Mid-day Herald, 8 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 21 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD «i--^ "^p*--^^.,, w&^^^^ __fc *^T__ft__BH"** r*^^ *^^^r**^^^^^ftw«» -J*^ jCT>»S«-biPk^' VOL. ll.] SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1896 [NO. 351
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  • 243 1 The office of publication of the 'Mid-day Herald m al No. 19, t, ite tlif v Daily AdrKRTISBB I'Uhss." The hoar, of Publication is at 2 p, ii.. dlj Mid lit DOOQ on {Saturdays. The rate of lubacription is $1 a lor local and £l.:2f> for
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 223 1 iHE PRYE RIVER DOCK, THE above Dock, sitnaled m Provinc* Weikslef, at tbe sjitrance of to I'rj.- River, has lately been lengthened Bd, and i| DOW of the follow- MS I i! /tl» «<n thr- blocks 330 feet It Ll h at entrance Sv •>< of waU r «>n sill
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    • 412 1 WILLIAM DALLAN. \yiLLIAN DALLAN is now carryiuir on business as a JOCKEY, TRAINER, LI VKKY STABLE. KEEL 1 ER, HORBE BKEAKKK, and HORSE DEALER, aL No. 70, Brass Bassa Road, Singapore. Shoeing and repairs to harness by experienced workmen. Crushed Food, &c. TEMPORARY STABLES, 14, Armenian Street. Singapore, 4th Oct.,
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    • 219 1 Tabaqueria Universal. 8, EAFFLES PLACE. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Begs to inform the public, that a lartre stock of the choicest brands of Cigars has been received by the last Manila Mail from the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perla del
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    • 363 1 r i (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2 500 000 Amount paid up srtn'ooo5 rt n'ooo Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardixe, Matheson CoTHE undersigned having been ap pointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at curren;, rates. A Bouus is annually p
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    • 529 1 Notice. JN consequence of the deith of W. Monteiro, the business of undertaker lately carried on by bini M So. 159 Middle Road, Sinoapore, will heretofore be carried on by his s »ns at th I same place and under' the stylo of W. Monterio Co. Singapore, 29th Oct., 1895.
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  • Singapore, Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1896.
    • 535 2 No doubt our readers are aware that tho Licensing Justices will meet to-morrow, to take iuto consideration tho renewal of public- house licenses. x^Logether, the number of applicants, according to tho v Govt. Gazette," muster up a total ot something like eighty-eight, which includes retail-liquor
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    • 132 2 THERE is a dispute goinjj on just now between some Chinese Christians and others about the right of way of a road which leads from the seventh mile stone on tho Thompson Road to the boundary which is known as the Chjisseriau Estate. The road, it is
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    • 157 2 MR. W. A. Pickering has written a paper on "The Early History of the Straits Settlements," which is to appear m one of the January Reviews. Mr. Pickering was long m Singapore as Protector of Chinese, and there can bo no doubt that from his ripe and
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    • 274 2 WE. give prominence to UIP following which appears i* m London and oJ2?S££S of 13th Dumber. iflfEg estinc :-Fio« Foreign, cash btrait 8 ,£*****.6 d.t O £6 P 2 28 1 6d., three months' StralS /*•'> 2s. 6d. to £62 12s. 6d ffi speculators who were bucK eager purchasers
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  • Correspondence.
    • 168 2 Dear Sir, It's well you hay taken the precaution to dlscl^m responsibility tor the munuor uui wnUijf ot your correspouueni'- communion tions, otherwise )ou will t©iirre 3 ed tor publishing such wouid-«.e Enj*,Mi ai tuat which appeared m a paragraph m >our Alunoa)'^ i>sue und r
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  • 349 2 Thb Pvaisoit itirr oi Liv Ping Chang. Professor Douglas addresses a farther letter to Ihe Times "on tbi^ subject, and aiier (}QOllOg me Liicc degradiu g Liv, Mates Ihe abov- then, is the decree to which our correspondent "S. IS. O." and bi* fritads att ach
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 909 2 THE TANJONG PAGAII DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company art* Bituat* I vi Tanjong Pagar, adjoining tli<> Town of Bingapora. Tin- Wliarf extend! to one mile and a qn iitM And Xl divided by iht outnmces lotheGmring Docks into three parts. The Weal Wharf; over one mile m
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    • 434 2 French Bakery. NOTICE--3 ROUND RED DUTCH CHEESE O EACH $1.20 cash. wa S x g HOUND RED DUTCH CHEESE fc=J 5 C$ S EACH $1.35 credit S a O GOOD SARDINES PKd TIN f 2 •f 0.18 cash. g 6 MUSCAT, SHE Kit V, PORTO, SAUTEVIE, VERMOUTH ST. RAPHAEL WINE'S.
