Mid-day Herald, 12 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 216 1 i mid DAY HERALD, a i iblication ol 1 1 1 B is at No. 19, B the w Daily adS Publication is at 2 S i on fl iturdaj s. s Bnbecription is $1 a S #1.25 tor oiu- .oh. s I isinsss matter S iw tl g EUTIfil
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    • 403 1 Christmas 1895. OIIAYO BRANCH, No. 5984, North Bridge Road, JUST ARRIVED. A Choice selection ol X^IAS U id NEW VI-: .urs CARDS. SiU h; broitlertd tn<j Haudpaintad Screens. Qold Lacquer, aud Hardwood Caoi. net, Porcelain and Br'iiz- ware. Ivory iiiLi.i Panels, Silk Kakiiaonos, and rtatiooeiy of evvry dsscripiion, Suitable for
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    • 307 1 John Little Co. Ltd. t- j» i^^-J^ f V \cWo have just received a large consignment of Badge WUitworth and Quintan Cycles which wo are a')le fco offer at lower prices than any yet quoted. Frames of Wollbsa Steel, Bali boariogfl Lhroughoat. Price complete with Saddle. Podals, Inflator Oil Can,
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    • 521 1 Medical Electhicity. paoFEssoa s. d e juquilloi M. fi M is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu matism, Spinal affections, Hysteric, Djnpepsia, Nervous Dohility, Neural, pa. PHea, Exhaustiou, Melancholia Stomach Detention, Liver Torpidity Local Weaknesa, Lnpaired Vitality" Men suffering
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    • 387 1 (CANTON INSURANOfi OFFIC* LIMITED. Capital Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid l r 500,00 I Rbsbbvi Fund s 500,00U Head OFFIOB, HoNOlfONa, Geiiei'al A -ruts .Messrs. Jabdinb, MATUEsOII ft Oo The andei signed having been appointed Agents for the above < ''»iii|>aiiy are prepared to aooept mariue ri^ics at current rates. A
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  • The Mid-day Herald. Singapore, Tuesday Nov. 12, 1895
    • 733 2 To perpetuate the rmmo of a Governor who will always bo revered in this Colony, a number of Chinese gentlemen whoso names we have not at this moment have decided to found a scholarship, to be called the 11 Cecil Smith Scholarship." A thousand dollars have been placed in
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    • 402 2 THK MURDKU OF THIRTEEN LADIKS-IN-WAITING. Chetnulpo, October 12th. On the Bth iust. an atrocity of the most cruel nature took plaofe It w.>a a murder committed in broad daylight, and the victims were fourteen ladi s, unonyst whom was the QueOO of K.oroa. The
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    • 284 2 With reference to a coman which appeared in our i«M g day'i date, to the effect thau bad JritttMl ,>sbore opposite ih tern and Oriental Hotel, B o« th.it the vessel wm abaoioatJ M crow, who ha Ila ted ki j decamped. It appears ttathtot Tin Ah
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    • 201 2 The u D.nlv fele^inph onm ultimo announce 1 fh« d National S .illiiij I G. Grace la forward.* n? to the to most player of th.- cheu'i* foe 100.000 ward L-uvsonn^rr'l I tonally comprehensive <.'l'»' lL the list as indicative fthe «J piveiation felt througl. ml l
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 908 2 THE TAN JONG TAG AH DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Tin premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to ono mile and a qu irtel ;nnl is divided by tlu; eiitranees totheOntVUlg Docks into three parts. The West Wharf? oyer one mile
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    • 577 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bhos to inform the public that a larue stoc'c of the choicest brands of Cigars has beeu received by the last Mmili Hill from the leadiui; factories of Li Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has
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    • 183 2 AN TI- ANTHRAX. ABSOLUTELY 8U BE. READILY APPLIED. CHEAPER THAN AJjL OTHERS. THE only efficient hide disinfectant in the market. Its application destroys with absolute certainty malignant Anthrax and any other infectious germs on the surface and in the sub. s'.ance of the skins, and does uot in any way
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    • 177 2 AT THE CHINESE THEATRE HALL NO. 499 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SINGAPORE. TJrofessor A. Naftaly will exhibit for a few days only, by special request of the public, his GRAND NEW ENTERTAINMENT from 2 to 11 p. m. daily and on Sundays f rom G to 11 p m. GOT REDUCTION
