Mid-day Herald, 3 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 17 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISR >L 1 1 j SINOAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1896 [NO. :M:l
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 346 1 .E KIVER DOCK. PENANG. situated in Provinou entrance of tlv .v l>»'0!l .10.1 rofi be fol ow--ions:— >ks J3O fi 1 anet n b ng tides... 1 i des 1 1 s been largely i with all the ne- repairs els of all iongsl a 1" ol new aimer, cip
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    • 400 1 h Bon Marche, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. W AVE noer opened their establish, ment as Tailors. Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OP Coalings, Trows* rings, Fancy Tweeds, Che vio< r. leiinis Flannels and Linen D ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS 1) bts, Shoe?*. H»ts, Hosiery. Shirts
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    • 196 1 Tabaqueria Universal. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. BKGSto inform the public that a lar. *>■ stock of the choicest brands of Cigars has been received by the last Ma nils M-il from tbe lending factories of La Insular and La Peri* del Oriente which has just been unpacked aud'are offered
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    • 385 1 5,000 Guildeks Reward. |^V virtue of Netherlands-India G -v ernment Decree of the Ilth Jinnary, 1896*, No. 1, a reward ot /5,000 (tive thousand guilders) will bs paid" by the Government of the Netherlands Last Indies to auy person or persous who shall such information regarding the present abode of
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    • 455 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed |2,500,0C9 AMOUNT paid up 5()0»000 KBBBBVB Fund j s uo .oUj Head Office, EIOVOBOBQ. General Agents MBBBRS. JABDIMB, MaTHK >\ ft Co. THB undei -si-rued having been ap P tinted Ageuts tor ths above Company are prepared to accept marine risksat curren rates. A
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  • 664 2 The Mid-day Herald is the earliest issued newspaper in the -.ti-ait3 Settlemants and largely circulated. It is the fi st papar that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, StDrekeepers, Clerics, A.C. It is also the cheap, est paper, the Subscription being *1 a
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  • 219 2 In connection with the Church Work Association of which Mrs. Bell is the hon. orary Secretary, this lady will hold a sale of ieft-off clothing on March 7th, presumably at the Soldiers aud Sailors' Home. Wo would here remind thoso of our readers who are disposed to
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  • 186 2 There was a dramatic incident at the openiug of the United States Senate the other day. The proceed. iu^s ao usual were opened wiih prayers by the venerable chaplain, U v. Dr. Milburn the blind man eloquent" Dr. Milburn ha*, a most eloquent voice, and we can
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  • 1723 2 (FROM AN OCCASIONAL COftl I*ONDBNT.) Many attempts Inve been i, u > late to explaitt the cause or cim^gl the receut outrages in Uhiaa. I like io state in a few Wm-it IU Q9 opinion on the subject. Hivin^lif j iu China for forty yea.s, an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 514 2 MEMO: OE THE WEEK. Monday, rd, llitfh Water*— o.so 0.52 p. B.VJL »-<|ua-J ilnll, ."».15 t» ui M.V. A. ma.Mn guu drill, ilpm Tuesday, 4th.— High Water.— UH a., 1.39 p P. O. Maii Outwards. Wednesday, .^th. Hi^h Water _.9 a, 2.34 p. P. _k 0, Mail Homewards Church Work
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    • 75 2 KATZ BROS. CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! Up to 15th February. ■_f a. C_) tal o < V) 3$ < LU m 1 o o 4«-. C__ o o CQ ui z i O j h < o PQ CO z < Ll <=> >. hi r! < o ie N
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    • 205 2 ;o: SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. FROM 27th JANUARY TILL CHINESE NEW YEAR. r ~S m^ L_J St^r D __n_sfli__^____. *~t Wlfiilltwtmm K """-I S ZZ\ 0 m B *mm 1 fm\ i i OO I—. O S I T- ft W a ."I
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  • 899 3 v-«-- a. --OBROSPaNDSNr) Bkaiwg is undoubtedly a favorite *mm ement with the C&£^S it must be a source ol satisfaction t_ every one of them that a r u x Squa here they ca amu ~;a. w iH L a le qUe3tI U whether it will be a
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  • 1320 3 The Bengal] fonnd in possession of gar ja was on Saturday fined $50, in default.^3 month*. The Convent School reopened after Christmas vacation this morning. Yesterday Mr. Lambert and Mr. B heem secured a couple of wild pigs in the neighbourhood of Johore. Much sympathy is felt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 237 3 latest NOTICE. THE business lately carried on by Soh Keow Lean, Lim Chin Hin and Chew Choo Wee as dealers in secondhand clothiug, &c under the style or chop Tiang Yap Hong, at No. lt>s, North Bridge Road, has this day been sold to me the undersigne i, and will
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    • 519 3 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. We beef to inform our patrons and the public thit all our goods are iu.p-.r_. ted direct from the Distillers, Brewers, iki., and tint w. ire theSde Agent* tor the following well known firms, which enables
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 774 4 TANJONG PAOAR Dd COMPANY, LIMITED. r premises of ti>«> Company sre at I'anjong Pagar, adjoining ihe 1 -sn «»f Singapore ih< extendo to one mile snd nd io divided by the entranosi tocksint > tlir»M> p iris The \\esi Wharf; over one mile i i length feet wate i ongside,
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    • 528 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUPAOTU RERS A LARGE itock of Household and Office Furniture ulwayo on hand. Orders can lie rXecuted lor the best description o( Furniture. Designs and Batimates supplicnl tree o{ ohsrge. Tine Chinese Workmen employed st the Orchard K lad Factory include wt n\ skilled Cabinet Makers,
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    • 517 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Viotoria Street. Baker and Confeotionor, Under tbe moot distinguished patronageo* Sib Cbcil Clementi smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Strait- Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agrent. To those Furnishing. V rare ani choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture al the lo prices for vnh.
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    • 521 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. KUPPER'S 5EP R Chop -PAYONG, the onlj beer ivhich received an; sl the CLicago Exhibition. C U U Li U s I HON S.YF..S AND LOI The best in the world APOLLINARIS Wate?, Thequeeu of table a thy and refrshiug drink in 'Oilti! lies. |15.00 perease of 100
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