Mid-day Herald, 28 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 17 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD SmBB* mirbx^Lmm*^^^^ m10 m^^l^£-^m. jr* w VOL. BINQAPORK, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1896 rxo. sM
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 346 1 PHE PRYE KIVER DOCK. p t. 1 m IVoviuco ,t the entrance of tlv.' ,v beoti lengthened and is now oi thefoltowU 1 the block* 330 Ut\ m M j., -ili at ides... 1 5 «t tld. !.<■ ip tidea 1- n I ii \>. .-ii largely I with ;ill
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    • 128 1 John Little Co. Ltd. LAFVIPS, FLOWER VASES, GLASSWARE, SPOONS, FORKS KNIVES, &c. FROM 27th JANUARY TILL 8 2 *^ri ri y J^ X 1 i^ 5 5 -3 I 8 -fr ql^3 B zz £> m s"* 0 «f Large centre Flower Vases, a large asE talent. Small Flower Vases.
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    • 261 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, BAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. I THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bkgs to inform the public tint :i l:ir <r e «toc'< nftli« choie^st brtnd^ of Ciipirs lias been roceiv^'l l>y fh^ laft If mill Mill Proirt the leadioj^ factories of Li Insular and
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    • 489 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. APITAL SUBSCRIBBD $2,500,000 AMOUNT PAID UP o uksekvk Fund 5 5^ (jj Hbad 01 -neK, Hongkong. General AgentstflSSßS. JaRDIXB, M\ni,;>>s' ft Co. run uude si^ued kavin been ap p uutd*l A-viirs tor the ab >ye Company (ire preparei to acoepc marine risks at enrren rates* A
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  • 300 2 Singap, TUKSDAY, JaN. 2-3. MONTH after month cases cases are reported of tho carelessness ot people leaving property m rickshas, while m nine instances out of ten tho number or" tho vehicle is not known. It is not ditftjult to understand how, m a hurry, a fare may
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  • 256 2 For the information of boys who are ibnd of the, to thorn, amusement of saturating rats with kerosino oil and Betting them on lire, wo publish the decision of tho second magistrate m a case of the kind. His Worship very correctly thought that it would not be
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  • 301 2 The frequency with which I cases crop up against cashiers, especially Chinese, m this part of the world, lead many to suu- pose.that inborn dishonesty is I so prevalent that the time has come when another class of men must be employed m the capacity of cashier. To
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  • 1450 2 On the afternoon of the 9 h Jan. 11. E. Admiral Makxroft demoo" j s'rati n of his device lor minitnifing I effects »>i coU'»a\om at s-a to ki. Vj, 1 Adtwrmi Bailor aod 11- E A<lm raJ Hoffmann on »»card the LitHsim 11 i.»I Rhip
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  • 729 2 (L'^r-ik fioneer, Jan airy ti Caj>t. Pal bat, we regret to learn, \v..s very uawcll a few d iy« ig Hti v jforou-* coustitutiou ba«, b a^vt. overcome the atuck ol diarrl 1 1 h-j is vow afoul aj iiu. Chore d 1 at Ku ila X inK'sar
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 617 2 Malayan Ethnological (fe Natural History Collections. 6. HAITI- UVROAP, SINQAFOR& RESIDENTS af and visirorxto Singnpnre wishing to obtuin interest- Kthnoloflfical and Natural Bisfcorj sj> i should pny a vi-it to tho above collections. Small :»>s >i-t -<l collections supplied i' •*•">, HO, (15 and upwards ready paoke Oennine Native inaapons
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    • 42 2 BB pal 111 m LU OB I 02 m 2 d O -J I- mnnai CQ to z < C o fci 1.1 Ul si r~ 43 g c 3 *<=>»! Mz < CD C 2 _^^0 c sCT I C 3 nanj 111 j^
