Mid-day Herald, 27 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 425 1 I n ii;MlD DAY IIKItALD, I SINGAPORE. E of publication of the I rIEH LLD tl ;ii No. l.», b t. late the Daily al>s .-i' PablicaUoo is at 2 i it noon on daturdaya, M Bubfii ript ion i^ i' I I tor local .mil 91.25 for oatI <
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    • 390 1 Christmas 1805. OBAYO BfIANCH, No. 598-t, North Bridge Road. JUST ARRIVED. w^PlVi? sei^ li^n of XMAS and new \i:ar-sVauds. Bii« e» hroidend ukd EUudpaintad Screens. Gold Lacquer, and Hardwood Cabi. DCt. PorceUtu aud Bronie ware. irory iuhTid Paoeia, Silk K-ikimonos, Mid ■Ucita«ry of every description, &o <S:c. Suitable fur CHRISTMAS
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    • 308 1 John Little Co. Ltd. U L Kj X U L Ij O. Wo have just received a large consignment of Rucl^o Whitworth and Qiimton Cycles which we are able to offer at lower prices than any yet quoted. Frames of WeMlesa Steel Ball bearings throughout. Price corapLeto with Saddle, Pedals,
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    • 511 1 Medical Electkicity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E M is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Deseases. Permanent care of Paralysis Rh eu mansm, Spiaal affections, Hystenc, Dyspeps.a, .Nervous DeWity, Neurat X F Exhaustion, Melancholia. stomach Detention, Liver Toroidity, Wai \Veakness, l lDpaire d ViM
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    • 356 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscuih ed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Offhk, HOVOKOSG. General Agents Messrs. Jardixe, Matheson &O0 The uudeisii;iie<l baring beea appciuted Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept inarice risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid o all
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  • 663 2 The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 1895 The Building Disaster Case. A lot of pains and trouble appears to have been takoa m the investigation of this case, and the result, as tho public are now aware, was that the charge brought against tho supervisor ot the building was
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  • 893 2 RUSSIA AND THE FA R EAST. Frwin an luteresting it at eaten t by the St. Petersburg correspondent ot the M Daily Telegraph we take the follow mg 1 portions, omitting those with which our readers will be quite lamiliar 44 The cuckoo does not build its own nest" is
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  • 539 2 The Yokohama ooj the Daily N.u's" rl u!1 rein irks as follow :-1 calm m the political wuvl MIOM hive got ofer their tion, and h.ve I complwh two thing* l the army and navy »i l which slrill mtke them this part Of the w >rl<i, r<
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 THE TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THFJ premises of the Company are litvated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining llkb Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a qmrlei and is divided by the durances fotheGraviag Docks into three pans. The Wefcl Wbarf Otef one iuile m leDgib with
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    • 774 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Begs to inform the public that a lanrestoc'c of the choicest brands of Cifrjirs hns heen received by the last Ifattile Mail from the leaoing factories of Li Insular acd La Perla del Oriente which has just
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    • 95 2 Aff Rftn MrppHp niu uun ill vi uif Xjj 30, RAFFLES SQUARE. JJAVB now opened their establishment as Tailors, Outfitters and General Importers. EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN CUTTER. THE FINEST SELECTION OP Coatings, Trowaerthgs, Fancy Tsv> j eds, Cheviot-, Teunis Flannels aud Linen D ills, ALL NEW SEASON PATTERNS Boots, Bboen, H^ts,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 113 2 MEMO: OP THE WEEK. Wednesday, 2««*b. Hi-h Water —6.28 a, G 57 p 1 bnrMapi Bifffa Water,— 7.l4 a., 83 p Nominations Close. Municipal Election Cricket Army v Xavy 5> H C j/rouud 11pm Tanglin Club Concert, p m ITridaj, *20th,— High Water, 7..">G a. ,s 5S p Chorea Work
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  • Correspondence.
    • 190 3 N lis— A correspondent of the Hnutt L'invs" vcier -Jay, m writing the weather and mane, seemi we forgotten altogether that the Cecilia Band bai „v,,, aoonperlorauiQCM ou the Esplanade. irue that the enjoyable dm •nances have only been given on or three occasion*, and no
      190 words
    • 236 3 It would <eern \\iHt, that the policy of the Rusnian Government to acquire a considerable holding m the Suez < anal Company is being quietly but steadily carried out, uyi the lftanohe* ter Guardian H m stated that when he was recently m Franc*
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  • 1634 3 aChItTT ll eLe °n*r,n <lowq boar tW W C miD S «tO hara ba s of ricefor X The-feteamors of Messrs Wee Bin «c 1,0. have been decorated fthese last two days m honour of the marriage of the eon of the managing partner o thohrm to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 BABTEBN EXTENSION AUSTRALABIA CHINA TELKUUAPII COMPANY, LTD. NOTICE OP REMOVAL. QN and after mid-day, Sunday, the Z Ith inst., telegrams will be accepted aud transmitted at the Company's New Office*, Raffle* Quay. WALTER JUDD, Acting General Manager. Singapore, 22nd NofL 1695.
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    • 554 3 FRENCH BAKERY. 206 to 209, Orchard R>ad. Brkad Delivgubd up to sto Mile. -3 Brea'l.Tiokets on Application. Si Always m stouk a bust and complete £5 assortment of B FRENCH PROVISIONS, 3 3 -8 WINES CLARET. 2 5 a o EVERY KIND OF FRENCH r^ BRIE,MO\T DOltE. ROQUEFORT, H BONBONS,
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    • 661 3 AT THB CHINRSB THB\TRK HALL NO. 491» NORTH ISUIDGE ROAD SINGAPOBB, professor A. Nafuly will exhibit fo a few days only, by special reqnest of the public, hia GRAND NEW BNrgRTAINIfBNT from 2 to 11 p. m. daily and on Sundays from 0 to 11 p m. GREAT REDUCTION OF
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 64 3 Mails will close to-morrow, for Cheribon Samarang, Ponan^ lam Hongkoog A- Auiuy, .vain Vong 2 p m Penan ;,v i ale .tta. WiagMU^, 3pm M iKtcca tV Klang ten llm (Juan. 3 p m lialaeoa A Klm^. Chow Vhya, 3 p vi ladragiri, Basalts p m Labtiiii, SanJakan, Sulu, Menado,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 498 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MA.NUFA.OTO HEUS A LARGE stock ol Household and Oiii fnrnitnre always on hand. Order* c\n be Miurd lor the l»est detioriptiou o( Furpttur*. Designs and ti*iifnate* >up| lie«l free <>: uhar^e. Chinehe Workmen employ i d at iii«- Orchard Road Factory include *< k d Uabinei
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    • 807 4 4, ML Mil ft ISO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING Wl horowith £ivo somo ooaYincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of Users of Dolts. Tho following genuine extract is taken from Buttons "Works Managers Handbook' 5 as to
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    • 449 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. jyt. V. A. IMLL.VY, L M. kS, can )>o consulted ar, nny lime day or niirht, at R*inles Dispensary 71), North Bridge Road. Singapore, 21kh Murcb, 1895. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER CIIOP-PAYONG," the only beer which received lliiv award at the Cliicji^o Exhibition. C H U
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