Mid-day Herald, 6 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 398 1 THE MID-DAT HERALD, SINGAPORE. Tj, I of publication of the «MID- >i i HBRALD 11 is at No. 19, i, late the "Daily Ad- sebPh iaa of PablieaUoo is at 2 iv and at noon on Saturdays. of Bubscription is $1 a for local and wUfi for out- ribera, LO
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    • 397 1 WILLIAM DALLAN. I LLI AN DALLAN ia now carrying on bweineei a> a JOCKEY, TRAINER, LIVERY STABLE. KEEPER, HORSE BKEAKKK,and HORSE DEALER, at No, 7.\ Brass Baasa Road, Bing^>ore. bboeion iuid repairs to harness by experienced workmen. Crushed Food, fte. TEMPORARY STABLES, 11, Armeaiau Street. Singapore, -itli Oct., 1895. i
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    • 222 1 FRENCH BAKERY. NOTICECHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS. Exibition of a great assortment of ad S Sweets very suitable for Christmas. r-J Boxes of chocolat croquettes, bon bons q chocolat, Croam, Almonds sugar, £j Pralines ro«es. Bowl Caramel, Los2 an^es, Jujubes, Marrons candis and a M h^ yZ great variety of crystallised fruits as
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    • 366 1 pANTQH INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 5^0,000 Reserve Fund sqq, 0j Head Office, Hongkong. General AmentaMessrs. Jardine, Matheson CoThe uudersigued having been ap pointed Agents for the above Ccinpauy are prepared to accept marine risks at currenr, rates. A Bonus is annually paid ro all con
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    • 530 1 Notice. JN oonaeqnenoe of the death of \V. Monteiro, the business of undertaker lately carried oq by him at No. 1.~>9 Middle Road, Singapore, will heretofore be carried on by hu s mis at the same place and nnder the stylo of W. Monterio Co. Singapore, 29th Oct., 1895. NOTICE.
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  • Singapore, Monday, Jan. 6, 1896.
    • 551 2 MANY no doubt were taken by supri^e by tbe news wired by Reuter on Thursday last to the effect that the leading inhabitants of Johannisberg had made an appeal to Dr. Jameson, the Administrator of Mashonaland, for help against the Boers. Dr. Jameson, who it
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    • 297 2 On Saturday we gave publicity to a rumour that a case of running amok took place the previous day, but that we were uot iv a position to veri-fy it. However, the rumour was correct, and from particulars since obtained, it appears that a Javanese living m Palembang
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    • 244 2 The Christmas festivities closed on Saturday afternoon by tho sports, which wore postponed on Now Year's clay. Tho weather, whicu was si inply disgusting nearly tne whole of last woek, did not give much promise of a favorable afternoon on Saturday, as up till 1 p. m.,
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    • 956 2 (from a corresponded.) The ooog relation ot the li i lr.il ot Uio Gjo 1 Shepheid wero pu-u< 1 t> see 8.5h0.l Gtsinor aitong lbe«n a^nin uu New Year's day. He tok no purl m the- service but he was m oburcii ili the eauie. It is to
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    • 478 3 [1893.) A v i earn io M .v I S I'urday, interest:^ t ou land and Louse;ber (Lvi, there i <* tirmueu m the iwo property has V sought after, ana m 1 mm b#co resales at a .•ear's purchase*. Gjvoenc haFo sold Oui little ot
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    • 473 3 m n >'»™to Correspondent.) KuaU Lu;n,ur, Dec. H, A neJ liae bai been otLJi Kuala Sel.^orT NfXf Vrr.rthore will bo an Assist*- 1 M** uult!;e(lifa,,) Destrnetor on the """•cHUIe. raebnilding w,!l be w shape, Uie chimney will lotoer m height, and the total coat mill be $*****. Tha
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 914 2 TIIK TANJONO IWUAU DUCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THK premises of fcha Company IN situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining ibe Towa »>f Singapor The Wharf extends to one mile and :i quartet tod is divided bT tlss •ntraao loUieGraving Docks into wtn parta. The West Wharf; over on« milo m length *vit,h
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    • 524 2 Posada Wine Company. WiNES FROM THE WOOD Dozen, Bottle. POUT WINE. 6 C 5 cents. PORT \Vr\E WHITE. G. 50 70 cents. SHERRY PALE. I 6 65 c-nts. "O j >- O o MARSALA. S 9 80 cents. CP MUSCATEL 12 1.25 cents. > H SCOTCH WHISKY. $12 l.2soent*. MAIiCPAGXES
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    • 156 2 ftu Ban Marche, 30, ExIFFLES SQUARE. JTAVE now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfitter s and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF Coatings, Trowaerings, F.tncy Tweeds, Cheviot-, I'entiis Flaoovlf aud Lini.ii U ills, ALL NEW SEASOxN PATTERNS B »ofs, Sliom<^ i* f H >sierv Shirti Towels, Ru^,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 104 2 MEMOi OF THE WEEK. Monday, 6th,— High Water,— 2.o n.. 1.53 p. Epiphany, Variety Co., Tanglin Barracks, 9 p. m. Tuesday, 7 th. High Water, -2. 45 a., 2.49 p Charoh Work Association, ll a. in. P. vt 0. Mail Outwards. Variety Co., Tauglin Barracks, 9 p. m. Wednesday, Bth.
