Mid-day Herald, 30 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 15 1 The Mid-Day Herald AND DAILY ADVERTISER VOL ll.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1896 [NO. 370
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 397 1 PRYE KIVER DOCK, PENANG. Dock, situated in ProvincWei sl< al the entrance ol th--i;,\ r, itely Ihm-ii lengthened and is now of the foiloW- OS Length on the blocks 330 feet sl entrance 5o ol water on sill at y spring i-i< 1 5 1 do. neap tides U rhe
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    • 177 1 John Little Ct. Ltd. LAMPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. 1 CHINESE NEW YEAR. o rr a_zs_h_L *z^ j-*""* M S rvT" H~-l mm m i mm Z M pa? B _r 1 n f*\ S "_1 _K P f**i «*5 I__> ••So v* B 9 y _f
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    • 234 1 Ta Iraq iter la Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS.' THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Begs to inform the public that a lar_estoc'< of the choicest brands of Cigars has been received by the last Manila Mail frorn ihe leading factories of La Insular and La
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    • 433 1 (IANTON INSURANCE OFPIOfI LIMITED. Capital Subscribed 12,500,000 Amount paid up „.<, I^OOO Keserve Fund SJJJOOJ Head Office, Hoxokon.. General Aireutu Messrs. Jardixe, Mathm >v ft Co. The anderaigned haTing been ap painted Agents tor the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at currea rates. A Bonus is annually
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  • 379 2 Singapore, Thursday, Jan. 30 No Man's Land. The Mid-diy Sefald Is the earliest Issued newspaper in the Strait3 Settlements and largely circulated- It is the fl'-st paper that reaches the Government, the Mercantile community, rhinese traders, Principal Hotels, StDrekeepers, Clerks, &c. It is also the cheapest paper, the Subscription being:
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  • 371 2 It is exceedingly disagreeable to live under the impression that, even iu these enlightened days aud iu this progressive city, it is not alto, gether impossible for oue to be deposited in a dead house before lite is extinct. An exceptional case might
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  • 313 2 THE horrid cruelties practiced by tiie Chinese rebels on the unfortunate Japanese who fell into their hands finds no parallel, not even in the atrocities committed on the luckless Armenians .by the Turks and Kurds. The rising toolplace on the 31st of December. The rebels cut the
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  • 1352 2 (BY LADY CO K, NEK TE_s-*S#SsEB CLA FUN Man is probably the only living creature wtio sutlers from discontent. Like other animals, he undergoes hunger ana thirst, c >ld and heat, social aud other desires, but, un'ike thorn, when his natural wants and passions are aatieded he is still
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 608 2 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 0. BATTER? ROAD, SINGAPORE. T>KSII)I_NT3 af md visitors to Sin-gap-ate eriahing to obtain interest|ag Ethnologic il nod Nair.al History ■peolmaul ihoQld pay i vi^it to tho abovo eolleotiona. Small ass >H I collections supplied at B!'', £!.> and upwards roady paekc Genuine Native weapons received
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    • 72 2 KATZ BROS. CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALEI CHEAP SALE! Up to 15th February. %m\ *m> m ***j LL »~h Mam mmaS %mmr m^m ID Id z -a o -i a h < mm 'pq </> 'as < u. o bl h < o S uj UJ M h x M cr3
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    • 367 2 ftu Beo Marclie, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. JTAVE now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trowserings, Fancy Tweeds, Cheviot*. Tennis Flannels aud Linen Diills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Shoes, Hits, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Rugs, Umbrella!?, Walking Sticks, &c. THE
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 171 2 Mails will close to-mokrow. FOR Deli GanymaaV 2 p ra Malacca, P. I) KUng, Hon? Wan, 3pm Malacca. Klang and T Anson Hye Leong. li p in Bangkok, Hecate 4 p ra Sourabaya Bißgaj ora 4 p ra MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Thursdav, 80th.— 1 High Water,—9 52 a. 11.7
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  • 460 3 ..tract of the proceedings of the Municipal Commissioners at an Ordi. nars Mealing held yesterday. A. G nfle Esq Fresideut. The Inspector Geueral of Police, Colonel Pennelather. Seah 1.-ar..* S^ah E^q. The minutes ol ihe Ordinary Meet* iog h- Id ou the 15th iust. were read aud c
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  • 956 3 I 'urrent Accounts '31,000 78 Fixed Deposits $21)0,000.00 Total |861,990.78 Balance 15th Jan.... $30_>_513.07 Bills. Bills for $1,736 and refunds amount. iag to £2, isl having been sciut ni-ed by the Financial Committee, were sanctioned by the Boa. d. Financial Cu.vimittke. I'liH committee having deliberated <»n an act
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  • 577 3 The Right Reverend Dr. Hose r--turned from Penang yestetday. There will be football on the Esplanade this afternoon, Tanglin Club vs. S.V.A. During the week ended 18th instant there were 188 deaths within the Municipal area. The British barque Andes will be sold at Messrs. Powell Coy's
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  • 528 3 Last evening was the g»and inau. guntion of th« Skatinj Rok in Raffias Place. The hall is exceedingly spaeious and affords every facility for thc comfort and amusement of the skm^rtt and spectators. Nd -xpense has been spared iu makin.: thi**! place of entertainment aa popnlai is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 243 3 latest giuqi^ements. To-night! To-night!! ELITE SKATING RINK, 30, RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sessions from 4 to 6 p. m. evening. Sessions 8 to 11 p. m. Skates Admission $1.00 Admi.sijn $0.50 Members' ticket*, miv be had at the Rink from 10 a, in. to 11 p. in. The Santa Cecilia Band
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    • 456 3 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. 19. We bepf to inform our patrons and the public that all our goods are imported direct from the Distillers, Brewers, &j., aud that \v. are the Sde Agenta for tbe following well known firms, which enables
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 890 4 THK TAN.IONH PAOAU IJOCK COMPAN LlltlTßD. Thr premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, sdjonaing th.*- 1 'osrn uf Sin fr apor<v Che Whwrl* ext.v'iids to ono mile and a QU'irtei and is divided by the entrances to the Graving Doekaiato three ports The West Wharf ofet one
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    • 493 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MAKUFACTU HERS A LARGE st(»ck of Household and Oflice Furniture always on hand. Orders cau be sXeCttted lor the best description of Furniture. Designs and Etstimatea i«upj>lied free ol oharge. The Chineye Workmen employed at the Orchard Koad Factory iuclude several {.killed Cabinet Makers, Carvers- French
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    • 590 4 A. FRANKEL, 373, Viotarii Stroet Baker and Conreotionar, Underti)-. 1 inost distinguished pstronageo' Sm Cecil OtBUBNTi Elmith, 6. '.M.0., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Co.niai33ion Agent. To tbose Purnishing.— A rare and choice collection of drawing, dininc and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 502 4 HUTTENBACH BROS. KUPPER'S 3E_ B Chop -PAYONG," lhe tR beei- which received u« Cl EsxhibiW D cue BB's tsos s^kes ANO L0( The best in ri APOLLINARIS Wa The queen .>f u_l_ thy and refrahing drink io countries. $15.00 per ease of 100 m{^ 7.50 „hf.„ 50 »tone PERRIER JO
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