Mid-day Herald, 17 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 16 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER IOL I SINGAPORE MONDAY, FBBBUART 17 f 189£ [NO. 382
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 345 1 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PENANG. k, litnated m Province >. at the antranoc <>f tlv* itely beea lafigihened ii is rntw of the followIID I Mocks X\o feot 0o Bill at ip idea 12 p hat been largely ad i- fitted with all tha n«--fipliaii f or effecting repain 1
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    • 376 1 1 ftu Bon Marclie, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatin-s, Trowaerioga, Fancy Tweeds QirWot*, Teanis Plaanebaad Linen Di ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes H:*ts, Hosiery, Shirts lowels, Rnga, UtnWrelias, Walking Sticks. &c. LADIES' UNDERCLOTFHNG CHRISTMAS CARDS Chil Iren's
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    • 154 1 Jabaqueria Tniversal. S, RAFFLES PLACE. 1 WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE Nuevo Hahano, and Nurvo llal,auo pa L.glater.a. Senonta.-. Fine Old ScotcFwhisky! j =3Z» f CO f 7^ I c^j Z Re*** s^ A Urfc ChrisHe Robertson &C?T co SoleP*>P rie ki* Glasgow. GUARANTEED
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    • 385 1 5,000 Guilders Reavard. JJY virtue of Netherlands-India Gov eniment Decree of t!,« lhh J, n "■ry, 1896, No. 1, a reward ot f°> 000 (nvc thoannd guilder.*) will be paid by the Government of the- Netherlands kast Indies to any person or persons who .hall £ive such information recrardinop th.i
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    • 372 1 (IANTOH msURANCB OFFICE MMITfiD. i^SKKS m% Head office, Homokohq. General A-euts MESSRS. Jahdi.v,;, ICATHBBOS ft Co. rH« imd<';si_r,.ed havi,,- been ao ponit. I A^us N> r Lhe above Com,; The Bonus for the pnst fi ve remn has avera-eci 21 per cent. BOUBTEAD Co Sing a poke. Capital fIAAAA FIT.DB
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  • 308 2 Singapore, Monday, Feb. 17 The Queen's Speech. merit the usual speech from Her Majesty was read. It deals chiefly with foreign affairs, and in this respect differs from the generality of such speeches. This is of keen interest to the Empire and perhaps to foreign Powers generally. There is, however,
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  • 215 2 It is generally the accepted idea among the Government subordinates that length ot service, other tnings being equal, should give a cierk a claim to a step when, m ordinary course, a vacancy occurs. It may be said that, as a rule, this policy obtains, but there are
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  • 529 2 The health statement submitted by the Municipal Health Otiicer tor the week ended 25th January, shews an alarming increase m the death-rate as compared with, that of the corresponding period last year, thus 47*49 per 1,000 as compared with '28.12. Dr. Middle, ton says :—lt is difficult to
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  • 392 2 The Inl>menity and the Cost ok ihe War. We are at length m possession ot some deiinte- information wit li rc^;irii to the expenditure made by Japan on account ot Ibe War. Up lo tlie 3Ui ot ftiaruh ot the present yt*ar, the tolal auiOUnt ul direct
    Japan Mail  -  392 words
  • 316 2 THE LATE SIR FREDE UCK LEIGHTON. L?rd Leighton lias not lited enjoy the di_;r.ii v that was oonferred on him on New Y«ai'« D.iy. li«t of Houonra," as telegr*| tl»o Ut inaiant, the nam* of M Sir Frederick Lcifh 00 w stood first, as beijU raited, along with Mr. Henry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 907 2 THE TA^JONO PAGAU DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are Situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tho Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a quartet and is divided by the entrances tothe Graving Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; over one mile in length
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    • 490 2 ~W. A. AATAFFOBD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. We beg to inform our patrons and the public that all our goods are imported direct from the Distillers, Brewers, aud that w-i are theSjle Agents ior the following well known firms, which enables us to
