Mid-day Herald, 19 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER (il.. I! SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, FEIiRUAHY 19, 1896 [NO. 384
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 299 1 HE PRYE RIVER DOCK, fjj k, situHtel m Province ii the entr.inco of tin r. hii» Utely been Lengthened Mid il now of the followi pnptb <>n kh* blocki S3O feet i: entrance b" u.titT on till at :i.ir;v 'ides... 15 do. oemp tidei 1- N Haehine Shop iia» been
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    • 381 1 k Bee Marehe, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. j Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coalings, Trowsrrings, Fancy Tweeds, Cheviot-, 'Vnnis Flannels and Linen D ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes, HiM, Hosiery. Shirts Towls, R U1? UwtirrllM, Walking Ac LADIES UNDERCLOTHING. CHRISTMAS CARDS Clhil
      381 words
    • 238 1 Tabaqnerhi Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bros to inform the r»oblic that lar*estoc'< of the choicest brands of Cit;a h»s been received by the la*t M.nili Miil from the leading factories of I In^nlir and La Perla del Oriente which
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    • 405 1 5,000 Guilders Reward. JJY virtue of Netherlands-India Giv ernment Decree of the lith J miuary, 1896, No. 1, a reward ot /0.000 (five thousand guilders) will be paid by the Government ot the iW.herlands East Indies to any person or persons who shall give such information regarding tho present abode
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    • 442 1 (CANTON FNSURANCK OFFIfJC UMITRD. Capital Subscribed t2 50n o( i v AMOUNT PAID UP iSAnJJOO KKBEBVE FUND Z^f 5^ Head Opficb, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardink, Mathkaon 4 Co THB undersigned havin X been au pointed Ajjeutg ror the above Cera pa uy are prepared to accept marine risks curren
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  • 399 2 Singapore, Wednesday, Feb 19 The Jury. IN yesterday's issue, our contributor, u Ajax," deals a little with this question, aiid from the way in which ho writes oue would ioel inclined to think he is writing of his persou experiences. This, howevt-!, js very little to the point. Tue i'ucts
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  • 281 2 A special wire to the u Free Press" intimates Ihat some officers of the Russian man-of-war Vladamir Monomach have beea fined at Hongkong for trespassing on the Kowloon Forts, ior the purpose, it is suspec ed, ot taking sketches, i us they nad witu them materials wnieh josticy
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  • 399 2 In yesterday's issue of this paper appeared a local paragraph referring to the prosecution of a man tor offering for sale pork not slaughtered m the Municipal abattoirs, m other words, pork not bearing the Municipal chop. From the evidence it was elicited that the carcase, before
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  • 1155 2 Rear. A liniral W. It Km writes.on the M Navy and Army ill* trated It will probably be aJji... ted that the R >v;il Mcivy otT-is a ta^cs 10 the wiv xA s^ort >uch U other profession atf rds. ttie v life ot a sailor, embraetng
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 926 2 THE TAN JONG PAOAU DOCK COMPANY, LIM1TKD. Thk premises of the Company are ftituated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tVe Town of Singapore. The V/harf extends to one mile and a quartei and is divided by the entrances "itheOraving Docks into three parts The West Wharf; over one mile in length
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    • 523 2 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE UEIAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDKD STORE, No. 19. WE be g to inf >rm our patrons and the publio that all our gooJs are imported direct from the DUtillet s B-nvers, &j., aud that we are the S >le Agents lor the following well
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    • 372 2 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, d At Our Salic. Room, Thursday, £7ib FeUruiry, at 2-30 p.m. The Va'uable Freehold Property D known as Exkbank, beautifully situa- C ted m the District of Tanglin, togre- a ther with the Commodious Residence a thereon. o The undersigned aro instructed by the owner
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 143 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Wednesday, 19th.— Hi^b Water -1.22 a, 1.37 p. Ash Wednesday. Municipal Commission, 3 p in P. A O. Mail Oomcwardfl fa.V.A. maxim gun drill, 5.15 p ra S.V,A, musketry. 5 If; j.i.m. CoDgrag ionil meeting, Presbyterian Church. 8 45 p.m Thursday, 20th HISB Water,— l.s«> a.
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  • 861 3 h- „;,wfc frmr J)a9 been one of "<lv work and „uiet progrens, for »c sivo thanks to God, our m ULeayen, to wtom alone be the prnisal ihe statistics give for much enoonragemenc We ftttacb ondae importance to growth of
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  • 1422 3 Experiments have shewn th.it yeast in-iv be manufactured from banana Hour, aad effect a saving to br«wert. The Assize Court sat till 5 o'clock yesterday evening m order to relinve the Jurors from serving again to-day. Dr. Samy's case was not contiuu'-d yesterday owin-r to his oounuel
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 285 3 NOTICE. THK business lately carried on by Boh Keow Lean, Li(n Chin Hin and Chew Choo Ww as dealers m secondhand olothing, &c under the style or chop Tia ig Yap Hoiu, at No. lti\ North Bridge Road, has this day been sold to c the un iersi^ne and will
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    • 569 3 Handsomr Reward Offer rd. The Government of Netherlands Indii i» prepared to piy to thoM who will give inlormation leading to the seizure m Nether lan ds»l idi»ui lorri tory o£ counterfeit Dutch ailvcr c >iv, a reward ot 50 per cent of th^r intrinsic v.ilue cf the c>in seiz
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    • 601 3 THBMID-D.VY HERALtt SINGAPORE. THI office of pablieation of •hv Mid-day HiaiLO" i- 4 N o I•. Mala«;(;a Street, Lite the "Haily v fSHTiSSB Press Th'j hoar of Pabliedaloa is at 2 ]>. m. daily and ;»t noon o?i Sitnrdayt. The rat.« of ■nbenriptioa i.s |j month lor loc.il and $J
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 25 3 Mails will CLOSE TO-MORROW. Djatnbie, Kian Ana. 11 a m I'fuang, Kiugoon ACalcutta. Talamcotta 3pm Iklalaica A KUng ban Hin Guau. 3pm Laugkok, Goigon, 4pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 463 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. ITKNITUKE* MANUFACTURERS A LARGE stock of BotnehoM aud Office Furuitaro always on hand. <3rdei\s c;m be executed lor the hest deibrtptioo o( Furniture. Desi^nf and H>iuuates supplied fret* ol cljar^o. .'I he Clunei-e Workmen employ >d at the prchard Koad Factory include vv/veial skilled Cabinet Makers, Car-
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    • 542 4 1 -n 1 A. FRANKEL, French Bakery- a^voo s tr9 Balier and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patrosageo^ NOTICE- SIR Cecil CLRj|i|jrri Smith, -i 0.0. M.G., p§ g 1 ROUND RED DUTCH CHEESE O latG Govoraorof tho traits Settlemont.s EACH $1 *0 cash. Furniture Dealer and Com--3 3 a uj
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    • 591 4 HUTTENBACH BROS, ft I X UPPER'S B£ER Chop PAYONG/ 1 the i boor which raoeived tiny at the Chicago Exhibit km. Cli U ii i; s IRON »AFfiB AND LO i The best, m the nrld APOLLINARIS -V,V. The qneefi of taW< a diy and rofrabioj; «(huk hi count,ries. |15.00
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