Mid-day Herald, 20 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 393 1 PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. Duck, litsmted in Province sley, at the entrance of th*i r, i^>^ lately beon leii^rthemd -•I. and i* now of the follow- i 1 n ts net ii on the blocks 3.'W feet h al entrance 5o of W;iUT OH Hill at •rdiiiary spring tides... 1
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    • 377 1 Au Ben Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfitteis and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trowteriogs, F incy 1 weeds, Cbrviot-. 'feoniii Flaooels and Lioeti D ill; 1 ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes, Hits, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Ru-js, [Jnsbivllss, WsJkiaf Sticks, &c LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. CHRISTMAS
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    • 240 1 I Tabaqueria Universal. 8, BAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. j BKGSto inform the public th*t a lar restock of the choicest brands- of Ci<r'irs h^ heeu received by the la*t Manila It ill from the leadiaj; factories of Li Insnl;tr and L:i
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    • 410 1 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAM, SINGAPORE JJE3FDEXT.S «>f und visitors to Singapore wishing to obtain interesting Ethnological and Natural History specimens should pay a visit to the above Collections. Small assjrt-d collections supplied at $5, $10, $15 and upwards ready packed. Genuine Native weapons received for sale
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    • 434 1 (CANTON INSUUAN T (^E OFFICI LIMITED. Capital Subscribed S2.Vk.(K 0 AMOUNT PAID UP 500,<>00 Kbsehve Fund Ucu Head ofpk'k, EIOVQKOS«. Geuer.il A^'tits Messrs. Jaudink, Mathk.«* >n A Co. The aaderei^ued baring been ap pointed Aleuts tor Die above CcmpMUT are prepared tv accupt ru»nae ns«6 at curren rates. A Bonus
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  • 391 2 Singapore, Thursday, Feb. 20 Counterfeit Dutch Coins. Owing to the great business now being done m theso coins io China and even m Singapore, the Government of Netherlands India are, with a view to ebeck tho nefarious trade, prepared to reward handsomely any person who may be able to give
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  • 390 2 In our local columns yesterday, allusion was made to a fatal accident which occurred on Tuesday to a Kling boy, 10 years old, while he was engaged driving a bullock-cart. The child fell from the pole, the wheel seems to have passed over iiis skull, and he
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  • 381 2 Again this unhappy kiii£dom is becoming troublesome. Russia watches Japan so jealously aud at the Bame time instigates the Coreana to objoct and rebel against tho King and his Japanese councillors. But recently the»Kiii^ issued ;iu Older ttiat bis subjects should cut their hair. This sritfitly excited the people.
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  • 452 2 11 M mv.,!,,"' o| the "Juugle M P \V._r.;n Mndi ihe FwU »>» tbe following ''*'.r;\c from i letlei from Mr. H. D. SViUock, tt S--iv:c YoQ >dkeJ ill i' I ever heir I o| i Sv )it boy' ii uilio i '»v an ■:!i m tii<-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 850 2 AXJOXG PA&AR DOCK oMi'AXY. LIM1T£D. premises of the Company are I at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining of Singapore. Wharf extends to r>ne mile an 1 ,iH'! and it divided by the entraoc i i Graving Docks into three pans. The Wharf; oyer out mile in length from 25 to .'$."> rest
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    • 522 2 W. A. ~W AFFORD CO. WHOLESALE BfiTAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. la. We bee \0 inform i>ur patroni nwi thf> public th it all our gool- are iinpor. led dfareci from th« Di#tillers, Brewers, and that we are the 6We Agents lor the following well known firm*,
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    • 273 2 Handsome Uewaud Offered. The Government of Netherlands India i» prepared to pay to those who will irive information leading to the seizure m NtftherUn da-Indian lorri tory of oonnterfeit Dutch silver coio, a rcvwird Q\ 5D per ceut oi tho intrinsic vtluc ct the c m seized, the minimum reward
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. 15.V.A pqoad drill, 5.15 p m Cracker firing midnight. Phtlharm >nic Orchestra, s p m High \V,tu-r--3.S :i 1.21 p. George Washington'a birthday. Auction s«tle oi Mr, Pleary*.s househ Id fnrnitarv, it 105, Bive- Valley Kd. Moon, First Qnarter, 4.(.i>am M. M. Mail Outwardd, llL'h Water,—
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  • 2057 3 k »«tr«el ot the proceeding ol t ,c a l CommtMtonen at ai\ Ordi. Meeting held jreeterdejr. Pbisivt. 0 Esq President. Inspector Oeneral of I'olice, Pei ttatl I* Jo»qoirr Btq BM)^ C.M.G. I: -q- m \l Uryrr £sq I C M iw E?q. MINL lE>. nutetf ol toe
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  • 930 3 Dr. Jameson is to be defended by Sir Ednard Ciarke at hit trial. Miss ilodijk'MM, tue n*« head m*s. tress ot the K.fTL«s Giris school, arrived yesterday. It is satisfactory to barn that there is a probability ot tue town being better lighted later on. Some Chinese
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. HOUSE and Lmd Assessment R ites, and Animal and Vehicle TWxei for tho half year rndin^ Juuo 30 h 18U6, a»d Private Water iSupply Kates for the Ist quarter of 18U6, are uovv payable at the Municipal Otfije, Robinson Road. Notices of Demand of unpaid Assessment, Animal and
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    • 526 3 THE TANJOX'J PAOAR D K)K COMPANY, LIMITED. TJHE Transfer 15,^s of tueC>apaay are olused till S.uurd iy, the 29th inst. JOHN BLAIR, Singapore, 20:h February, 18' Jo. XANJONQ PAGAH DOOK COMPAN V, LIMITED rpHE HaU-Yeariy O dniary G tneral Meeiin^ ot tuo 6liarenotdertt iv ttiia Co nt«i.iy wi«l Oi Ittfid
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    • 691 3 TU BE SOLD \\X AUCTION At Oui &u.cßoo« Thursday, 2 7 I*.1 Fer.ru iry. ai i-30 p ro. Tf\e Va'uable Kr-eh.li Property known as E-kbink, beautil 1/ %k &v ted m the Uiatriet of Tao^lm, tO!ft»« lhtfWitbtb« X '>iD.:iodious RiteKUnce thereon. The ui^ VfV.-re n*e in-» muted l>v tur owner
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 503 4 Powell &€o. SINCAPORE. PtJRKITUBI MAXUFAC TU REBB A LARGE ?tock of Household and OlVicc Furmtiiri' always on band. Orders? can be eXeeuted lor the beet deaoriptioo »)i Furniture. Designs and Etlimated »up| li«*<l tree o! uharge. Tin- ChiDe»e WTorkmen employed at the Orchard Eloa«J Factory include seveiai skilled v abinet
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    • 592 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under (.he most distinguished patronage of Bik Cecil Clemknti Smith. 0.0.M.0., late Governor of tho Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission A^ont. To thoM Porniahin^. A ran -ml okoice collection of ilrawing, dinin/, an.l be. l room Earnitare hi Ihe lowo3t pricei
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    • 435 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 X UPPER S BEER Ohop -ifHYONG/ 1 the m f beer wuicb received atiy vw a at the Chicago Ekhibi ion iron :vvn;s and lo The be^t m the wurhl APOLLIXAPvI3 WATjI Tliequeeu of tobie waters, I m thy and rofnrbiag driak io coam ries. $l&.00
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