Mid-day Herald, 21 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 362 1 PRYE KIVER DOCK. PENANG. D<«ck, Ritaaied \u Pi-ovinco j Weiieeleji lt tMe aniranoe ol i\\" Ki?er, ii-'- s latalj been lengthened aud is now ot the follow_;h on the blocki JKW fei-r nifmnoe >" Depth ol »'Hter on sill :it ordinary tides... 1•» do. neap tides 1* fhe Machine Shop
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    • 377 1 ftu Bob Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfittei s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. 1 1 1 E F I N BST 3 1: LEO HON O F Coalings. TrowaertngaJfaaejp Tw^ls Cliiviot-. .us Fianiieis aud Linen D ill>, ALL NEW 38A30N PATTERNS Boot*, Shot's-, H»t«, Hosiery. Sliirt? Towels, Rul,"*,
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    • 249 1 Tabaqueria tDiversal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. BKG3to inform the public thit a liir »-c stoc'< of the choicest brands of Cigars h;is h*»p n n>ceiv»d »>v the la-*t Muiili Mill from the leading factories of Li Ins«!;ir and La PerU
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    • 423 1 M— i^ Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAh", SINGAPORE. PRESIDENTS -.tf ibJ visitors to Singapore wishin<r to obtain intere^tin? KtllDoto^icml and Nai.ural History specimens should pay a visii to th* above collections. Ua»ll Hss >rt collections .supplied nl $5, $10, $15 and upwards ready packe 1 Genuine Native
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    • 435 1 (CANTON INBUKANCE UFKIcK LIAUTBD. < APITALSUHSCRIbEk) |2J»Ou i 0l > (l AMOUNT PAID Ur S_ IKW hKSEKVE^FUND iiEAD -OFFICB, BO*QJfO9G. General Agents AIESSRS. JAKDfVE, MATMKB >N X, C O Th« uudeeijued h.-ivin- been ftp pointed Agents tor the ah ,v<- Cem;.vuy are prepii-ei to tef.(>L BMcin< -isifs.it cuiren rfifees. A
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  • 362 2 Singapore, Friday, Feb. 21 Hard Cases. In the report of the meeting of the Municipal Cornmissoners, published yesterday, was the text of a reply sent by the President of the Board to Mrs. Cook, the widow of the late buildiug inspector, m answer to a letter asking it any provision
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  • 349 2 At the last meeting of tho Municipal Commissioners, a petition signed by some fifty residents of Boat Quay was laid before the Board. According to the tenor of the prayer j it would seem that the petition- I ers are taking alarm at proposed or actual sanitary
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  • 368 2 I his disease still exists m Hongkong, though it is stated not to have assumed k an epidemic form. From intelligence received from the Government of that Colony, it is known that 56 cases have occurred since the opening ot the year, but information regarding the mortality is
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  • 750 2 (Perak Pioueer, 12tu Fobruiry Mr. E. X fovvulyr who Ins h appointed Inspector of mine*, Ulii Sclaogor, wilt nut take up bil appuint. ment until alter Mr. Cliffor fs return, We understand that Mr. A. Valpy, has lett Gala Estute, an tie is not suhieienily loud ot the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 895 2 THK TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Thk premises of the Company are Situated at Taiijong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quartet ami il divided by the entrances lOthaQraTiag Docks into three parts. The \WHt Wharf; over one mile in length with
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    • 536 2 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. We beg to inform our patrons and the public that all our goods are imported direct from the Distillers, Brewers, &j., aud that we are the 8 >le Agents lor the following well known firms, which
