS W.V. The qaeeii of bbk waters, i thj tiii r.'U-siii.i- drink m coani
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