Mid-day Herald, 20 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • 88 1 of publication of the "Mid-day Herald m is at No. 19, t. Late the M Daily Adu .»t' i'ablication is at 2 m. dail »t hood on Saturdays. rate of subscription is $L a njouih for l<>c;il ami $1«25 for oiit- rib ra. opien LO cents
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  • 144 1 communications on literary on facts intended for publr cation tobe addressed to u The Editor" ma n itgned with tho name the sen ler, not tor pubication, but for authentication. On the Editorial iide, the usual ionics which interest or <*h.iuld m•- a European community, such aa i vux< is,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 209 1 [HE PRYE RIVER DOCK, PEN AN G. I'HK above Dock, situated m Provimv Weiiesley, al the entrance of tlv Uivtr. iuvs lately been lengthened deepened, and is now of the follow- dimensions Length on the blocks 3WQ feet. Hrradth at entrance ftO N Depth ot watei on sill at ordinary
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    • 411 1 WILLIAM D ALLAN. DAU.AN is now earryiiiL r on businesH as a JOCKEY, TRAINER, LIVERY BTABLB. KEEPER, BORBE BREAKKIi,and HORsE DEALER, at No. 7:», Brass Bassa Road, Sinja])ore. bhoeinff and repairs to harness by experienced workm.-n. Crashed Food, &.c. TEMPORARY STABLES, 14, Atmeniau Street. Bingapore, 4th Oct., 1896. MRS. AZUMA,
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    • 226 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, RAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bhos to inform the public that a 1 a r. re stock of the choicest brands of Cigars hns been received by the la*t Min\U Miil from the leading factories oi Li Insular and
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    • 364 1 HANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. apital Subscribed $2,50<»,0r0 AMOUNT PAID UP r ),),),0i!0 Übsebve Fund %f w qj Hbad Ofpick, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardixk, Mathusxv k CoTHK undersigned baring been ap pointed Agenta tor the above Company nre prepared to accept marine risks at currea rates. A Bonus is annually
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    • 549 1 Notice. ¥M onsequencM of the de*lth of W. Ifonteiro, tho bnsin^ia <»r underj Uvker lately carried 01. by him .«t No. 159 Middle Road, Sinifapore, will heretofore be carried on by his a »m at the Buine place atirl ander the it) le of W. Monterio Co. Singapore, 29th Oct.,
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  • 566 2 Singapore, Monday Jan. 20, 1890. The Anglo-French agreement with respect to Siam h a beeo sii^ued, and so some Littta difficulty betwoea tho two ooaDtries, which at ouo thno WaVI thought would hring about serious complications, has been removed. Tho river Mekong becomes now the French
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  • 71 2 Under tho above heading will be found m another columu some very interesting particulars concerning the recent actiou ot President Cleveland over the Venezuelan affair. A great deal will be learuod of tno panic which it had caused. It was fortunate that the situation
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  • 425 2 A great deal of truth will be found iv the following which appears iv the "London aud China Express" from the pea of its Straits correspondent. We quite approve of the suggestions which coutain m it, aud shall bo glad to see their a ,l option.
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  • 788 2 L. O. Expreea '27th Dec. Mr. G, L. Litton has b«en appointed a Studeut, interpreter, China. The M Immortal ite," cruiser, Captain E Chiche=ter, fio'n iSheerues*, left Port Baid on Dec. '26 for China. She will c »l! at Aden and Colombo, and also for orders at Singapore,
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  • 1754 2 An entire revulsion of feeling on the subject of Mr. Cleveland's Menage to Congress was brought about m New York on 20th Dec. by the panic which prevailed m Wall-street. The rallinc of values and the failure of brokerage houses quickly turned the ourrentof
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 909 2 THE TANJONG PAGAH DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THE premises of the Company are litnAtid al VaajODg Pagar, adjoining thfl Town of Singapore. i'lie Wharf extrudn to one mile and ;i i|u iftM tad is divided by the entrances lOtbeQmvillg Dockn into throe parts. The Wtst Wiiurl; over one mile m length,
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    • 599 2 Malayan Ethnological Natural History Collections. 6, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. RESIDENTS «f tmi visitors to SinCapafa wishing to obtain interesting Ethnological Mid Natural History specimens should pay a visit to the MOT« collections. Small jisrtort*.! collections supplied at $f>, £10, $15 aud upwards ready packed. Genuine Native weapons received for sale
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    • 182 2 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. ]£AVK now opened their establish, ment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trowserings, Fancy Tweeds, Cheviot.-, Teunis Flannels aud Linen Drills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS B )o»^, Siloes, H its, Hosiery, Rhirtl Towels, Ruj^s, (JmHrrllaa, Walking Sticks, &c. THE
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 103 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Mouday, :>Otb, High Water, 1.85 a.. 1.23 p. fe V. A. skjuad drill, 5.L5 p, m. Tveaday, *21>t. High Water. -2.2 a, \.S p tiitu birthday jut ,tue iviu.; of Sweden aad^Norwaj *>.V.A. niaiitu gun drill, <">,15 p iv Wadaaaday, 22ad. Hi_h Water —J.;i2 ft, i..">B
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  • 1217 3 The repairs to the Police C^urt, m tli witaessea* ro-»m, are going ou very slosvlv. The two Eurasian la.dt f DcSonzi and Miliingtun, are Ci nirniiti d lor trial at the u*Xt a?sizi'n re the stabbing case The iiiver Watch at the S:earu Riding Galleiy on Tournday
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 433 3 Fine Old Scotch Whisky. Messrs. John Robertson Son Have pleasure m stating that they have again secured the very important contract for the exclusive suppjy of SCOTCH J D R WHISKY TRADE MARK to MESSRS. J. LYONS CO., LTD, durinjr the run of the "Orient" at Olympm j nm\ also,
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    • 609 3 latent &&mtstmttd%. bale: of VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FIR. Nil UIUO, &c. The. Property of Capt, (J. W. Hunikr Saturday ±hth Jan. 1996, at 2 p. m. THI aademgned are instructed by Captain 0. \Y. Elaater to sell bj auc. tion a-, Warerley, Ibbutaford Bitate, Orchard Road, ou Sitmlay, the 2jt)i .Janu.try,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 170 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow. FOR Sarawak, Tt-»jah firooke 9am Deli GanvmaJe. 2 p in PorraM^. D»li, Talynso, 3pm Maliicca. Klan<_', T. Anson. Amherst, 3 p m Hongkong A Anv)y Hnn Leon^'. 3,p m Miabitng Carolina 4pm Sambas A P.>ntian:ik, Will o'the Wisp 1 p m SHIPPING ARRIVALS Jan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 470 4 Powell &Co. SINGAPORE. I URNiTURE MANUFACft REBS I AKGE nUick of Hoawho'd and v i >„j 1 a run v:r -»l ways >•«> h «•'>' can be t»l fitted I lie Furiiii uie. De*i s n» and I i ««u i fre« i>l L'hrn m*Th* Cliinet* Workmen etupioyd ='t llic
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    • 747 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENCrINEBRS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTiIACTOIIS.NOTICE TO USEOB OF BELTING Wf, herewith jrivo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Bolts. The following genuine extract is taken from Buttons Works Manager* Handbook" as to the respective 3trengtU6 of one square inch
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    • 492 4 MKDICAL NOTICE. J)R. V. A. PILL AY. L M. S, can I>*» con^ulU'd -it ,\uy tini", day or nii'ht, «it ll;iffles Dispensai v, 7'j, North Bridee Hoad. Singapore, 2<kh Much, ISO 3. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S ffEER Chop-'PAYONG," the only beer which received uny award ut the Chicago Exhibition.
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