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    • 267 2 Handsome Reward Offered. The Government of Netherlands India is prepared to pay to those who will give information leading to the seizure m Netherlands-Indian territory of counterfeit Dutch silver cain, a reward ol 50 per cent of the intrinsic value of the coin seized, the minimum reward bein^ 25 guilders.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 88 2 MEMO: OF THB WEEK. Friday, 21st,— High Wattr,—2/J5 a, 3 0 p Saturday, 82nd, High Water.—3.Ba 4.21 p. Qejorge Waihington*e birthday. Auction lale of Mr. Fleury** household furniture, ri la">, Rive- Valley Kd. Moon, Fir<t Qiurter, 4.09 am M. If. Mail Outwards. Sunday, 28rd; Higli Water. —3.58 ft.,5.50 r. Ist
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  • 164 3 HiO^O'ii, Feb. 5. To-day the D!aind i Jury heard the >i libel bronchi agninat the tl ol the "liau^»ooon Times" Ihe libel ecu. b writ ton by m nnonjr* ■otu contributor, vow known to oe Mr. Porter, t local Advocate, su^-.•e.-iii,' tii it tiie two I'ttic
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  • 1170 3 Minntei of Proceeding of the Hanicipal Co<nniiMion«rd at an Ordin- Meoting hold on Wednesday, the •hU January, 1896. PUKSENI. Hie President Alex. Gentle Esqr. W Nanson E*qr. H, Jle\er h>qr. r.Shelford l^qr C M. G. Ab.sknt Tilt) Inspector General of Police, Col. Peunefather. Seali Leaug Seah E>qr, I'm
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  • 1190 3 Mr. J. Dillon if vow the leader of the Irish party. Another now steamer wa, launched at Mtfttra, Riley H-ir<jreaves' works, Cam^ou^r Malacca, uu Wednesday. Tvto new Glen Line steamers of 7,000 tons each, ordered some few months ago, are expected w be launched this moith. It
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  • 361 3 If. will be reoii mbered that a charge ot not reporting a dangerous infectious duetse ha 1 beeu instituted against Dr. Sauiy, and ttut ir, had from time to time beeu adjourned. Yesterday the evidence for the detence was taken. The point at issue was whether the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 559 3 SALE OF VERY VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FUliSiraitE, to, Hms pioperty o\ The Hon. Major Mc(,'allui£, r.l. c mv. At B-aonsti ild, 6epoy Lanei", Satukday, 29ra Fkb at 11 a m. The undersigned are instructed by the Hou. Mrjor MoOailutn, R.E., C MG. to sell by auofcion at BHauoustio d Sepojr Lines,
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    • 688 3 THETAXJON T 4 PaC>\l< [>jcK COMPANY, LIMITED rptfE Transfer frjokf ot ih-C,. Q pa i\y are atim*4 till Sututd tv |X* 29th iust. JOHN BLAIR. Maunder, bingapor^, Bttb February. 180(J. TAN JONG PAGAR DO^-K COMPAXY, LIMITLD. 'J'HE Half-Yearly O tlioarv General Meeting of ih« Shareholders la this Co oftauy will
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 482 4 Powell do. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUF A.CTU RERS A LARGE itock of lliwwhoM an«l Ofßoe i'urintnri' hlwmv'. <-n band Order* Can 1m executed <»* 'li* best v ol Furniture. D >i^us and Kmujmu's fapplied freaol uhar^e. 'l'u tniv-r Workmen employed at the Oicliard i> id Factory iueludo seveiai >k»ll<'d Cabinet Makers,
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    • 554 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Streot. Baker ancl Confectioner. [JudertheniOiitdisti&gaishied patronage Bib OxcfL Cli:.\ik.vti O.C.M.G M late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Co.nmission Ag-ent. To those Fornisliintr. V rare ;i.n 1 choice collection of drawing, dinin and bed room fnrnitare at the lowest pric a E»r cash. The
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    • 562 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. t KUPPER'S BE Chop PAYONG/ 1 the ,>,,u beer «rbich receive 1( t at the Chicago Bxbibitti C 11 U B U ti [R;)\ s a PKS a\ i> The best m the w< APOLLINARI3 WA 'i';ic qneeu of t 1 :b\ and Frsning drink i croaniries. $15.00
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