Mid-day Herald, 7 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 472 1 the MID -DAY HERALD, I SINGAPORE. H r publication of the 5 ,w ili:u\LD" is at No. 19, I late the v Daily AdI S Poblicatloi ia at 2 I 1:. i ut noon on Saturdays. S sabscription is $1 a I I and 91.25 for outI IS S i
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    • 405 1 Christmas 1895. OHAYO BIIANCH, No. 558-t, North Bridge Road. JUST ARRIVED. ACbme* selection of XMAS and NLW YE \R'S CARDS. Silk EoibroiJend aui llaudpaiated Screens. Gold Lacquer, and Hardwood Cabinet. Porcelain and Br mze ware, ivory inUi<l Panels, Silk Kibiraonos, and statiouery of every description, &c <&c. Suitable fur CHRISTMAS
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    • 274 1 John Little Co. Ltd. BICYCLES. ii> Wo have just received a lar^e consio;nraont of Rud^o Waitworth and Quinton Cycles which wo are a')lo to offer at lower prices than aay yet quoted. Framos of WA llesa Steal B ill bearin-s throughout. Price complete with Saidle> Podab Inflator Oil Can, Spanners
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    • 525 1 Medical Electricity. professor s. ds juquillot M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu mat.sm, Spfaal affections, Hysteric, m, P. es Exhaustion, Melanchoi.a f nTI w ISteiUion LlVer Torpidity,, Wai Weakness, Inpa.red Vitality? Meoanffena^ from the results ol
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    • 376 1 (IANTOW INSURANCE OFFICB LIMITED. riPiTAL Subscribed $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,00u Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. General A^en:s Messrs. Jardine, MatuesO* Co The undeisigued bating been appouted Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept maricfl i-iskd at current rates. A Bonus isannnalh paiJ o all con tributors
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  • 694 2 During the past few months iho world bmfl hoard much of this much oppressed nation, now it is likely to hear more. It is well known that the Armenians have tared badly at the hands of Turkey, while those who are subject to Russia
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  • 1727 2 AS«traot ->f ih- p ceding of the Municipal Commissioners at a meeting held jrtflerday. Phksknt. A. (rntlo E^q Pre^id^nr. Tnts Inspector Uteneral of Police, Col >nel Peanelather. 1 C G. Paterson h^q. A ti I/ v p The minutes <»i" the ordinary meet, ing held on the.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 1UU TAX JONG PVOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIM1T8D. The premise* of tho Company are rtuated it Tanking Pa-gar, adjoining Ike Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and a nil iitai and is divided by the entraucea l oibe GmTing Docks into three parts The \Y«'st Wharf; over one
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    • 590 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bi.osto inform the public that :i l.ir restock of the choicest brands of Ci'iara baa heen received i.y ihe last Mmih Miil from the UndiuM Uotoriea oV Li Insular and Li Peril Hel Orlente which has just
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    • 194 2 AN TI- ANTHRAX. ABSOLUTELY SUItR. READILY APPLIED. CHEAPEN THAN ALL OTHERS. THE only efficient hide disinfectant m the m:irket. Its application drs troys with absolute certainty malignant Anthrax and any other iafoetioui •jerms on the surface an<J m the sub. s'.ance of the skins, aivl dow-g not m any way
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    • 173 2 AT THE CHINESE THEATRE HALL NO. 499 NOIlTfl IMUDGE ROAD SINGAIO.iE. T>r< fessor A. Nat'taly will exhibit for a few days only, by special request of ihe public, his GRAND NEW BXTIIaTAINMSNT, from 2 to 11 p. m. daily and on Sun_ days from G to 11 p tn. GR
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 109 2 (MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Thut>dap, 7th Huh Water,— l 3 a., 031 p Football. S C C v. Garrison, 5 p in 8 V A m Cam,), Tonj m^ Katong. Friday, 8:h, High Water,— l..-1 a, I.H p fc> V' A Camp. Saturday, Oth, High Water. 249 2.."> p. Prioos
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  • 1502 3 H M-S.Re<tp vu eMt d Spain is borrow in**' v-. O n enubie her to carry o^^^^ Yeaf.rdaya nnn was fined $2 To^onvey.n, 7 6 i .tters Irom J t| >^^«^-^T*«/owhe«hef tlu propowd gi^autic Hhcl d, l■••rope »s not v b g«a afT.ir. Kur wmien and three
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  • 48 3 l,<>oo Word* for the use of Stamford I, of the Strap. 4 Settlements. Com piled by J. ivessler. Price 12 cents. Copies may be hud at Momi*, KeJly Wal.sh, Messrs. John liittle Co., auJ at Sin Yew llt>au i J re.ss. Btagaptce, t*ta Nov., 1895. i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 485 3 FRENCH BAKERY. 2')G to 209, O chard Rr^d. BiiifAD I)i?liv.ci;bd up to sth Mil?.. ."2 Breai. Tickets on Application. a. A!w;iya iv stock bust and o mi^lete £5 a«sort»uet)t of m PRBHCtt PiIOVISIONM, §I 2 3 -S WINES ACLARsr, g Q Ei, a, ?3 2 3 3 2 EVdRY KIXD
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    • 315 3 MUNICIPAL SOViCE. 'J_i:XD;;itS sre ioviied under ihe following head-i tor «r>rks anJ inatenaU, to be ,v .plied to tn« Municipaliiv r Singapore, (torn U Jan. v .rv, is\'6\ vz fc* i,,e mnyiy daring the reir IM/j of t. limber. 2. Mtn-rjve and Btutaagor iol•i P«>rt)aud C m nt. 5. Lime.
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    • 498 3 INDJ-CrtlN^S. ;iO3. LTD FOU aCUQKOXC). The Company's Steaaer v WIN RANO/ f 1,517 totn, Captain St Cr ix, baring left Calontt i on the 27 h Om. muy bj expeel to arri^a h<;re on or about he Ub X,v :i: l w m j liVe proolpt des.ar-'i fo-tlu »b,ro »>«
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 538 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. I URN ITURE ICANUFAOTD BBBS A LARGE >ti>ck of Household and Ofioe furniture always on hand ()ide^^ OHO l>e x wuted U>r the beat detcriptiuo of Foraiiure. Designs and ij>tunati's sup| lii»il free ot chir^o. Th« Clniu'-e Workmen employ -d ut Ibe Oicii.ird X >al Factory iododo
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    • 809 4 H. LYOffi GO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING s r E herewith privo some convincing fucts relating to our ORIGINAL 1 SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users of Bolts. The following gonaine extract is taken from Huttons "Works Managers Handbook" as to
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    • 475 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. I)K- V A. PILLAY, L M.** can l>e consult,d at any 71), N-nth Bridge Road. Bingnpore, 89th March, 1895. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER CHOP-PAYONG," the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. caub b s IKON BAPKS AND LOCK The boat iv the
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