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    • 200 2 Aa Ben Marcfie, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. }£AVK now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfittei s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coavin^s, Trow sen ng*, ¥.vncy Tweed*, Cheviot?, lenui* Flannels mid Linen D. ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS /ion*, &hoe*i Hits, Hosiery, Shirt* XoweU, Ru^, Umbrella*,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 145 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Tuesday, '28: h. High Water,— BJJ a., 9.^*6 p Assi, es oj>eu. AI, M Mail Homewards. Wednesday, 29th. High Water— lU- a, 10.33 D. Municipal Comssission, 2.30 p m S.V.A Lecture, &.15 m Vaper Chase, Meet Scott's Eld. 5.15 p m Thursday, 30th. High Wafer,— 9.s2
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  • 1477 3 The (lietty Tui.pusum Festival will on Thursday with the Uou.il Utracti< d a it yesterday sent to prison monthi ti>,- iaiiin_» to report it to the police as ordered. "wo Cl > r* ceived a telDoooition m the form of a few i v \jl m order
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  • 531 3 Mr. Sl George LiUledale and Mrs. Liltiedale have just returned to En^. laiivl alter accomplishing a remark »bl« *ad auzar lous journey aero»s Tlnbct. T.iey were accompanied by Mr. Lit tledale** nephew, M^, \V. A. Fletcher, wao proved m every wav au excellent travelling companion. The party
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 97 3 SALE OK VALUABLE BOOKS. At Our Sale- Rooms, Wedne.-day, 29th J, k n., at 2.30 p. m. Co cplete sets Carlylo's Wor<B, the Waverley Novels, th pjetica' workl of Tcuuysou Lougfelk w, Gold-ruith. Byron, Cowper, Burns,, Keats, Hood, Wordswoi-tU Shelly,/ Sjotfc .Uiom. lay's Essays, Life of Beacoiiafield, Ho i era
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    • 521 3 W. A. WAFFORD CO. WHOLESALE HfclAIL WINE, SPIRIT, CIGAR MERCHANTS, BONDED STORE, No. Jy. We beg to inform our pjitron- and th<> public tint all our gdodl are imported direct trom the Distillers, Brewery Ba., and tlub wj ;ire the S Agents ior tiie following \yoll known firm*, which enables
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    • 715 3 LANDNtfAB KUANJi. District I> m Chu Kuug. Poi Sile by AwiOfl, at Our S»loX omB. On Th<irs,|ay ib« SOlh mat 2 rO p.m. A brMUi.fu ly Miin tied hill overlook* in£ and bouildvd b)f Ihr O W Straits, formerly .i \**m >ier plautalioQ and hold und<r a sue, .tory i4ranr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 939 4 THE TANJONO PAOAR DOCK GQMPAKY, LIMITKD. Ywi: premises of tho Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining Ihe Town <»f Bingapora. rhe WTharl extends to ono mile and a qn rtei and isdiv.ded by theeotmnoas lotbeOravin^ Docks into three parts Tho Wharf oVef one mile, m length with from 25
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    • 523 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURXiTUUE MAXUFACTU UERS A LARGE *tock of Household and Ofiee Furniture always on hand. Oider> cm be executed lor the best description ol Furniture. Dj>i 3 ns and Estimates supplied free ol uharge. The Chinere Workmen employed at ihe Diehard Bond Factory includo seveial skilled Cabinet M.tkers,
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    • 532 4 n 1 mm 1 A. FRANKEL, French Bakery. Baker and Confootioner, Uudei-tlic most, distinguished i);itronagco^ NOTICE- bIU I IL CLli.VlK.Vl'l SiUTH, j 0.C.M.G., HOUND RED DUTCH ODIBSE O lat Governor of the Straila Settlements S EACH i *T^^ Furniture Dealer an iGo^nH n It} rj mission Agranl: 3J g BOUND
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    • 612 4 HUTTENBACHBROS. &Co KUPPER'S BEFR chop-payong," the beer which received *ny ;uViirJ at the Cbicago Exhibition. C ii U i> B 8 IKON BAFJSS AX!) LOCB The best m tlie irorld. AJPOLLINARI3 WATER Theqaeeuoftabl« a most hei) thy aud rofadiiitjs driak m troui^ coamriet. $15.00 percase ol 100 glass b 7.50
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