Mid-day Herald, 11 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 397 1 PENANG. jn;. w l*-'*^-, Bit«»ied m Prorittoe ;tt the entrance of th" i i s hit« 4 lr been lengthened I. md is now of thefoiiow- j iv eu u o us 1., Mirth «-n the blocki l^<» fed ],n adl i: at entnuiot r >" 1 1« nth of
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    • 380 1 Au Bon Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. J JAVE noxv opened their establishment as Tailors. Outfitter s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN GUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings. Truwjerings, F.mcy Tweeds, Cheviot, I'eoui* Flannels aud Linen D: ills, ALL NEW REASON PATTERNS Bouts, Bboea, H its, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Kuu r
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    • 232 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADk. BKGSto inform the public th*t a lur e stoe'e of the choicest brands of Cigars hns bs«n received Iw the last Mmili M til from the leading factories of Im In»n)«r and La Perla
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    • 416 1 5,000 Guilders Reward. "gY virtue of Netherl;inds-Indi.i Gov eniment D 'cree of the Llrh J n nary, 1890, No. 1, a reward ot /5 000 (five thousand guilders) will be paid by the Government ot the Netherlands East Imli.«s t<> any person or persons who shall give such information regarding
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    • 432 1 (IANTOJff INBURANCB OFFIOI LIMITED. Capital Sudscrihed 52 s(><» oro AMOUNT PAID UP I ,W kmuitbfvho H«AD OFFICB, BOfHOKOHQ. General Agents ICBBSRS. Jardixk, Mathks >x ft Co. THI unde signed haviu"- ben an pointed Ageoti lor the above Ccnibauy are prepared to aooepc marine risluat curren rat^s. A Bonus is annually
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  • 47 2 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. Leicester.— Ou 1st January, in India, of in:enc lever, contracted whilst in discharge ot her duties at she Station Hospital, Allaha'md, Sinter Evelyn Alary Leicester, Indian Nursing Service, eldest daughter of the Revd. J. A Leicester, of Weot Dulwich, S. E., aged 28 years.
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  • 413 2 Singapore, Tuesday, Feb. 11 Learning English. The remarks made by Mr. Elcuin yesterday on tho occasion ot tho disttibution of prizes to the pupils of tho Anglo-Ohio* esc Fice School oil this subject wore- exceedingly appropriate* In order that parents and guardians may fully appreciate them we quote them here,
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  • 376 2 While sympathising soraowhiit with many of the hawkers who are doalt very summarily with on occasions, wo feel constrained to admit that there are numorous cases m which they becomo truly a nuisance, and way, unless stringent measures are taken, become a source of danger. Even to a casual
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  • 903 2 The Post Office HeadClerkship. This appoiaiiiieut lei! vacant some monttid a4O on Mr. Goi. tiijb's resi^oatioQ. A> i\n experimeat, bat wit.a iho intuulion vi keeping bicu fcher A£r. D Almeida was appointed <^i probation, much r> the dismast ot ;i tiumbor ot mo.i who, iv ability, exjeriaoca aud lou^ i
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  • 899 2 THE MANAGEMENT, TREAT MENT, VICTUALLING OF CHINESE LABOURERS. [By oni-: of cuu Old pLaHTBRS l\\£ Chinese being o! taperior physicjue to any other agiicuitural eaatern nation are the best labourora pfnen* tab:e m Asia. They .uv botn agriculturists, frugal, iiitiu tri Mis and la.v abiding, and beiug Ciipabie ot witb>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 To-niohtl To-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 80, sUFFLBS PLACE, SIN iAPORE. Vlternoou Sesftion from 5 to 7 p. m. Evening from 8 to 11 p, m. Afterno >r.> Sessioo. Skates and Admission 50 eta. Admission -17* Lvi'iiin_' Session. Skate- Admission ftl.OO A nitai ft 0.25 Season ricketn may be obtained at
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    • 393 2 John Little Co. Ltd. ;o: SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. FROM 27th JANUARY TILL CHINESE NEW YEAR. 3 fti 3 Ss I: .2 If* "o O c o <r»i s^"^ s*q a f m 2. 5z; w" o 9 y' "-%w 2 < 1
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    • 65 2 The Mid-day Ho pal I is the earliest issued newspaper m the Straits Settlements and largely circulated- It is the fl'St paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, &c. It is also the cheap, est paper, the Subscription being: W a month for
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 110 2 MtmiO: OFTfIK WfiKrL Tuesday, luh.— High \Vat«r.-,s. 7 a., 10.17 p S lt.( team le ires for Penang, M, M Mail Homewards. Tanglin Club At Home, 9 p ni Wednc day, L2th.— Hj \h Yater- 9.29 a, LOJU p. Municipal Commission, B*9o pm B.V.A quad drill, .">.l. r p m
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  • 241 3 e>terday eveainga kind of house- m.ng ,n the form of a tea splast tIV!Yean'- J Xhe R *v- ALamom Vh {nac'^ of the Eastern i1^I,ol^ bo.vs under his charge 1| took place on the premise, or, Hill, formerly the Malay to which the School has novv removed.
