Mid-day Herald, 31 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
5 8 Mid-day Herald
  • 14 5 The Mid-Day Heralad AND DAILY ADVERTISER vo SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1896 [NO. :\7l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 345 5 PRYE KIVER DOCK. PENANG. j i -it -..»..•'<] in Prorinoe st tin- entranoe of thti Lit- ly been lengthened I, und i- now oi tbe follon ions u tbe I m... 330 I I r> d sill st •i ti.it- 1 5 idea I\m been largely lig i i i
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    • 138 5 John Little k €o. Ltd. :o LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, I SPOONS. FORKS KNIVES, &.C. o Vi# m*** A 5 -3L r-. r' __3 Q M g S ffl C_) w 4 S*4 u* tv w 5 .■•<-, I 8 a c s^&^L _*9 o _F i> I—. 30 t
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    • 203 5 Tahaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE.BlOtto inform the public tliat a lar./e stoc of tho choicest brands of Cigar* bst been received by the last If a nils Mail from the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perla del
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    • 440 5 (JANTON INSURANCE OFFICE Limited. apital Subscribed $2,r>oo,oi'o AMOUNT PAH) UP r ()(l ,0 SJ Rbskbvi Pund -'wOoj Head office, Hongkong. •General Agents Messrs. Jardi.ve, Mathbs tn Co. Th« undersigned having heen ap pointed Agenta tor the above Company are prepare I to accept marine risks at curren rates. A Bonna
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  • 353 6 Singapore, Friday, J an. 31 The British Navy in the Far East. The Mid-day Herald is the earliest issued newspaper in the Straits Settlements and largely circulated- It is the first paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community. Chinese traders, Principal Hotels, Storekeepers, Clerks, &g. It is also the
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  • 328 6 A couple of days ago Mr. Gentle and the Engineer were taken somewhat aback at hearing that the road < ooiies were on strike. Some 300 of them declined to work on the ground that they were underpaid. The matter is not so very astonishing after ail.
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  • 282 6 THE timo is not far distant whon the importance of this question must DOt only be seriously considered, but fairly and squarely grappled with. Hitherto a happy- £0 lucky system has beeu pursued, and ir has been supposed to satisfy all requirements, but those who are
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  • 676 6 Miuutes of Prooeedi ngs ot tue Mnoici| ii Commissioners at an Ordinv Meeting he 1 ou Wednesday, tUe 15th Januaiy, 1896. Pauiar. The President Alex. Gentle Esqr. The Inspector Geueral of Police, Col. Pennefather. Seah Lea _r S-ah Esqr. J. P. J aquim E«qr. The Minutes ot Ibe
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  • 329 6 (We desire it to be borne in mind ti. sertiug letter., we do not senvej* a, ij favourable totheir oontSQts, DOC lo ma h belves responsible fo. tho opioiooa of our correspondents. J SIR, %t Scrutator' iu th-* Free Press" ot tiie 251h iostant, s -ern< to be one
    329 words
  • 402 6 (Porak Pioaeer, J in I H. E. the Governor is rv arrive in Taiping ou or about ■>■*' February Belt* It is said thtt Messrs I and J R Crawford havj sp lar^e cufL*e concession ntidi h B P a Mr. C. 0. Scott, has retarsed Bataii* Padang
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 577 6 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. b, BATTERY ROA I SINGAPORK. DBSIDBNTB ef mil visitors to Singapore wishing to obtain intere-t--in_ Ethnological and \a;ural Biatory ■peoifflem sliould pay a fistt to the shoTS Ct lbctions. Small sseortwij collections supplied al *}]i), $l. r and upwards ready peeks Qennins Native weapons received
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    • 65 6 KATZ BROS. OHSAP sale: CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! Up to loth February. **m 1 ____k m*m\f a\ mmmm mm O QQ u z d OJ° h ph < o «2 *>***. _5 pq <o z <j ij_ OL o **z H S» uj < o 2 uj UJ SS lm
      65 words
    • 411 6 Ila Boa Marclie, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. JTAVE now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. TUE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trowserings, F.uicy Tweeds, Cheviots, Tennis Flannels aud Linen Drills, ALL NEVV SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes, Hats, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Rugs, Umbrellas*, Walking Sticks, &c. THE
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 91 6 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Fridav,\'Ust,— High Water,— lo.3S a, 11 40 p Malay Peninaak. Prospecting Co., noon Auction sale lightship Andes, Powell Co 2.30 p m Anrual meeti g Royal Asiatic Scciety Raffles Library, spm Sin apore Spotting Club, Exchange, 5 p in Daihousie R. A. Chapter, 8.30 p, no.
      91 words

  • 954 7 T Moralist" appear, to have iihiu t d Ilia budget, aiul la^t week NtHl n ou the ladies of "Sm. I wonder what the An 'el of hi- sui eill think of hia alter has s.nd of ber sex. It is tbs biggest piece of audacity that has
    954 words
  • 1482 7 Mr. Bell, the Chief Police O'fio<jr, is still ill. Cholera m said t» he raging along the banks ot the river at Bangkok, 11. K the G -vernor will onlv re. main one day whea be cills here. It is thought that Ashaati will be ann-xed, an
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 424 7 Uatest To-night To-night ELITE SKATING RINK, 30, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sessions from 4 to 7 p. in. evening. Sessions 8 to 11 p. ra. Skates Admission $1.00 Admission $0 50 Members' ticket* mav be had at the Riuk from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. The Santa Cecilia Band
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    • 484 7 W. A. WAFFORD 00, WHOLESALE REIAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, Xo JH. WE bear to inform our pet ron* and the public thnt all our £.)od.. are t'mpor* ted direct from the Dtxtiiler..-, Brewers, au 1 inst en ire the Sde Agents lor the following well known firms,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 43 7 Mails will CLOSE to-morrow, for Perby. Broome, Cossack, Sharks bay, Geraldtoa Fromnntle, Saiadiu, lpm Muar, Kian Yan^, 2pm Malacca, R Klan^. Sappho, 3 pm PeMHa ami Deli H* be, 4 u iu Munt.k _fc I'aleaftbMg, Hubs- 4pm Sarawak, Rijah Uiooke J a M
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 902 8 IhM TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITKD. premises of the Compaay are ;i raujong Pagar, adjoining tl urn of Singapor >. iVharf extends to one mile en I md is div. ded by the entreooss ig Docks into three parts Ths v> u ;of t one mile in length *_'."> to
      902 words
    • 514 8 Powell Do. SIMGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTU RERB A LARGE di.ck of Household and Office b^nruiture always on hand Orders Oan be executed lot the best. (ic.M'i ipiiou o! Furniture. Designs and fclstimate-* sup| ii 1 I tr«M' ot oharge. The Chinese Workmen employ -d at the Oic!iM«i Hoii Factory inelode s«
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    • 529 8 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Stroat. Bi^cor and Confoooionsr, Cnderthemos! distinguished patron igeo' iSnt Cecil Clbmen pi Smith, G.C.M.a., late Govornor ot the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Codimlssioo A-rent. To thos'* Purnishintf.— V rare an*l choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furuiture al the to pr.ces for cash.
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    • 544 8 HUTTENBACH BROS U 0 KUPPER'S BEER Chop PAYONG," the JJ beer wrliicb r ;llu ;i at thc Ciiiciig Exhibitii oa u u 3 IKON SAFES AXD LOCK Tii" best in the v APOLLINARIS WATBR. The queen ol I ibl water. ihy and refrshiny drink iu countries. $15.00 percase of 100
      544 words