Mid-day Herald, 12 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 344 1 PRYE RIVER DOCK. PENANG. D nituated m Province >. at the entrance of thi it.ly been lengthened md i- now of the fellow- (18 .<■ blocki l^> (> feet l>n sill :it Bft... 15 m t ides 1 io|i b M been largely lis fitt I with ;ill lb« n«-
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    • 386 1 Au Bon Marcfie, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. Tailors. Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUT TEH. THE FINEST SELECTION OP Coalings, I rowscrings, Ftncy Tw -eJs, Cbtviot-. T«nni» Flannels and Lin« :i Dills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes, H;»ts, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Rults UmUrellas, Walking Slicks, &c LAriES' LTNDERCLOTHING. CURISiMVS
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    • 246 1 Tabaqneria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bkos to inform thf» public thru i lar 'c of the choicest brand* of Cigar* Km been received l»y the last lf:inili M iil from the leading fnctorire «>{ Li Insular and La Perla
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    • 402 1 5,000 GITTT.DEHS Reward. J^V virtue of Nethi-rlands-Fndia Gov eromont Decree of thr I L r > t .1 m n»ry, 1890, Na 1, a reward oi /5.000 {iiv^ tlioosand guilders) will bn paid liy the G )ver:iin»*nr i^f tht* Netherlands Kast In.li«»s t<» aijy persoa or person* who >hall such
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    • 467 1 (CANTON rNSURANCB OFFIOB LIMITED. i 1 Ai'lTaL SfTHSORIBBD 82,. r )<>o (M*() AiJorvr PAID ITP WOOO KBBBicvB Fund (K) ,on iIEAD OVFIOB, BONQ*>SQ. General Agenti IfBSSBS JahDl.vk. ICATHBB3S 4 CO. THi Dodersi^ued having been ap pointed Ageufce tor bhe above Company «re prepare I u» acoept marine riftksal enrrea rates.
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  • 352 2 Singapore, Wednesday, Feb. 12 The Transvaal. Itecently we oxpressod a wish that President Kruger would see his way not only to adopt the suggestions ot M r. Chamberlain that a form of self-government, or Homo Rule, might be given to the foreign population of the mining regions in the Transvaal,
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  • 380 2 This is the eve of the great Chinese tesiival of tli3 year. In common with every natiou m the world, the Chinese augur much good from the coming year. With them, perhaps, moro than with any other nation, itis a time for sat.ing their affairs m
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  • 783 2 (To the Editor, Pi aau£ Gazette.") SIR>—I have read with much interest tlie article m >'v>ur issue <-f vest- r(Uy on M LiuJ Policy m Malaya." It w a mailer ol uo importance vvl ether Mr. Maxwell irai or vv.is' not the author ot the policy
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  • 176 2 Dear Sir.- 4' <:■.];,.,;.," wri.,. you, riss.,oaly.Mi:H.,v,- I j 8 arule, m l»*d owners #l, 0 benefit aeouiitry, bit Bintll •<ricohuri Personally In, n t (l helirv r it, t| 1(: "Saereeanda Co* creed" b,u r seems to me that it is preci-ely t|,^ small agriculturist whom our to( j
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  • 1013 2 AMERICANS HOT LNKIU NDI.Y. (Bombay (iaze:te) Although Mark Twain ia of opinion that rtrmarkil made to an a,u rvk v\ r on the spur ot ihe moment are mora surface talk, nnwoithy ot bein^ priuieJ, we venture to assert lh»t Ibe
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 595 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICS. persons claiming refund of assessment m respect of dwelling housrs, vacant for any portion of the hilt- year •otling ;^Kt December, ISUS, are hei«by reinio<i«d that such claims ina^t he sent m to the Commissioners, on t.r before the 15:h day of J inuarv, 169 G. 1 bfl
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    • 421 2 John Little Co. Ltd. SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. FROM 27th JANUARY TILL CHINESE NEW YEAR. s 1. O s o fl /I p d Z* r~\ m I I c err o t B 1{ S C 1 3D (a •-> 8 2
