Mid-day Herald, 2 January 1896

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 18 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD immmm Jj r\ I i rt y\ I SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1806 fSO. 346
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  • 25 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. ol th No. 19, Daily au- 8 I .25 for out- IDV] 5 kIBKTe •r] rt ol an in< i ned
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  • 71 1 OH literary intended for publi" Editor* 1 I with the name lor pub- ntication. rial side, the nsaal inillliU nsLocal and be carciuliy and short, every to bring the make it a ne- with any ied« Beraid," just estah. a large ciiculai on. form peon' tedium tor Basin MB and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 PRYE KIVER DOCK. PENANG. i 1 1 th«j mow ol tiie fell the 1 I cks 330 U |>cj r on sill at 1- Machine Shop has been lai i. i m or umchinery <>t' > or alj ription st a 1«» l of new I r, capab of i
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    • 402 1 WILLIAM D ALLAN. \V LLIANDALUAN ianow carryiAe on bnsiQeu at a JOCKEY, rRAINER,UVERYSTABLB.KEEPER,HORBE BREAK BH, and HORSE DEALER, a X 76, Brass Bass* Road, fcj i:ij and repairi to h:\ruo>s by rienced workmen. Crash* TEMPORARY BTXBLES, 1 t. A'nioiiian Street. ►re, 4th Octw, l-.V 3IRS. AZUMA, Lady Pn .\i'at:i;, No
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    • 218 1 French bakery. notTce. CHRISTMAS CIIKISTMAS. Exibition of a great assortment of ZT >! SweeU very suitable for Christmas. y 3* Boxes of ohocolat croquettes, bon bon 3 q hh -o chocolat, Oceacn, Almonds sugar, Pralines ro-es. BoWl Caramel, L^. C^ H arises, JojubeSj M irrons eandw and a ZT Lj
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    • 367 1 (XVXTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. 'apital Subscribed |2,500j000 mount PAID up 3 5oo!0O0 RKSBBTTI Fund Q/ 00 Head Officb, Hohoko^g. General Agents KBSBRB. JABBI2TB, MaTHESOJT 4 Co, THB Dndersigned having been ap pointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at carren rates, A Bonns is annually
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    • 498 1 ur, k -%^-7^ IN "OTIC E. JN coaseqtleit^ft of the do*fth of \V. Montciro, the business of and Laker lately carried o\ by him -'t X. I.VJ Middle li ad, Singapore, wi\\ h re tofore be carried on by n\s s>n i Bame place and under" the style of \V
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  • 539 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Thursday Jan. 2, 1896. Turkey and The Bear. IN tho telegrams on Monday last. BeQter wired to the effect that the Saltau of Turkey had despatched Arif Pasha to St. Petersburg laden with costly presents ior the Czar of Rusfcia. This latest movo on tho part
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  • 194 2 It seems somewhat strange that something cannot Le done to keep the roads m some kind of bettor order than is now the case. In rainy weather, ia many parts of the town especially, and notably during tue early part of this W€ek, the streets
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  • 1366 2 SUDORDINATB OfFICKKS IN GoVEKNtflNT StBTICM AND THKIR CLAIMS TO UoJfPBMSATlON. {Pmang Gazette.) A committee con-istm^ of the Colo* nial Treasurer, tin* 0 lonial Enirineer, and ihe whole of tho Unofficial Mftattrs tf the Legislative Council has i decided that uu compensation for the fall 10 silver shall be granted to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 915 2 Til 10 TANJOXG PAOAB DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THI premises of the Co.njciny AN BilQAlod ;it Taajonf Pagtr, adj'tinin:: the Town of Singapore. Tin- Wh:irf extnids to r»:»e mile ami :i (j i •(<•• and it divided l>y theentranut.*s lotbc 'Hiving Docks into three parts Tho •>? \Vh;»ii ov»*r MM nil*
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    • 506 2 Posada Wine Company. WINES FROM THE WOODDozen, Bottle. POIITWIXE. 6 65 cents. PORT WINE WHITE. 6.50 70 centg. .SHEKRY PALE. G 65 c-nts. *V O MARSALA. 9 80 cents. edMUSCATBL §U 1.25 cents. > UJ SCOTCH WHISKY. §12 1.25 cents. O MAHCPAGXES (white seal). $23 225 quart. CHAMPAGNES (green seal).
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    • 93 2 ftu Boe Mapcite, 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. J JAVK now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OF I Coalings, Trowserings, Fancy Tweeds, Cheviot-. Tennis Flannels aud Linen Di ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, ShfMM. Hits, H>sierv Shirts Towels, Ru#S r -nKivll.ts,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 43 2 MEMO: OF TIIE WEEK. High Water,— OJ a, 11.: 4 p Dalhousie Chanter K. A., 5w90 p, ra. Fancy Hull, Town Hall, U p m, High Water. 2.08 a,, 0.11 p. High Water,'- 1 18 ft., 1.1 p. High Wateiy-2.0 ;1 153 p.
