Mid-day Herald, 18 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 444 1 [li; MID-DAY BBBALD, SINGAPORE. THE i fice ol publication of the BBBALD n is at No. 19, t, late the "Daily AdSEB PRBSB." boor of Publication is at 2 i\ and at noon on Saturdays. of subscription is $1 a h for local and £I.2f> for out- ribem I* l
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    • 393 1 Christmas 1895. OHAYO BRANCH, No. 59&t, North Bridge Road. JUST ARRIVED. A Choice selection of NMAS and NEW YEAR'S CARDS. Silk Embroidertd and llamipaiuted Screens. Gold Lacquer, and Hardwood Caoinet. Porcelain and Br »nze ware, ivory inlaid Panels, Silk Kikimouos, and stationery of every description. &c. Suitable for CHRISTMAS and
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    • 314 1 John Little Co. Ltd. Wo have just received a largo consignment Rudgo Whitworth and Quinton Cycles which wo are able to offer at lower prices than any yet quoted. Frauaos of Weldless Stool, Bill bearinga throughout. Prico cornpleto with Saddle, Pedals, Inflator Oil Can, Spanuers and Bag. .WRITE FOR COMPLETE
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    • 492 1 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affections, Hysteric, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, Piles, Exhaustion, Melancholia. Stomach Diatention. Liver Torpidity,, Local Weakness, impaired Vitality Men suttarincr from the results ot
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    • 368 1 QANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathbson Oo The undei signed having been, appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually pai I o
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  • The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Monday Nov. 18, 1895
    • 678 2 A Blot on The English Flag. In a detailed aud graphic account given iu our columns a few days ago from a ik China Mail" correspondent on tho above terrible incident, it presents a tale of butchery and bloodshed which one would think
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    • 1149 2 A Graphic MA.RttA.nvi of ELlrdsuns and Privation*. {Concluded from Saturday.) On the ol*t at nine o'clock iu the evening, Thien Sap >i saldenly decided on the captives 1 removal from Paoai. Perhaps be thought thii was the only way of saving them from the
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    • 518 3 tw ,lK" TO AN LNKUQBTIC Ta-jok. being the last Sunday departure of Father moQtha welLearned congreg-itioo of the O-ii La !v 1 1 L )iirdes as a •em and affection tor letermined ou a little rejoicing, though mingle 1 for the loss for a >
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 820 2 THE TANJONG PAGAB Dorix COMPANY, LIMITED. ThH premisss of the Company are l at Tanjong Pegar, adjoining il, Town of Singapor k fhe Wharf extends to one stile and aartei andiedivided by the entrances beOravin Docks into three parte. The it Whai over «»n«' mils in length v a from
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    • 769 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bkgs to inform the public that :i lar^e stock of the choicest brands of Cigars hai l>een received Kjr the la^t Manila Hail from the leading factories of La Insular and Ln Perls del OrienK* which has
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    • 172 2 AT THE CHIKBBB THEATRE HALLNO. 499 NORTH IUUDGE KOAD SINGAPORE. "professor A. Kaftaly will exhibit for a few days only, by special request of the pnhlie, his GRAND NEW ENftfi&TAINMBNT from 2 to 11 p. m. daily and ou Bnn. days f rom 0 to 11 p m. GRAT REDUOTION
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 77 2 m I MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Monday, 18th, High Water,— lo.46 u. 11.59 p. Legislative Council 2.:\ p tn Philharmonic 'hoir, ."».;i I p in Etngbj Fo bball, Esplanade KA Quadrille partj, Bonstaad InaU i» p in Taesday, 19th.— High W:iU-r.— ll.i'-J a.. Wednesday, '2>h\i. High Water -11 :»7 s.
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  • 1051 3 Huller^oni' '7 tUrion *»th Almir.il hero in >o<ird H fco •iero to-morrow. Austria Italy, Zd Rate* arc eon*. »ngwar.ship,, o the Levant. Thin« a«o evidently coming to a crisis. A Japanese firm intend running a Mne ot steamers between Japan and next Cuinin(i^i. g iu January The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 WANTED. J^ pony palanquin or phaeton, which must be in good condition and sound throughout. Apply rUfrtng price, &c to u Pony." c/o "Mid-day Herald" Otlice. Singapore, 15th Nov., L895. TO LET. JJOUSE N0, 469, Giylarg Road, 2£, mile with garden attached and a number of fruit aud cocoauut trees.
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    • 548 3 > FRENCH BAKERY. 206 to 201), Orchard R>ad. Bbkad Dklivbued up to sxa Mils. rg Brea.l. Tickets on Application. 3. Always iu tstock a best and complete ?i assorctnent of -9 FRENCH PROVISIONS. -I WINES ft OLARET. 2 S H 3 S EVERY KIND OF FRENCH M 2 5^ W
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    • 560 3 INDO-CHINA^. N.ToTjLTa FOR PENAN*; CALCUTTA, The Oompany'i steamer CUTSANO Captain G,Patni, hiving Jett Hongkong on the 7th iu.t, lv M expected to arrive here >n oraboatthe l.ith mst., and will have prompt deepatch for the above ports. For freight or passage apply to BOaSTE y\) ft CO n Agents. oin^ipore,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 492 4 Powell&Co. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MANUPAOTU UERS A LARGE stuck of Household and Office Furnitur.' always on hand. Order* am be executed w>r the best description ol Furniture. Designs and Intimates supplied freed aharge* The Chinese Workmen employed ut Ihe Otdiard Koad Factory includo sr vcra} skilled Cabinet Makers, Cuv. U rs
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    • 432 4 4, M. LzUm tio. i MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING WE herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Belts. The following genuine extract is taken from Huttons Works Managers Handbook'* as to the
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    • 146 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria' Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patrooageo* Sir Cecil Clemexti Smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing. A rare anl choice collection of drawing, dininaf, and bed room furniture at the lowest, prices for cash.
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    • 190 4 STAINrIELOS PRIVATE H3TEL a DUOOBtiL BTaBBF. HON3KON3 THE btMtnegi lately c.irriel on al I Queen's >1 1 K•. f, Ins bddn move it j in >n> <• Mitr 11 mil 00 01 to > lio'is pr uis s, 8 Daddell Street, in close proximity to the priaoipil Biaks, Post O.Hje,
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    • 467 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. J)R. V. A. PILL AY. L M. ft 5 can he consulted al any i\ m day or niirht, at Raffles Dispensarv 7», Noil): Blid«e Road. Bingapos|, 39th .March, 1R95. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C0 KUPPER'S BEER ClIOP"p/\Y0NG," the only beer which received any awar at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB'S
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