Mid-day Herald, 22 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 268 1 t KIVER DOCK. i kick, lita it I m Prorinoe •me of thi y l v lengthened > now «.f the followi 830 it»j iter on sill .r> j spring tides... 1 i y [is fitted i i all the neiiinery *H Of 1 m Hamme ted i stock rab9
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    • 426 1 fiu Ben Marehe, 30, BAFFLBS SQUARE. Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. Till: FINEST SELECTION OF Coatinge, Tr mi* rings, Fanoj Tw >c i-, Cbrvio'-. LVnnis Flannels and Linen Drills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes, IF Hosiery. Shirts Towel*, Rul:-!. (Jmbrellsa, Walking Sr;ck^. &c. LADIES 1 UNDERCLOTHINa.
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    • 249 1 Tabaqneria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bi'GSto inform tbe public that i lar«je»toc of the choicest brands of ('iix.ir-; has been received !>v the last Mmil» Miil from the leading f;iciories of Li Insnlar and Ls P^rl.i del Oriente which
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    • 420 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAU, SINQAPORB. gfiSIDBXTS md visitors to Singap wishing to obtain interesting Krijn ■.'..)u p ic:i! and N'.t aral History specimens nuonld pay -.t visit totin above d UeOt ions. Small isB^rte»l collections supplied at $5, $10, $15 and upwards ready paolce Qeuainfl Native
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    • 457 1 (IANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. a pita l Subscribed |2 sOu,oi^t) Vmount paid up s WiKX) Kbskrvb lr.\i) s 5q(jUOJ Hsad Ofpicb, Honqkoxg. General Agsjfl Mkssiis. JaRDIBTX, Mati:,;s)\ A O. I h:-: an lersi^ned baring be i ap poiiife 1 Agents tor theab >v Comptay are prepared to accept marine risic^at
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  • 373 2 Singapore, Saturday, Feb. 22 Russia and Corea. Judging from the rumours that reach this portion of the Far East, it is the opinion of some people m England that Russia has obtained a footing m Corea. Questions have been put m Parliament, which apparently could nftt be answered, regarding: this
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  • 734 2 The text of a scheme for a Provident Fund intended for the benefit of the servants of the Singapore Municipality is now m our hands, and wo propose to publish it m two issues, beginning on Monday. The text, as circulated, is scili open to amendment, and
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  • 696 2 The fo|«o*iug dessciipiion ut (iiauu i'iiiaver between Goveriuf Al.xwill aid Kiii^ Prempeh*nMt. mission und arrest appea*»tu si boiM paper At halt pus! iiefen, m Pi peli had not made his ;ij>p.ar>u» detachment ut the Uoinpo»ite &*u uoii, under Maj >r B-iker, J>t X shire Light
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 913 2 THE TANJOWO PAOAH DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. tm premise* «f the Company are lituftted at Taajtag I*ag*r, adjoining the Towa «f *i*g*p<tr*. L'he Vfbsrf ettenda lo one mile and qu irtei and is divided by the eui ranees to me Glaring Dookft into three parts The Went Whiff; °*ef one niile
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    • 546 2 W. A. WAFPORD CO. WHOLESALE UlilAiL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED 8TO&K, No. ly. We b^t; *n infirm our patron* and the public that all our goo U are iinpor. ted dneci from rhe Distillers, B^u'ers, and rhafc wo arc the S ilo A^Hfti for th« following well known ri-ms,
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    • 269 2 Handsome Reward Offerkd. The Government of Netherlands India is prepared to pay to those whd will give information leadiag to the seizure m Nc'thetLtids-ludi.m territory of counterfeit Dutch silver coin, a reward ol 50 per ceut of the intrinsic Value of the c W»i sei^id, the minimum reward bein^ 25
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 146 2 MEMO: OF TUB WEEK. Saturday, 22nd,— High Water— 3.8 a 4.21 p. George Washington*! birthday. Auction fete <>f Mr. Fleurj**homehoid furniture, it lu.\ Kive- Vailey Rd. Moon, First Quarter, 4.09 n It M. Mnil Omtwtrda, Sunday, 23rd. High Water,— ;j.:;S n, :>.50 Ist Sunday m Lent. Ember Week. S.Y.A. 8-inch
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  • 844 3 •lies Sick." ih» following judgment was delivered by Mr. -'a- tea Lawrie m the (Juan m eouorcii v with a case from the police court o t Ii ,lioii m which 10 iho employ of Mr. nvieted for diaobeying .la ml ten enced
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  • Correspondence.
    • 568 3 "Honi soit gui mal y pens e" Sir,—It is i wei. itnown and indi*;puiaole^ fact that Irom time immem rial, Carnival has l,ecu observed throughout Europe duiin^f the few days preceding the Leuten season, especially i« tuose countrits iv which the Roman C ahaiic element predominates. Eveu m ProtesUnt England
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  • 745 3 The outward Freich mail should arlive to-day. Cases of hydrophobia are on the increase m Java. This is tho anniversay of the birth of George Washington, a name dear to all Americans, The Chinese Recreation Club have a good day for ih^ir Fports which, by the way,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 746 3 TAXJONG PAGAR DOCK Co Ltd Directors' Report. Gentlemen,— Your Directors now beg Id submit tfe* Accounts for the I hall-year eudtsl SUt Dacembir 1895. The net profit lor thit period is < $220,9i>8. 17, uiakiug with the balance iA 02-j.ll brought forward uh.-r payment i>l last dividend #310,025 US. I
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    • 569 3 latest Jutmiiwncins. SALE OF VERY VALUABLE HOUSE BOLD FLTliNinjilK, The projterlv oi The Hon. Major MoCaLLUM, i;.k. emu At Beioraf] <ld, 6t*pov Lines, Saturday, 2<Jra Fkb at 1L am. The undersigned ;tre in.siiucted l>y the Hon. Urjor MoCallum, lt.E C IfQ. to sell by auction at Bwomuflo d 80--poy Jjiue-j,
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    • 693 3 l ri THRTANJOX; [>\(}\r rjrj 0 K COVIPAXY, UaltFEO. r |MIIO Transfer fr>ak<i of th- C,«q. pa:iy are closed till SaUud iv, ti,* i9th inst. JOHN BLAlli. Manner .Singapore, Mkk February. 18'Jb'. TAXJONG PAGAK I)U- X COMPANY, LI ML lED r pilE MalUYeorlv O dln«ry Gen»r»l Meeun^ of the Shareholders
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 477 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS J^ IARCrE stock of Household and Office Furniture always on hum!. Orders cau be executed tor the beat description of Furniture. Deti^ilf and Estimates (supplied free oi charge. Tho Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Road Factory iuclude several skilled Cabinet Makers, Car\ers, French Polrfchers,
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    • 559 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patron a>reuf Sih Cecil Clemexti Smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agrent. To those Furnishincr. rire an choice collection of drawing, dining, aud bed room furniture at the lowest, prices for cash.
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    • 616 4 a Mr^ H r HUTTErvIBACHBROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER CHOP-pAYONC/ 1 the only beer which receireM »ny »war<i at the Chicago Exhibitiao CHUBB 8 IRON SAFES AND LOCH The bost m fcho v APOLLINARIS WATER The queen of table WAft*tf,am< thy and refrshiug drink iv «>.• ooontries. $15.00 per case
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