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    • 67 2 The Mid-day Haral i i 3 the earliest issued newspaper m the Strait 3 Settlements and largely circulated- It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, &c. It is also the cheapest paper, the Subscription be- i ing £1 a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 IiEMO: OF Tilt: W&&VL, Wednesday, 12th. ftigh Water.- 9.29 a, 10.53 p. Municipal Commission, 2.30 p m A.V.A N|Uad drill, ">.lf> p in Lodge Zetland Regalar, h.:ji) p m Cracker iiruii,' btgiai midnight Thursday, likh.— lli^h Water,— X». 14, a. 11.23 pNew Mc»oii, 11. JS pin 'hlnesc New fear. I'ublie
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  • 742 3 luflaei.za is raging 1 at Calcuita a:id the death-rats is reported lo be abucrHftfcUv liigh. Hi re m v ru.'iiuur ihut rtbe.'lion hay uVsrthrown lh* Maiidi m th Soudan. Bcjuod ibi 3 uothin^ is kuown. Hie J=*y atttr to-morrow is St. Va leu tint•'.- D.iy. This bmms
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  • 249 3 A meeting of the members of the Chinese Recreation Club has b?rn held with a view to arrm^iug for Athletic sports during the coming festive season, and it has been decided that there shall be sports on Hie 220 d instant. A programme has 1 een arranged and
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  • 396 3 It will be seen from our advertise* mentcolumns that the E ite Bkni»« Kink ii to b.; m unusual form to-night It is a j^raud nijrht especially de. dieated to the crews ai 11 M.S. "Undaunted" and ''Peacock." Ti)d chief (eature m the cv.nin^'e performance Will be
    396 words
  • 93 3 The case avaiust ihe lad Millington, charged with voluntarily causing grirvou* huit to WaruVr Crook, cnine <n tor hearing yesterday afternoon, but was not couc.u ied whrn tnc Court rose at 4 p. m, Mr. Hotlmeister for the defence. The case was resumed this forenooo, and the Judge
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  • 262 3 Auioy, Janury 29. A suy sent to watch the proceedings of the German warsnips supposed to be surveying al Quemoy, returned to.ni^ln and reported tu.it the Germans have planted tour flagstaffs oo Quemoy, aud that whe.i ne left the isiaud the Gomiiii tla^ had beeu fl>iu^ there
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 latest To-night! To-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 30, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. GRAND GALA NIGHT. SPECIALLY DEDICATED TO TUBCRKWS OF H M.S. UNDAUNTED AND H M.S. PEACOCK. ONE MILE RACE FOR A HANDSOUS BILVBR DISHBR OONU Will be cocopleted tor by id em be r9 ot the^iews. Price ol admi^ion 2f> cents,
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    • 591 3 W. A. WAFFORD &/CO. KATZ BROS. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STOKE, No 19. We beer to inform our patron* and thfl publi** t!vW rtl! oi>r p;,»Uare iinj >r. ted direct from the Distillers, 13 /"vver*, a*)<l tli»t w« ir^ tli** S »le A^'fnt-i tor the following well
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 896 4 THK TAIJONO PAGAU DOOR COMIVxY, LIMITED. THI ptajßtiasi of the Ooßtpnay ate sitaated ;it Fanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. Fhe Wharf extendi to ono mik; :m<l a qoHitei and is divided by theeniraeoes totheOraving Doektintothfas) parts. The s i Wharf over one mile m length witL brom 25
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    • 505 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. rURNITUBI M.VNUFACTU !?ERS A LARGE it«ick of Household and Office FiiMiitur always on hand. Order* can tx executed <>? the hest description ol Furniture. D^si^ns and Estimate* sup| lied ir«*e ot oh>ir^e. The Chinese Workmen employed at ihe Orchard Road Factory include .•rvttal .-kill, (i v abioel
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    • 554 4 I'r^swh Hn\fav\r A FRANKEL 1: 1 tDIIvII DCHVCI J 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confe3tioner, UocUribemost diltingnished ptttrooageol NOTICE- 9^ Cecil pLßMßarri smith, 5 G.C.M.G., H I* ROUND HED DUTCH OHBBSg O lllte G vcrnOl oftl^ StniitsSettlomeiUs S a KACII |l «0eMh. g Furniture Dealer and Cora--5 S mission Agrent.
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    • 608 4 HUTTENBACHBROS &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER the only beer which received »t the Chicago Exhibit^ C ii U ii B S [ROM BAFKS AND LOCK The best iv the world, APOLLINARIS WATER. Ife queen of ta w,: thy and refrshin- drink oooittrief. $15.00 per ease ol 100 K lasi I n
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