Mid-day Herald, 1 February 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER vol. n.l SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1896 [NO. 372
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 364 1 IHt PRYE HIVER DOCK. 1 1 ck, Bitnated in Prorinoe it tbe entrance nf the m ateiy been lengthened I, nn i il now of the fol >W« bloeko 3 ntraooQ ,u ■h oi water on sdi at i idee.., I•» |i idea I- baa been largely md i> ti'*
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    • 436 1 Au Bon Marche, 30, KAFFLES SQUARE. lAVK now opened tbeir establishnvnt as Tailors. Outfitter s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trow^-rin^s F.moy Tweed?*, Clnvio*-, Leiinis Ftamielnaad Line<i I) iIU, ALLNEW SEASON PATTERNS Boot*, Sh,».'*, H ts, Honiery. Shirts Toweln, Ruj:-, n'-r.U.^, NVaiking Sticks, &c
      436 words
    • 221 1 Tabaqneria Universal. 8, KAFFLES PLACE. j WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. Bkg3 to inform the public that a ler-re atoo'< of the cboioest brands of Cigars has heen received by fh^ I i^t If mill Miil Prom the loading factories <>i La Insnler and La Perla del Or;ente which has
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    • 434 1 5,000 Guilders Reward. T>Y virtue of Netherlands-India G >v eminent D -eree of the Hth J Miliary, 18&6, No. 1, a reward o! /5.000 (tive thousand guilders) will be paid by the Government ol the Netherlands j East Indies to any person or persons who shall give such information regarding
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    • 476 1 (JANTON INSURANCE OFFICB LIMITED. capital Subscribed $2^00,004 Amount paid up 5q0,000 Reserve Fund 5 5-QO.OOO llkad Office, Hong eon General Agents Messiis. Jardine, If ATHBBO7I 4 Co. Thw nuderauued haTing been up point.- 1 Agenta tor the above Company are prepared to. accent marine risksat curren rates. A Bonus is
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  • 71 2 JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD. Tho Mid-day Hsrall is the earliest issued newspaper in the Straits Settlements and largely circulated. It is the n st paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, Chinese trad rs, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, „c. It is also the cheap.* est p iper, the Subscription
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  • 306 2 Germany. Perhaps it is not to bo wondered at that our worthy Teutonic relatives should feel sore at having to eat humble pie over tho Transvaal business. Tho German press were so ready to applaud their Emperor for his indiscreet action. It is surprising there aro
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  • 284 2 The Necessity of a ReFormatory. In a case before the Chief Justice a day or two ago, a lad of tender years was convicted. Before passing sentence, tho learned judge enquired whether there was a reformatory in the settlement, and on receiving i reply in the negative, evinced some reluctance
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  • 365 2 A serious case of poisoning has taken place among* some coolies employed at tho incinerator at Alexandra Road owing- to the eating of the roo of a fish known to the Malays and Chinese as 'lkau boontal." On Wednesday morning they found the roe among the rubbish, and
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  • 1749 2 JAMBS PLATT JU.V- IM TUB M Q__ITLI man's MAO..ZINK." Th**. subject to which I invite atter_ tion is ih;i»- -.f the Ctiinsss cjlony i a the Eist ftnd of Loadoa. I .hall mate no attempt --it vyU.it my Uhinen friends wonM c ill M bindsoma talkie.' My
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 401 2 To-night! 10-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 3d, RAFFLB, t'LACE, SINJAPORE. Sessions from 4 to 7 p. m. eveningSessions 8 to 11 p. oa. Pricks. Skates Admis*iee $1 00 Adini?sun Member*' ticket* m iv be hid at the Riuk tiom 10 a. m. to 11 p. in. Th* Santa Cecilia Band will
