Mid-day Herald, 4 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 403 1 E PRYE KIVER DOCK, PENANG. pijj I .k. ritaated in Province W,., the entrance of thUiver, \mt .ateiy been lengthened l ed, and is now of the follow- Ini-th <»n the blocks 3'dO feel .it entraaee 6o til ater »»«i sill at ry spring tides... 1 6 1 ki. <»<>.
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    • 375 1 Au Bon Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. -JAV ii now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELKCTIQN OF Coaiinga, Trow-ieringi, Fmey Tweed.-*, Cht-vio'*. leunis Planneli and Linen D ill?-, ALL NEW REASON PATTERNS Roots, Shoe^, H.ts, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Rul-;s Umbrellas, Walking Sticks,
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    • 203 1 Tabaqneria Universal. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Begs to inform the public that lerve stock of the choicest brands of Cigars hns heen receive-! by the last Minila Miil from the leading factories of Lt Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has just
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    • 390 1 5,000 Guilders Reward. |^Y virtue of Netherlands-India G v ernment Decree of the Ilth J mnary, I^9o, No. 1, a reward ol /5,00Q (five thousand unilders) will be paid by the Government of the Netherlands Last indies to any person or persons who shall give such information regarding the present
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    • 462 1 pANTON INSI'I.A'NCK OFFK L LIMITKD. CAPITAL BUBBCRIBBD $2,500 01 0 AMOUNT PAID UP s*o, 0 Resekve Fuxd M()0 (j j Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardixe, Mathbsos ft Co. The uude signed having been sp pointed Ageuts tor the ab ire Company are prepared to accept marine risks at
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  • 353 2 Lord Salisbury. THE premier of Great .Britain has spoken in a manner not to be misunderstood. Ho has made tho Transvaal affair an illustration of what ho asserts would have been the case with Ireland had it obtained Home Ilulo. It is easy to understand that
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  • 303 2 It seems that the British Government are determined to prosecute Dr. Jameson for his raid into the Transvaal, and with this object in view the Treasury is sending a bar. rrister to the Cape to collect evidence. This is as it sho u id be. Dr. Jameson
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  • 474 2 About noon on Saturday the patients in the Pauper Hospital were alarmed by the sudden collapse of a new ward which was uuder construction. Tho result of the tali of the structure is the death of a ivliug boy who was collecting chips. The ward was entirely
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  • 697 2 "A Yankee Abroad" writ* to a Bombay paper Sir, I iixf.ee that oue 0 f y l)ur morning contemoorariei publisher ainon-st today's Europe mail Batter a somewhat imperfect account of th. inventions which Mr. Eli.mii tta-ial-ready perteoted for tue beuefit ol tbt Britishers when the ii_aearrive_
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 501 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Tuesday, tth. High Water,— l.2B a., 1.39 p Koyal Asiatic Society meeting, 5 pm. l> .thong Troupe Town Had, il p in Wednesd iy, sth. H Water— 2.9 a, _L3s p. P. vt 0, Mail Qomewardi Churefa Work Association, 4 p.m. A. maxim _:uii drill, 5.15
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    • 81 2 KATZ BROS. CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! Up to 15th February. 5 *jf? 6 .2 1 mm ma J*> o <*~^ ..ma "_J CO 3 3 w < I 2 o W LU Z 4 ul o-° 3 H < g PQ CO 2 < Ul < o 't
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    • 242 2 John Little Co. Ltd. ;o: SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &C. CHINESE NEW YEAR. Sm**mm J V^A *m W ____I*^ •*jr\ Jmm S"l jjf lh i **r" mm. *_.«*> I < iZ*L 9 9 K**\ mm, (JO mmm Js* ff A C» m^ m w
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  • 952 3 j Cbio. fcl|.re«. Jan. IW.J i (?uunteas of Coventry telegrams Irom the Prince ot Wiles oongra„on il- -.niv of their lion GC a entry, g v reported killed in the K u.;eri lorp. ate P 'di on its lor 1806, which gh m mount of jij .na are,
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  • 1871 3 rhe home papers received by th mail last night outain a detailed aee >unt of the recent crisis iu Transvaal. The annual di.tnbu'ion of priz -s to the pupils ol the Anglo-Chinese School wi.l take place in ihe School 11 ill, Coleman Street at 4*30 p. ro.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 291 3 Jatc.it Wanted. A Driver fer a small portable engine. Call at once at the American Steam Riding Gallery, Hiil Street, foot of Fort Canning. Singanore, Ith Feb., 1896. INDO-CHIN\ S-N.GO. LTD VO\i SAMAKAX<*} AND SOUBABAYA. THE Company's Steamer HINS.VNO, 1, dd tons, Captain Kvnocii, having left Hongkong on 3 1st
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    • 538 3 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLEBALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. PJ. E he_r to infirm our natrons and tho public thtt all our goods are imported direct from tho Diatiltera, Brewera, and itiat w tretheSila Amenta lor the following well known fir ma, nhicli enablea U' t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 943 4 THE TAHJONQ PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Tin. premises of tho Company are actuated at raujong Pagar, adjoining i be To wa «»t" Singapore. flie Wharf extends to one mile and h qa n tei and is divided by the entrances lotneOravinjf Docks into three parts Ths Wist Wharf j over
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    • 493 4 Powell &«o. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE --tock of Household and Oflice Furniture always on haml. Orders can be eXeeuted lor the best description of Furniture. Designs and Estimates supplied free of oharge. The Chinese Workmen employed at the Orchard Uoad Factory include several skilled Cabinet Makers, Car. vers French
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    • 651 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Qndertbe most distinguished patronageof Siu Cecil Clementi Smith, Cr.C.M.O., late Governor of tho Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agrem. To" those Furnishing. V rare ani choice collection of drawing, dininur, and bed room furniture at the lowed priees for cash. The
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    • 552 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. |jj KUPPEITs B E c R Chop -PAYONG," u,, beer vrhich received iq. at tbm Chicngo Bxhibiiw,. 4 O 11 U B B 8 IRON ..u';;s and Lock Tho beat in ii<_ werld APOLLINARIS WATfio The queen of t;i1,1,. w ihy and rabihiag drink iu coauiries. ||^.00 per
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