Mid-day Herald, 15 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER VOL I Z^^ FEBKUABY U t I^T [NO. 381
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 369 1 THE PRYE RIVER DOCK. PFNA N G Tf r)uck, titoated m EVoTtnov it Mm entr kiioe «»f Un I'm. ir, •ly been letiythened nd i- now <>f tlu> tollow- ;f. on the I. Nicks ;W0 fe«( i•« cut rauoe ;"»o r un sill at ordinary gprintc I idee... l. r
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    • 376 1 Au Bon Marche, 30, BAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN GUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trowarringa, Fmcy Twt-eJs, Chivio'-, leonH Flannels aud Lilian Dulls, ALL NEW REASON PATTERNB Boofs, Shoes, Hat«, Hosiery. Shirts rowek, Ru«,-s Umhrelliis, Walking LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING CHRISTMAS CARDS Thil 'r^n's puit- off i.ve>t
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    • 203 1 laoaqnena Universal. 8, EAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bkos to inform the public tint i br** atoe'< of the ckoioeat hrinH ~i tx ":>s l)een received by rln 1 1 r \r „.i \t i i? cnoi 1 orands of Cigar* From
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    • 386 1 5,000 Guilders Reward. gY virtu« of Nefherlands-rndia Gov e.tmient D-cr^e of the Ufh Jig "»ry, 1896. No. i, a reward ol /5.00U nve thousand .jmlders) will b« paid hy thH Govern m»nr of »he Netherlands Kast Imliet to any person or pcpiooJ| who Blmll such information JWdjif lb« pn.s,>nt abode
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    • 314 1 t)ANTOW INSURANCE OFFIQg LIMITED. Amount paid up ?T Kkskkve Fund 5 0 HftAJ) OFFICE, HON.iKON,; General Agents- UATamo* too BOUSTEAD <fe Co BUTQAPOftfc ««O»C«OTij «i,»9«,073 LIPR DEPA.rrMKXT.-The Com uor-vrv; yd Co.. A_rfut.>.t' Singapofe and I'euau^ PHE CHINA PRADBRS INiUUA NCK COMPANY, LTD. Capital Bubscribbd 12,0QQ.000 Amount Paid up OOoOOi) Bbbbbti
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  • 275 2 Singapore, Saturday, Feb 15 President Kruger. There is now no longer any doubt as to the views of President Kruger on the Transvaal question. He is evidently as anxious as is Mr. Chamberlain that, matters should !>e settled amicably and to the satisfaction ot both the Boers and the foreign
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  • 417 2 A few days n^o we touched lightly on thus matter, but not having space to admit of more on the subject, we reserved a point which, as it is of great importance to the community, we deal with to-day. There are few persons who'liave not observed how very
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  • 379 2 On WcJuesday last tlie meeting which should have been held w;is ;idjourned till Wednesday next owing to the absence ot members. As «miy Mr. Gentle Mr, Mey rand Mr. H>sefl were piesent at three o'clock business could not be [>r condtd with. Hid the meeting been held the
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  • 565 2 To the E lit or A t lie Piuang Qaxette." SIR,^—If the appointments announced m U -ufer's telegram yesterday he any the Malay Protected States, under the new federation scheme, will prove a splendid field for jobbery, and tie official advancement ol incapables. To Mr. Swot
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  • 607 2 Mr. PoaTMAN LnTSRVUWIO, M Their mi rality is on a par with that of a Little M<->. Lollipop in N--pheloooocy*ia/' said .Mr. Si. V. Portman to a Statesman represented? who called upon bun an I begged aa introduction to the dusky folk whom it is the benign
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 456 2 To-night! To-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 30, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. ■■■■■8888 l Afternoon Bession from 5 to 7 p. m. Brening from 8 to 11 p, ra. Aftern >i? So-sion Ps an 1 Admission. .50 ets. wion 25 Evening Session. Skates ft Admitsioo... $1.00 Admissi »n si>.2"> Se:»s<in Ick r may
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    • 426 2 John Little Co. Ltd. :o. SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. PBOM 27 1 11 JANUARY TILL CHINESE NEW YEAR. fl 1 1. X" f-^ M O w CD O r^ J3 if fi I- t^ Pit f 1 I H. I w -*J Jf
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    • 63 2 The Mid-dxy Herald is tiie earliest issued newspaper m the Straits Settlements and largely circulated- It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, &c. It is also the cheap.* est paper, the Subscription being- *l a month for local, and
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 142 2 IEVCdIOFTfIH VVHKK. Saturday, l. r >t,h, II Water.— ll,29ft. M 0 ned m Pasting aoason begisa, Bggd f t Svmdav, ltlth. llli Water,— lo3 a., 0.1 p. shrove Sunday* Monday, 17th, Uigli Water, -0.88 a- 0.31 p. I*. A < >. Ifhil Outwardi. B.E.C team returns froea Peiiang,! li.L.'l 6.