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  • 1315 3 Thy* steam rouinl-ahout at tho foot of Fort Coining still continue to do good bu»?iuess. The Variety Troupe gave a com. pk'te change of programme on Saturday night. There was a «;ood house. The case against a ycun<{ Eurasian lad tor shooting a ricksha coolie, m the
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  • 224 3 The lival learns, the Sikti police an.J the Asiatic, Artillery have met at last, and the former have proved thnnselves to be the superior force. The S.kh police have been well coached by their Dividual Officer Mr. A. EL McGregor aud io their performance on Saturday
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 519 3 Sated The Masuda Troop of Tokyo, Japan. Will exhilut a for short ?e tson only I every night a cuangi of Programme with glittering eoatamee. JUNCTION OF TANK RIVER VALLEY ROADS. Commencing on Monday, tub 6th January, ItfSJG This lrou.<e has spared no pains m together the best acrobats, tqu
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    • 515 3 xMESSAGERIES MAIUTIMES. For Calcutta Dnfoi*. Thk If. \i. )In »;i nv s <torti -r «MANCHK^v,llb,de,p l fohnir>,, Il Singapore for th ih »v i port, ata me the 7th January, 1890 she has room for pggjggjgn aM ,i cargo. Apply to A. Dl BtfRE,-A*«tatlt 11. Btngapor 30th 1895. TtPEWRITER^ WANTED.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 318 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will CLOsii to-morrow for Batavia, Cheribon, Saniarang cot. Van Dieacnt, bam Sftigoa, Tihre, 9 a m Uangko Hydra, 1 p in Malacca*. Klan^, T. Anson. Amherst, 3 p ni I'alembaap Carolina 4 y in Batavia, Uhftboa A iamarang, Giang Ann 1 pm SHIPPING ARRIVALS Jan o British
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 490 4 Powell CoSINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUFACTU KERS A LARGE Itvck of Household and Otlioc Fiiriiiluiv ulw.iyv on hiuil Order* enß Iw •x^culed lo* the l>es* dctoripCiuu <>t Furniture. D -si^ns and Bitimatoi !*u^>)iiiiMl Iree oi ciiar^f. Tlio Cliinoe Workmen employ^ at the Oicbtrd Uoatl Factory iuolad«s ■everal •killed Cabinet Mtikera, Car. vtrs
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    • 438 4 L 1L him CO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF* BELTING Wl herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from lluttons v Works Managers Handbook' as to the
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    • 147 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished paironageo^ Sir Cecil Clembnti Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of tho Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for cash.
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    • 179 4 STAINFIELD'S PRIVATE HOTEL 3 DUDDELL STREET. HONGKONG THE business lately carried ofi at t Queen sR> 1 1 E lst) has beotl m )ve Itj ?n 6 Jt'V; r i l aod con »niodio. w Praises, 3 Uaddell Street, m close proximity to the principal Banks, Post Office, fro. The
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    • 466 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. J)R. V. A. PILL AY. L M. &S, can he consulted at any time, day or niffht, at R;. files Dispensary, 79, North BridffC Road. Singapore, 2i)th March, 18i)5. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 X UPPER'S BEER CHOP-'PAYONG," the only beer which received any uward at the Chicago Exhibition.
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