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  • 1996 3 X .luti-on, one of the oldest i cippefl u ot Penally, ftih ulU^ |l r Gently ihe Piesident of the Municipality, about the town ming M usual. od New Year holL over. N will c>me the lU iodpayioic the piper. The outward French mail steamer ien arrivw-d
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  • 223 3 A special service has held at St. Andrew's Cathedral on New Year's cv* at half past eleVnn, tho sacred edifice being crowded. Tho service, which was .very devotional, included an elo quent sermon by the Rev. It. F. Siiarp, the assistant chaplain. The thanksgiving tervioe at tho (Cathedral
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  • 204 3 Sudden Death of Mr. V. G. Annesley. We reirret t luve to rec.rd the death of htr. V. G. Ance.slev, which occurred at Gula E-fat« at 1 a ra. on the morning of the 27th December. Mr. Annesley was m the best of health and spirits the pnvious eve DinXi
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  • 254 3 Vibong Tei.ai, 27th Djc. Abaat 11 a.m. on the 25th iustant, a 11 ildu tindal aud some co "lies ot tue P. W, I) when at worli near theßik.t PiMiob^r Reservoir, were ■ururitfed by t.ie appearance of a leopard. Tue tiudal sent tor his gun and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 118 3 Notice. J)EE J OSITOUS m the String* B.vik are reriiiri<lod to send m their pass books between the 2nd an I 15th Jnuunry 1890, for audit m compliance with the rules and regulations under the Savings Bank Ordinance. Pass-b)oks may be forwarde I free by post to the Staperintewleat of
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    • 566 3 WANTED. buy a female' IV x torrier pop. Apply *****, <•/* <l»is paper. Singapore, Dili D c, 1^51)5. WANTED. A pony palanquin o* phaeton, whioh mast bj m good oon.lkion and »oand tiironghoat. Apply stating prico, &c, to "Pony c/i> u Mi. 1-day Herald" O.licc. Singapore, IJiii Nov., 1895. SANTA
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    • 618 3 latest MEffSAGDBIEi MARITIMfiS. For Calcutta butter. THE M. M. Company's Rtdimer •MANCHB* 1 erili be despatched from Singapore for th a'j »ye pore about t!» i 7th January, 18V6 she baa roo n for pamengort and cargo. Apply to A. Da BURB,-A*eat M. It Sin s Mp)i\, 80th D^c, i<\.K).
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 188 3 MAIL NuriGE. Mails will close to-morrow, fok Cheribon A Raiaaiawf, Pltaaag Noon Malacca, Heleae, I a vi SHIPPING ARRIVALS Jan i British str Sultan, Chonard, from M .1 .cci, Syed Mahomed ond co British str Hecate, Payne, from Bangkok, htaameld uid co British steamer Will o" the Wisp Nluot, from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 494 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. I DBNITORE MANUF.UTU REBB A LARGE itock »f Household and Oflife Furmtur.' :ii\v.»ys on hand Order* oun b« executed i<»r \hc bf< devoriptioii i»t Furoiiure. Dtst^ni an<i Elfttimatet iiipplied tr* i>l okarge* Tl)<' Cliine.-o WTurkilKrn employ d .it the Oi chard RoaJ Factory iuolude w* vcrai skilled
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    • 499 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith jrivo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons Works Managers Handbook 0 as to the respective Btrengttis of one
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    • 141 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronageo^ Siu Cecil Clkmenti Smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer anclcommission Ag-ent.^b To those Fiirnislunj>'. A ni^a^ choic.3 .11- and bed room furniture ar the lowest prices for cash. The furniture handsomely carved, aud
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    • 168 4 STAINFIELD'S PRIVATE H3T£L 8 DUDDBLLSTRBBr. HONQKOMQ THE busing lately cirriel oq ;l t L Qu3ensß)ilK lt bas been nurel t\ 3 Duddel Stmt, m ciose proximity to ttier prinoipil 3*nks, Post O.H.- kc iueUoornsaroli^ht, alff, aa I comforiably famished. The CoUin^ aaU Acj)MU>vlitio:i will favomblv conpare with the best Hotels
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    • 477 4 MEDICAL NOTIOB. r\U V. A. PILLAY. L W. &S, can be consult. >d at any lirrif*, day or nit/M, at K.:files Dispensary, 7i>, North Biidue RoaH. Singapore, 2iith March, LBO5. HUTTENBACHBROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEES Chop-'PAYONG," ""'y beer whicli received any awurd ai the Cbicatro Exhibition. c ii v n
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