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  • 1118 3 N ll \\V.li)^d;iy ushers m the sea- >.. 'Leal. [|v Mahomnifdan Buian Puasa r^owrrow completes a century of uccu r at.ou of Colombo. I c coming Tuesday is known at iue ;ls I'.iiiC.ike day. It is not much rtedbere. 11,-niv Montague IWeau, who ha* tB eoßficted tor
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  • 172 3 Tho Coi ll >^racion which occurred m Victor v Street at midnight n Wedneatlay nas bt-en attended with fatal resui.s. Three men ho could not get out of the house easily were so much i»urn-d m the attempt to break through the tlaines that two have since
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  • 118 3 The Uou'bleC. W. Sueyd Kymiersloy, Uesidcut Councillor, Malacca, reported his return from leave of absence and resumed the duties of his office ou 6ih instant. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased 10 to Mr. E. (J. H. Hill, Inspector of Schools, leave of absence, with
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  • 496 3 PIRAKNCW3.' (L^erak Pioneer, February 8 Two Chinese h ;lve been recently tiers °a JSellin«or b/ an B rob" > Mr. Edwards has again been ap- Pointed Assistant Superintendent of rohce, Selangor. i The District Officer, Kfcuifc grum. bles at the insufficient number ot d 9uaarcators iv his district.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 Mails will CLOsb on Monday, fok Bangkok, Ban Seng Gn&n 2 p m lort L). Klang T Annso, hVi Hong Ann 3 p in. X- I'iiiiaiiu'. l'okan. Kuantan Oympie, 3pm Tuiau Laut Cotie etc, liaUvier' 3 p vi NOTICE., THE business lately carried on by Boh Kaow Lean, Lim Ohio
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    • 625 3 W* A. WAFFORD CO KATZ BROS. wholesali: retjs WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No 111. We bear to inform our patron* and the public thit ill our im-))r tod direci from the Distillers, Bre^ow, MI th tre the -S ,le A u -lor .V 1 6 folltJW '"iT well
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 919 4 THE TANJbNQ P OAR DOCis COMPANY, LI I BD. ThH premisea of the Company are litoated m Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the T«>wn of Bingapove Dbe Wharf exteada to oas mile and qu i and is divided by the entrances tothe<« i\ m- Docks into three parts The West W »arf;oTef
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    • 511 4 PowelUCo. SINGAPORE. FCUNiTDHE MANUI RBBB A LABGE <tock ol H Id and Olliee Fuiuitur alw on hand Orders can t.«; »X"euSt(i iie l>^sl description ol Furniture. [).s s nsand Estimates supplied free*.: charge. TheCbiotfi* Workmen Btn ployed at ihr Oichsrd Boad Factory include bt-verai skilled Uabioet Mukers, Oar vcrs- French
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    • 502 4 il 1 CHC II If CUV©! J 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Uiidei-lhc most, distinguished patfOMgeo* NOTICE- SIR Cecil Olbmenti Smith, 0.C.M.G., Si I* ROUND RED DUTCH CHBBSE l'^e Governor of the Straits Settlements EACH $120^sh. Furniture Dealer and OomS i-d mission Agrent. rj HOUND UED DUTCH CHEESE tt
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    • 518 4 s &co KUPPERs 3P£R AYONG leonly a ri OCX I i $15.00 per< 7.50 i Cha. A hiifli class v v re|)i4 at ion at v moder\. Quarts Pints ALE AND )J r American Poldn L cool and m every either bdugalow or j 6ft, by 3tt Americau carts froii
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