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  • 894 3 holdan^H 0^"1 CoM«^>Mfi will Il^^'^-^t «SJOp«. gianUd |„r 9tay of execution i Q the LimL.ckwho wi9 arrested a few da>* ago for attempting to break ioto a house n. Club Street, wa< yesterday commute 1 to sUnd hi* trial at the neslatMid, Ha ha* fifteen previous COUVICtIOQ?.
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  • 459 3 Tho Chinaman uutned Lim Bun Siok, who was convicted at the last Penanij Assizes of murder of a fellowcountryman at house No. 20 Prangin Lmo m October last, suffered the extreme penalty of the law on the sih instant, within the prison walls. A tew minutoa befoie seven
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 233 3 Safest MUNICIPAL NOTICE A LL persons claiming refund of assessment in respect of dwelling houses, vacant for any portion of tlie half-year ending 3l<t December, 181)5, are heiehy reminded that such claim* inu t be sent in to the Coniiri sinners, on or before the 1 5th day of January,
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    • 589 3 W. A. WAFFORD &/CO. KATZ BROS. WHOLESALE BETA I L WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. We beg to inform oar patron* and tho public tint all our gjools are imported direct from the Distillers, Brewers, &i., add ilnt, w* ire tlie 8 »le Agents for the following
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 924 4 THE mNJONG H D'jCK COMPANY, I I ri»>. THE premises v»f ii OMip;iny are situated at Tanjoni Pagar, adjtnning the Town of Sinj/ap- r The Wharf MLteaV fee otio mile and a qaaiiei and ie «nvi led by the etifcmaoel totheOnivih^ int(> three part a The Weai Wbarf i enrer
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    • 475 4 Powell &€o. SINGAPORE. FURN:TL T RE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE <t(.<:k «if Household and Ofti- r.nmtnre silwHys on baud. Order* oan m eXwutt-d ior the best de>c ipt»»i- of Furniture. De^-i^ns and Ifintieaatet supplied free of uhartje. The Chi»> -c Workmen employed at the Orch; "i H.-ao Factory include srvrrai skt.i.-.J
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    • 524 4 1 French Bakery.' J: 'T!L, Baker I Confectioner, UndertheiiK. UjtingtlillMd putnmageof NOTICE- Bib Cb v OtntiHrrl Smith, G.C.M.G., ROUND RED DUTCH CHEBSE Q* late Goveniorof the Straits Settlements I EACIi $120 cash. g Parmrure Dealer and Com. -3 C mission A^oat. g ROUND RED DUTCH CHEESE ta g Q o«
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    • 579 4 HUTTENBACHBROS. C Q KUPPEfTs BEER boor which received any :iw rl it the Chicago ESxhibition, 0 il U BB 8 [RON Baf;:s an;, L()(:i The bent m the world. APOLUN.W.IS WATER. TluM,,u,en of Ui,,!,. v t, lS .a,n,, M WWd refr*h, lv Urink iv .^■'.oo per case vi 100 glaea
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