Mid-day Herald, 10 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 nang. hi iM.k« TOO fool 151- i L<k ol new ilt:; vI« (lt erected popper and Brass warr 1 1 Moanti ,Tnbing, Pia '"i" »r are always en hand. x lelf the M»d to i hew ble lamage arising Krikea oonseoaea ilars,apply to Np[TAp Ml Attin ~'Mui:^ er < \"'>"l'"<
      172 words
    • 240 1 Au Bon: Marclte, so n \rri ix <m- \pp Tailors, Outfitters and /< it ViCllCl<U lllipoi 101 S. EXP-lEVCED EUROPEAN EXP^IKNCED EUROPEAN UUxiJbjit. THE FIXES! BELBOTIOM OF Chrviots Tennis Flanneis and Linen Drill*, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoe*, ll>ts, Hosiery. Shirts Toweli Ru--^ [Jmbrellas Wa'kitv Stick*, Ac. THE LARGEST
      240 words
    • 215 1 laoaqiieria Universal, WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. ™X C"EAPEST HOUSE IN' T'^ TRADE. ISy»5 »▼wy moaerai• pnoes, p rom -L A INSULAR."—Culebras. Brevas, V,.,Mieros, Obsequios E^qui-i-Bouquets, Petit Bouquets, Mo.ii.-i Regalia, Universaes. Nu-vo Habano Nu vo Curtado, i« llab;ino, 2^ Coitado, Hibano, 3 a Uortado and Ci garetUw. From "La pkkla
      215 words
    • 234 1 mwguildbm Bbwabd, fZj^&XXI&S 5y the GofiraßaMit of thr Netherlands Bast Indies to any pereon or persona -»o aive U info L.ion bSFtSJZ %£?&rS T "l t>\N Ijiang (lan Han (hixng) concealed ss may lead to'*he discvery of »<*• *bscoiider to the discoVl'rv ot the mon '>' stoltMlSingapore, 27rhjan s JB9«.
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    • 283 1 ip« ar om«B oStT 0" Mmsrs. .Jahdi.vk, Matmiv >n ACn THB andemi r,,,. 1 1 poiaJll g£»Eita3& n P y °»P> »Z carren rates. fflT^pf w^tt hrn ****•&>& 21 per oent. BOUiJTEAD aCo SINGAPdfeB unvAi Tv tt [^uiaj, INSI RANCE COMPANY OF LIVEKPOOL, S£2»""= r, .00 Kbsebvk Excwj bivk of
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  • 354 2 Singapore, Monday, Feb 10 The German Navy. This has sinco tho FrcincoGerruan war lDOi eased very considerably, in fact, at the conclusion of that brief Struggle, Gerinauy wished very inucli to appropriate the French navy as it stood, and doubtless would have done so bu. for tho friendly intervention of
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  • 383 2 The grievances ot the foreign population in the mining regiou of the Transvaal must ho real when no less personage thau the Secretary of State tor the Colonies endorses them and suggests that President Kruger shall draw up a scheme embodying soine method <>f selfgovernment for the Rand.
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  • 316 2 The practice of the Klings to Hi -use tboir cattle in every conceivable way is notorious. They not only starve and boar, but they also work them beyond endurance. The Uhinamaii on the other hand, is, as a rule, merciful to his beast. We notice tbat occasionally these
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  • 374 2 Tiic District Officer, U.u Selangor, in his December report tajt 1 was I much ple'S'U by a visit w.neh 1 paid on the 2l>t.and 22u i to inspec' an agricultural hoUiiug in liivvan^. Almost ail along the road I ruin Sorendah to Uawang
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  • 1403 2 Sir Charles Mitchell if making the most of his spell ol holidays foe fl Beile is ai his disposal, Mod il ctntiot bo said th it Sir Cti ..I.- is u< t nuking V(M'y good US- Of the Col M,l;il y;, C t. Uulike his predecessor*, Sir
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 MEMO: OFTIIK WEBK. Monday, lOtli, rii-rh Water,— 7.2l a.. 9.3^ D. lii.V.A. maxim trim drill, 5.1A p m S.V A, muikotry oooree, 5.1"> p m Philharmonic Choi* Practice, .">.i)o p m Tsetday, 1 11 h. High Water.— B, 7 a., 10.i7 p S.lt.(j. tea. a leaves f<>r PatUUlg, M, M