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    • 296 2 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Ax Our Salk-Room, Thursday, 27tb February, at 2-30 p.m. The Valuable Freehold Property known as E?kbank, beautifully situated m the District of Tanglin, together with the Commodious Residence thereon. The undersigned are inducted by the owner to sell by auction the valuable freehold property known
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 91 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Monday, 17th, High Water,— o.36 a.. 0.31 p. S.R.C. team returns from Penang, L.L.T.C. Tourr.ainent. B,V.A. maxim irun drill, 5.15 p m S.V.A. musketry, 5.15 p m Philharmonic Choir Practice, 5.30 p m Tuesday, l.^th.— High Water,— O.r.S a., l. l 2 p Wedneaday, 19th.— Ash
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  • 211 3 [V.a Hangoon.) Loidoo, Feb. I.—Sir F. Scott and g bave returned to C»pe Coast boodred Houssas have been leredto CooomtHl to relieve the jj 'ii, as much sickuess prevail! re. Mr. I'haaiberlain has issued a state* rot Dg that he disbeliever the t nyißOlM U'lt^Trting re^ard- :;,r ?:tuhiiui)
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  • 524 3 UILCUTTA EngII>HMAN.") Ta« itor) of Prince Henry's life is •oun told. His father was Prince uidcr ct Bitttnber^, and his r the UonntaoJ you Lanck, -'icr ol a former Poii»a Miuioter I Uar, wiio was raised to the rt*nk ttPrincrta on h(;r moiiianatic mar.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 35 3 (We desire ii to be borne m mind that by m netting letters we do nut couvey any opinion favourable to their eonteuts. nor do we hold our•elves responsible lor the opinions of our cor-ri-apoudvuid.,
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    • 358 3 Sib,—lv your issue ot the 12th, you re^ roduced from the Tinang Gazette' the letters of "Cjlonist" and chant" on the above subject. There are, no doubt, a tew m the Colony who support tne Liud Liw ol Air. Maxwell, but iho vast majority ut buth
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  • 1550 3 The new An<jlican Bishop m Japan is Dr Awdry, Bishop ot Southampton. Some of the tiues imposed for cacker firinu reached rather an expensive ainu-einen'. The ttc-vd: E. R. BjrUnvick of the Uudauuted, preached at St. Andrew's yesterday evening. Pratidenft Kruger is disposed to permit Kotflifh to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 Mails will close to-morrow* FOR Batavia, Cheribon, Samarang tot. Van Diemenl Sam Saigon, Tibre, 9am liatu Pahat, Aiag Ann, 11am l'euann and Deli Hebe, 3pm Malacca, Kian^, T. Anson, Amherst, 3 p m Bangkok, Hecate. 4pm Baugßo Hydra, !opm Pulau Laut Cotie etc, BaUvier' 11 p m MUNICIPAL NOTICE. HOUSE
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    • 547 3 To-night! To-xight!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 30, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Afternoon Session from 5 to 7 p. m Evening from 8 to 11 p, m. Prices Afternoon Session. Skate 9 and Admission 50 cts. Admission 25 Evening Session. Skates Admission $1.00 Adm»*si>n $0.25 THURSDAY NIGHT, GRAND MILITARY NIGHT. Specially for tbe
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    • 609 3 THE MID-DAY tt&ftiLD SINGAPORE. THE office of publication of the "Mid-day Hbrald" i* at No 19 Malacca Street, hito thn "Daily Ai> rSRTUHNI Press." The hour of Publication is at 2 p. ra. daily and at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month for local and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 496 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. trURNITURE MANUFACTU 8888 J^ LARGE *tock of Household an«l Offioe Furniture ;il ways on bund Order* osn be exhaled for the hest desoripUon ol Piknpiture. D?si n ns and Eatiroates »upj ih«4 free of thsr^e. The Chinese Workmen employ -d at the Orchard li >aH Factory iuclud.
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    • 500 4 French Bakery! J™: Baker and Oonfe Under toe mosiai*tiiigi)u oageo^ IMUriCE- «ni Cecil Clhm;:., ily CLC.Ii.O., S- RED DUTCH CHEESE c l*f Governor of tiiegtrail dement. hACI{ $120 cash. W P3 n n Furniture Dealer and OoinA2 1 HOUND RED DUTCH CHEESE S g mission jV^nt. 9§o EACU $l.B6crcdu. 0Q
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    • 537 4 HUTTINBACH BROS. &Cj X UPPER'S BEER CHOP-PAYONG," the only I beer which received unj» ut tiic Chicago Bxhibitiou, C il U B J) s IBON sak.s xxi) LOCK Tlio boat ii) the w n-ld A.POLLINABIS WAT^ii. The queen of tal»le Skiers, a nioirt thj and rafrshing dHnk m tra eoaniries.
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