Mid-day Herald, 7 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER o i BINGAPQJIi:, FiUDiVY, FEBRUARY 7, 18% [NO. a?6
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 343 1 pRYE KIVER DOCK. ENANG. i ;-;i** ;i •c 1 i-'i-k. situated in Province lie entrance of th* tue lately b- ikid ts now of the foilow- :he -blocks *>i'" U'i I Ie .'»t» I ;it 15 neap I id**i^... 1 Sh li i» %een .'ll tne n i<.r effecting reuairScJ
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    • 412 1 Au 'Bon Marche, 00, RAFFJiEjffeQUARK JJAVr. now opened their e..taCFt*-h meot a?Tailors. Outtitte! s and General Importers. EXPEP.IEXCSD EHROPEAN CUT TE^, THE FINEST SELECTION 7 OF Cd^iin-^!*. Tr"vv.«. rmg^ l_fincy Twhovl-*, Cll-viot-, Tt'iMirs Fi#niu-is ami Lii^n D i.i, ALL **£VY .sKASON FATTEHNS j M 1- ou, Sho,-*, H Hasierv *M|t->
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    • 255 1 Tabaqneria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST* HOUSE IX THE TRADE. Bl"(lS to in torm the pub'ic that a lar restock of the choicv-^t brands of Cifsrs ha** NN-if received l>y ili« la-t M mill Miil Hrein the leading factories ni Li Insular and La
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    • 396 1 3* 3,006 Guilders ffcBWARDi "JJY virtue of Netherlands-India G >v. eminent I) eree of tlje lllh J^nunry, 1890, No. J, a reward ol /5.00'd (five thousand judders) will be paid by the Government of the Netherlands East Indies to any person or persons who shall give such information regarding? th^
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    • 437 1 pAXTOy kINSUKANCE OlTh E LIMITED, Capital supsriyj.Ei) $2,.!M>000 amount paid .up s „;„;,<„ 0 HtfRRVRFmJmW 5 0 0.00J 11_AD OFFICE? tIORORQHiA. General Agenti Messrs. Jaudiv;:, M a sues >x .t Co. Ths undersigned having an pyuited Ageuts tor .ha above Qottpa »re^prepare I io accept marine risked curren rates. A
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  • 345 2 Singapore, Friday, Feb. 7 Japan. THOUGH little is now heard ol what tho Japanese aro doing, the Government is not idle. Among other things it is proposed to coustruct a large shipbuilding yard at Yokohama, which shall bo capable Of building 15,000 ton ships aud this is likely to be
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  • 185 2 THE European triule alliance wbich is for mod between Germany, Austria and Italy tor the purpose of maintain, ing tbe balance of power as well as the peace ot Europe, issomowhat in danger of being shaken, owing to the unexpected and altogether uncalled lor action of Germany
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  • 359 2 The question is now assam ing a definite term, and action having been taken iu the direction ol checking private wayangs, wheu they become a nui>auce to a largo sectiou of the public, or to a neighbourhood, the matter must be carried, on until tne law has
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  • 1136 2 ("pkhak Mania,' _>_»,,. M>l Mr. Ap.th.earyPr.ra p,,,.-.,, failou_.li mo. M b. i.r.lh.Te.J? Dr. liowuian. Selangor has ehallengad Bio_nna*. at cricket and footh t h u v dttrw* tlic Cliinena N vv Yaaj bu|.<W Some excellent land tor coffee h been discovered at Rekofa iu SaUuJ™ In indduioou Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 467 2 m To-night! To-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 80, RAFPLBB PLACJB, UNtiAPORB. Afternoon Session from 5 to 7 p. m* Evening from 8 to lip. m. Afternoon Session. Skates and AdmitM0n 50 cts. Admission .25 Evening Session. Skates A Imission ll.Ot Adminioo tO.iS i Senson Ticket* miy be ohtained at the Rink
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    • 60 2 Up to loth February. *4_ mm cr*m***** _J am J .W -"d m^ CD ui z O -j h H < a S PQ v. ■z. < CZ o hi hi g» ui i < o 2 uj N lil r~ 03 o \m l Mz UJ o -J S