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    • 68 2 KATZ BROS. CHEAP SALEI CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! Up to 15th February. mmmi mmJA mm mmm i_as <- QfJ CQ ui 3 PQ u. z < u. o ii. H E» LU < O *Z UJ UJ I--43 I w Cr3 o r *M j; M z a i\ w
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    • 297 2 John Little k Co. Ltd. :o. SPECIAL SALE OF LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. FROM 27th JANUARY TILL >? k__ O _v O x_r _^k_ po cu AlfmMm. *z m •O ~z ii In os° ss •2 CS /ll *> Oo o j_r w i i 3
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 160 2 ME\lo OF TAB WAUL Batnrd ,1 b. 1.-t,— High Wa- 2d a, S.V A. a i praovice, Teluk Ayer. 'd.dd i ii Lawn Ten sintfie, Tauglin Club ss. S.V.A 'i^a' i'iain. Bnnda ud. Ut_rli Wit -<»..4 a, 0.7 p. Sep Bagesi k -no. lav S.V.A. i toll <i i ill
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  • 1536 3 Mr. Apothecary lVlani lm the M _> r uf i r L:t3t rl<,CC,,,>i ■■"bench of t^JudCourtatUdO thi. mowing. M *--Ho_^e, Chisf Polio. Olios, >UU^ wised here this taoraiagT A Chin. m ,u jumper ff JAosloa'. /Tier this morning and srsedrosroed, Th- Ger.nm bnrqu^ Bittioni Ac came arrived
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  • 305 3 In Sungei Uj >n.», one of ih.< four of five States in the Straits rem iiiin-/ under native rulers a quantity of land has been taken up by a number of Coy 100 residents, and we understand it is possible, as
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 413 3 Sated PAINLE33 DENTISTRY. J, F. Teufert, Dental Surgeon. QRBSHAM HOUSE, Batter? Road. FEES MODERATE. Singapore, 4th Oct., 13 J5, ANTI- ANTHRAX. ABSOLUTELY SUKE. READILY APPLIED. OHttAPErf THAN ALL OTHERS. THE only sfficteut hide disinfectant in the market. Its application deatroys witti absolute certainty malignant Anthrax and any other infectious yerms
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    • 477 3 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE ft RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MEDIANTS, BONDED STO HE, No. 19. We beg: to inform our patrons and the public th»f nil our goods are imported direct from the Distillsrs, U -ewers, Jfcj., nnd tbst v-» ars the 9n. Agents for the following well known
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 38 3 Mails will close on monday. for billiton Sc Pontianak. B. W Soon Noon, Mlaoca Klany I'. Anson, Neera, 6 p m Port L». Kiaut; a: T Auuso, tin liony Ann 3 p ui. Peuang and Deli Ilebe, 4pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 947 4 THK TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are •ituntod St Tanjong Pagar, adjoining ths Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and qu ntei and is divided by the entrances totbeGmving Doeksinto three parts. Tbe West Whan <»ver oi is mile in longth witb
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    • 492 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE *itock of Household and Oftice Furniture always on hand. Orders can be executed lor tbe best description ot Furniture. Designs and Estimates supph<-<l free of charge. The Chinese Workmen employ *d at the Orchi»rd Etosd Factory include several skilled i;abinet Makers, Carvers French
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    • 465 4 French Bakery. NOTICE- U tk pq I* ROUND RED DUTCH CHEESE o 3 EACH $120 cash. g W 1 2 _i «tj w C Z. ROUND RED DU ICH CHEESE g S Pm S. EACH $1.35 ered- 2 PO 3 9 s 3 g*a k C J GOOD SARDINES PEi
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    • 151 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronage o* •Sia Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straifcs Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 552 4 HUTTENBACH BKOS. A Co KUPPER'S BEER Cafe "PAYONG/' th* K beer which received tmy Vir at the Chicago Bxh b cli i; b i; s IR-ON SAM.S AND b K The best in the world. APOLLINARIS WAT£fi T*«qaosnofsablswatsrs,sinoBt»li thy and refrshing drink in tr countries. $15.00 per case of |00
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