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    • 439 2 John Little €0. Ltd. :o: SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS 8c KNIVES, &.C. FROM 27 1 h JAN UARY TILL CHINESE NEW YEAR. S s 1 1 J3 "9 »l\ p, p? <j x 2'o I B 09 i) v a ft t-f vv O V
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    • 63 2 The Mid-lay Herall 13 tlie earliest issued newspaper m the Straits Settlement:, and largely circulated. It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, &c. It is also the cheap.* est paper, the Subscription being: £1 a month for local, and
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  • 168 3 A Chinaman Butsmcbd to Death. Fhe ease u«ain>t the Ohinanun Xi an, who was indicted 00 a obarge murder, came on for hearing on and concluded ou Saturday I will be remembered that on the Nove abet last, the body ot a Chi- nan was luuud floating
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  • 900 3 ASuldv.rua, on Saturday fi liea forvolunta,,l ClUslMi Ullrt to o "e Abur hi IWo X lio 8 barracks. The R ffls insluuuoM close, on UuLke former} ears, it wia be closed only tar a loftttight. A wretched hoki,,^ bag was this saoroiu* fined .$5O m di-iuuli 6
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  • 341 3 Distribution ok Pmziis. Thi-- moruiu^ tne pleasant fuactiou of pnzj didiribuiiou tooK place m tlie Au^lo-Ctiinose Fiee Scluoi, IViuk A.yer Street. Tne Cicuool room was very tnttcfsjly decorated with ev^rgreeus while a nu-.nber of appropriate mottoeswere Con3f>icucusly placed round the wails. Theex h <«ciaiu pupiLs lookedat their
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Our Salk Room, Thursday, 27tb FeUu .ry, at 2-30 p.m. The Valuable Freehold Property known as Eskbank, beautifully titoated m the District of Taogfin, toije thtr with the Commodious H-jsidL'nce theieon. Lite undersigned are inMructed by tho owner to sell by auction the valuatle
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    • 612 3 W. A. WAPFORD 'CO. KATZ BROS. vvjioLKsAL]-; cSc retail Wii\ E, 'SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDfiD STOBB, No 19. We heir to inform "v, ';ir,ron"< and tha public tl»»r ;iil ou>- imp ir. ted direci From the l^.- 1 Hewers, a i A ib*i w- tre'the S»l« Ai{enl« ior ti»o foll<»win^
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 30 3 Mails will CLOSB to-morrow, fok Penauff. Negepaum, Karical. A Madraas. Sccundra 2 p m Bonkong, Wing Sang 3 r m. l'altuibung Carolina 3 p iv PltaSJßg aud Deli Hebe, 3pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 THE TVVTONO PAOAB DOCK co^\axy, limited. t»-.. .r n o,,n y,, litaated at fanjong Pagar, adjoiaing the Towa of Hingapore. Che Wharf extends so one mile and a quurtet and is divided Inr the eotraaoei lotbeOraving Docks into three parts. The West Wharf; om^one mile m length with from 25
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    • 339 4 t•. I^AlirAl «A 7 tf^ ■W w c»l a CIMO A rfc^rip. oInILiAPORE. FURNITURE M AXUFAOTU REBS I ,A R *tock ot Household and Omoe 4nru it ur* si ways on hmad Order* o»n x •••■utcti ior t lie l>est dercripiiou «»f Kuruiiure. Designs and Estimates mij., v.-l fr,.,: of
      339 words
    • 491 4 Am *i_ French Bakery A- FRANKEL> vmvu JUttflli;! J 375, Viotorii Streot. Baker and Confectioner, Dodertbemott distinguished natronag NfITTPP nuilulL- Sm CsoiL CLBMB9TT] Smith -j O.C.M.G^ cz: >, g a HOUND RED DUTCH CHBBSE A late Governor of tho sti-i.>« g EACH S SettlAie I ?i csb. g Furniture Dealer
      491 words
    • 301 4 hutt^b AAhCh d^os r Ciiop-«d/v^ n "AYONG Hi, eof bt' er which rocei* v ;i "v' -iw Ut lc Cljicucfo ilxir,/ IIOIlio&, il b Cjj [itov BAKKB A\;> LOr nta j, h WorWAFOLLINARTQ utah T^^« oftahlc w!^f^ »>' ChjUnl "l"ililM li: <">'»"" i^ countries. ea 115 U(>™ !"S °f 10°
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