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    • 302 2 John Little k Co. Ltd. :o: SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS 8c KNIVES, &c. FROM 27th JANUARY TILL o Vsr 3 8 _N__ m-t _*f///'l 1 1 1 I_UB__9_L '^r* i— i jl IMB| rr ci cM .mt tf W c>"a' a* c- 1 111 c
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 87 2 ÜBMOi of thk week. Friday, 7th, High Water,— A.id a, 5.. r > p Mark -taetere Lodga,a p. _i. Saturday, Hth. High Water. 1 4'd a, 656 p. Auction laie of OoL Way's household furniture, Tanglin, 2 p in. Boadai 9th. BLigh Water, -Ck.) a., 8.31 p. Bezagnaima Sunday. Monday,
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  • 890 3 Uai.ta.n W. L. 11. Paget, li. H A., writes from ihe Army and Navy i t > the M Times of the 2nd ult: Seeing so manv incorrect ver- ut tht- latal accident to the late r 11. \l. -*v.nduacn, Royal Anilin Somiland, I shall
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  • 327 3 A prominent German journal, Frankfurter Z -hung," is proclaiming the delights ot h -rseflesli on the ground that the non-o is tha cleanest of all animals The horse .will not eat anythiuL'jbnt clean healthy food, imr diiuk any Lut pure water. A horse would rather starve than swill
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  • 617 3 The Tokyo correspondent of The Times,'" writing on the problem of what is to be done with the Chiuese iu Forrao-a, states Japan bas uow to face a serious pro. blem in Formosa, the disposal ot the Chinese inhabitants. They number "2£ millions. They will remain
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  • 983 3 A Europeuu Statiou Master has beeu engaged for l'eiuk A »son. He ls a Mi« Msddleton, and is now on his way out irom Euglauj. Hidji Unus wlu was arrested on Weouosdav morning tor rash dnviug in Hill Street aud upsetting a ricksha, Uas been tiaed $50,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 221 3 8 SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Feb 6. British str H daspes, Dow«ll, from Shanghai, P and O co German steamer Rio, Davidson from Amoy, Ann Hoo British |steamer Hineang, Kyuock, from Hongkong, Bowtttd andej. British str Medusa, tyfe, from Bangkok, \V, Mansfield and co. British steamer Isabella, Hudson. from Muar, Wee Bin
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    • 518 3 yw. a. wafford ca r WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. We beg to inform our patron** and tho public that all our goods are Imp >fa J ted direct from the Distiller*, Brewers, aud lhat >v-* ue the S >le A4 nts 1 for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 884 4 THE T^JOKQ PAOAR D >CH COMPANY, LIMI n:D. Thk premises of the Company are < i at Tanjong Pagar, adjoiniu the Town of Singapor Che Wharf ext uds to one mile and <pi irtei and ie dif ded by I he en i to tliet. raving tocksintothree parts The West
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    • 550 4 Powell Co* SIMGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE tUtcXi ol Household snd Office JTurn 1 ture :il on band Order* esn be i futcd lor the best description ol Furniture. Designs and Estimates supplied freeol oharge. The Chine»e Wor|tmen employ -d at tlic Oiciu-rd ii »:i 1 Factory include several .-killed
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    • 519 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Viotoria Scrsot. Baker anrl ConfeoUonvor, Under the most distinguished patronageo' Sn: Cbcil Clembivti Smith, G.C.BC.O^ late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission _\_i__v*mt n3iUU *^*e*aum. Tit those Furnish in_r.— V rare and choice collection of drawing, dinin r and bed room furniture at the
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    • 573 4 HUTTENBACH BH3S. KUPPER'S BEER Chop -payong;' ti beer which ret ft( tilc Cj »cag Uibition, C U [RON sa!«',;s AND LOCK ihe best in the w orM APOLLINAHI I WAT JR. The queen of table wat i,amo cby and refrshiu^ Irink iu tro conn? nes. $15.00 per case ol 100
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