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 130 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Tuesday, Uth. High Water.— G. l3 a., 6,14 p Philharmonic Orchestra, p. m Lodge Zetland in tac East, 6 3(J p ni Wednesday, 13th. High Water— 7.lB a. 7,44 p 1\ o. Mail Ontwardf. Municipal Comniissiou, '2. JO p. in. Thnrsdap, Uth High Water, g.B a.,
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  • 590 3 L ifrTn a Coy respondent.) -.\r. a petting strangef through the ck me m ;re tlun once ii.u-, \wy> almost how crim a poetical tconoiny point ,t is, that not only a local it even a local Government itrcn ze local industries liiej do imported wares, „,ii useful
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  • 392 3 {V a Banff oon.) lon, Oct. 2i) —A terrific explo j lace this evening at a house nrch Court m the Strand. The entirely coljaps.d and thoso on ot it fferepaUially \\r t -cked. Ihe debris wtsablase in in instate, 1 I 0( the inmates ot the house
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  • 997 3 The bomewarJ mail by the a.< "Ha--venni" closts to. morrow ut 6 a.m. Report pays, the 8. V. A. is quit© a success We are glad to record the fact. Mr. E M. Mereweih-r id expecte 1 to go lo Pe an p r this ireek on
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  • 163 3 1. This Scholarship shall be award ed in each year on t he results of the examination for the Queeu's and Government Scholarships. 2. It shall be tenable for one year. 8. It shall not be held in conjuuc* lion with any other Scholarship.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 47 3 ENCILISH-M VLVY VOO V. 13ULARY. 1,000 words for the use of Standard I, of the Strait* Settlements. Corn, piled by J. Kessler, Pric^ 12 cents Copies may be hud at Messrs. Kelly Walsh, Meaira, John Little Co., and at Sin Yew Ilean Press. Singapore, 6th Nov., 1805.
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    • 648 3 FRENCH BAKERY. 20G to 209, Orchard R >ad. BIIKAD DILIViCBIO UP TO OTII MILR. T3 BreaJ. Tickets on Application. a. Always in btock a bosl and complete 9Q iT* assorcment of tj PUENCII PROVISIONS, 3 I WINES CLARET. 2 5 S =3 o BVISRT KIND OP FUBMOH te 2 3
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    • 503 3 FOR BAMARANG AND SOUIUBAVA. The BritUh Bteamar TIOBIS, J« ;^6 tons, Oaptain Kv.voc.i, hiving Mt Hongkong on the sth iotl muy [>c expected to arrive here on or ab »ut tho llth idem: and will have prompt des. patch for tbe abore ports. For freight and passage apply to BOUBTEADACo
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 79 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will closb to-morrow. FOR TeMaiiK', Cejkm, IwlU, Australian Colonsio Aden. .Man itius, B/gpt A via. Brixidisi for Barope, etc. lliiv.-nua 0 a in Billiton vV I'otuiaaak, B. W Booa M ooa Mulncca, i' Dicktou Klung Boon b'an II Malacca. P. Dickson, KUng T. Ajison Malucc.i, 3 p,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 416 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. I (7RNITURE MANUFACTURERS A LARGE itock of Household and Olfioe Furniture* always on hand, (♦iders- can be X touted tor t lie best detcriptiou of Furniture. Dtsi^ni and Estimates iup| li 4 d fr» i o oi oharge. The Chiiu'rt- Workmen employed at the Orchard U>n 1
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    • 731 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, OONTBACTOBB. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING WE herewith £ivo some convincing facts relating to our OBIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of Users of Bolts. Tho following genuine extract is taken from Huttons Works Managers Handbook 0 as to tho respective Strengths of one
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    • 442 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. J)R. V. A. PILLAY, L M.ft Ss can be consulted at any time day or niirht, at EUffles Dispensary 7i>, North Bridge Road. Singapore, 2'Jili Biarob 4 Ihd:,. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C0 KUPPER'S BEER CHOP-PAYONG," the onlj beer which received i»ny award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUB B 9
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