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    • 155 2 Au Ben Marohe, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. JJAVE now opened their establish, ment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OP Coatings, Trowserings, Fancy Tweeds, Cheviot, Teunis Flannels aud Linen D ill.-, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, BIMMM, H >tn, Hosiery. Shirts Towels, Ru^, UmhiHlUs, Walking
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 139 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Wednesday, Bth. giffh Water— 3.34 a, 40 p. P. A O. Mail Homewards closes, 6 a. m. Municipal Commission, 2.80 p m The Little Magnet, Town Hall, 9 p.n,. Thursday, 9 h Hish Water,— 4 *8 a., 5.31 p. Court of Appeal. Singapore. Chamber of Commerce,
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  • 848 3 Sugar Cultivation m Province Wellesley. While at Peuang I took occasion to V i Sl i sogaf estate a lew miles distint, m ihe province of Welleeley, on the m -linU^l ot the Malay Peninsula. To thil e»t v> wmcn hear* the name I l^jtu Ka^Nvin,
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  • 1088 3 A correspondent warns to know if t h.;re will be any Straits Produce" this year. The Court of Appeal opens to. morrow with tlooglifj of cases, three being t rum Bangkok. Tlm German mail s s. Karlsruhe" lett Colombo on Su day, amJ m.iy be expected to
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  • 716 3 The Secretary of State for India lug decided to reappoint Field. Marshal Sir Donald Stewart, <;. c 8., g, c s. i., as Member of the Council of India for a farther period of five yea's, ni ac. cordance with the provisions of ttie Act,
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  • 263 3 A Hiudoo l»d of ten or eleven years of a^e had been absent from home m Cheauer Teo J^lace tor little over v month. Yesterday afternoon the t uh«r ot the boy, a barber, discovered ins lost eon m the house of a KliUi<
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 628 3 INDO-CHIN\_S.N. CD. LTD FOR PENANG CALCUTTA, The Gorapany'9 steamer WlN'G* SAN T G, 2,3:i9 tons, Oapt, J.is. Young, having left Hongkong on th > 7th inst., may be expected feo arrive here on or about the 13th inst., and will have prompt despatch for the ab >ye ports. For freight
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    • 532 3 MEPSAQKRIE* MAIHTIMES. For Calcutta DirrcT. THK M. M. Corn mnv's sfcoirrler' MAXCHE M will bo de%pat«hod from Singapore for tho al) m port abom the 7th January, 18'JG k she has room for passon^ers and cargo. Apply to A. ur BURE,— Asjeut M. M. Siagap>r>, 80lh I>."C 1895. TYPEWRITERS WAX
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 300 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow for Ptenaag Deli, Calypso, I p ra Malacca A Klang ban Hin Guan. 3pm ourabaya dt Bah, l'ou Bia Guan, 3pm Ltau^kok, Ban Seng Guan 4 p m Labuan, Sandafcan, Sulu, Meuado, etc Teres«. H p ni SHIPPING ARRIVALS Jan 6. British str Myrim
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 473 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFAOTU RBRB LARGE «tock ol Hoonebold and Office Furuitoro alw»y« c»n band Dtder- cjiu be <-x •(.•ut.-d \o* ibe bent description o( Furukore. Desi^o* mod J^tim.itf> Mipj li-'ii Iri-e t»: obnr^e. Tlv Chine*« Workmen employed »t \hc Orcimrd U i F.ictv.ry ior lade >-viiii: skilled Cftbinel
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    • 430 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith £ive some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of User* of liolts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttous "Works Managers Handbook* as to the respective Strengtns of one Bqoare
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    • 149 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. J3aker and Confectioner, Udder the most distinguished patronageof Sir Cecil Clembnti Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing.— A rare an 1 choice collection of drawing, dmin<_r, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for
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    • 188 4 STAINFIELOB PRIVATE HOTEL 3 DUDDELL STREET HONGKONG THE business lately carried oq at I Queen's R Kid Et;t, has been m »ye 1 t:> m >re ceutr d and comm > lions prjmieei, d Uuddell btreat, m close proximity to the principal iinuks, Post Office to The Rooms are lij^ht,
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    • 479 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. [)il V. A. PILL\V. L M. ft h can Ij<=» coti^il)t**f| at :mv ti'n^, lav nr hifrhtj at U.iffl^s Disnensarv, 7y, North Biidi'e [toad. {Sin^njiore, 2iHh Mirch, 15 ,)5. HUTTENBACH BROS. CO KUPPER'S BEER Cuoi'-'PAYONG," the only beer wliicij received auv sward ut the Cbiougo Exhibition. C 11
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