Mid-day Herald, 4 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 259 1 rMi.. DAT HERALD, SINGAPORE. ;i of the ia at No. U>, the -Daily Au- iblication is nt 2 D Sutur.la> n i> $1 a I *J for outh. n bug m malfcor c Manager. [SEMSNTB inch, Tw«» long peri w ed. -o on 1 ded for publr I '*TI r*'
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    • 290 1 John Little €0. Ltd. Wo have just received a largo consignment of Rud^o Whitworth and Quiiiton Cycles which wo arv able to offer at lower prices than nay yet quoted. Frames of Weldlesa Stool, Ball beariogi throughout. Prico comploto with Saddle, Pedals, InHator Oil Can,' Spanners aud J>a£. WHITE FOR
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    • 514 1 Medical Electkicity. i PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu rnatism, Spinal affections, Hysteric, Dyspepsia, Nervous Dtfbility, Neural. £[ia, Piles, Exhaustion, MelancholiaotoiDuch Disteation, Liver Torpid it y M Wai Weakness, Lmpaired ViUlity Men
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    • 376 1 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribkd $2,500,000 Amount paid up 500,000 RBBBBVI Fund 500,000 Head Office, HORGKONC. General Agenta MEBSRB. JABDIVB, MaTUBsOM Co The outde t signed baying been a'>p( inted Agents for the above, Company are prepared to accept marine risks itcurrent rates. A Bonus is annually paid 0
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  • 668 2 Singapore, Monday, Nov. 4, 1895 The Estimates for 1896. The debates m Council on these Lave been very interesting. These estimates were submitted to Finance Committees m Singapore and Penang for scrutiny. The Peuaag Committee seems to have gone beyond this and to have constituted themselves a court of appeal
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  • 256 2 CHEESEPARING By tho way, Mr. EJitor, your article on this subject, though strung, wig not a bit tco much so, The general public are something more thau surprised that H. E. should have troubled himself about such a triHing mutter. This the more so, weing that
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  • 397 2 In reading oVer lowing ri, \i "It. •her-a H ,U,,, t!lil| f -that ,re J,n,h c v M '';^;rMi( lt tow, M urei „cc v ilio |iul,|, c health v 3 sage überaaoa on M r Vatti* m»mt wit), ing RM.r.l 81;1t ,,n lt no
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  • 242 2 In the is^ue ot the l# S:raUiTinl*i of the ltt in*tant sp|ie;ir*a letu this subject. There id tome truth i* whit the writer lays, but the savours a little of trXTav.i^ince. It ii nJt believed that iinvthioj like t quantity of property rep>ned itoltfO, is really moved. There *e«*uw
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  • 190 2 I think, after all, that it ih€ tion of SUuJ..rd VII b, *ot an: i d very i.ttle bait to l ll V" Mr. Yarn's method of kg ability of the M*. Mr-B-c--am,noatheU, ;slusUU,'. m Md notwithstanding the wporti severity, tliiß school bas, I loin^ 93 per cent
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 926 2 TRB TAXJONG PAGAH DOCK COMPANY. LIMITED. Till premises of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagait adjoining the Town of Singapore. rbs Wharf extends to ono mile and a qualtsi ami is divided by the entrances tothe Graving Docks into three parts. Tlie West Wharf; over one milo m Itngth
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    • 545 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IX THE TRADE. Bkos to inform the public that a lar_restoc'* of the choicest brands of Ci"ar3 hat been received hj the last Manila Mill from the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has just
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    • 184 2 AN TI- ANTHRAX. ABSOLUTELY SUUE. READILY APPLIED. CHEAPER THAN ALL OTHERS. THE only efficient hide disinfectant m the market. Its application destroys with absolute certainty malignant Anthrax and any other infectious germs on the surface and m tho sub. stance of the skins, and docs not m any way iuterrere
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    • 220 2 AT THE CHINESE tHEATRK HALL NO. 499 NOUTH BIUDGE ROAD SINGAPORE. professor A. Naftaly will exhibit for a few days only, by special reqnest of the public, his GRAND NEW ENTERTAINMENT, from 2 to 11 p. m. daily and ou Sunday 9 from 6 to 11 p m. gr:at reduction
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 47 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Monday, 4 h, High Water,— lo.4o n.. 11.42 p. Philharmonic Choir. 0.30 p m Tuesday, sth.— High Water.— ll.lB a. Church Work Association, 4 p m Freue.h Mail Homewards. Wednesday. f>th. ITk.'h Water H ~>A Mvnieipal Cosißalssion, 2-oO p, m. French Mail Outwards.
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  • 182 3 20. L >yd S ilisbury i 4 n ultima torn to Vena. lement of lon^r- Tin; DukeofOporiu command ol the expedL tor (i a, which will mtry, cavalry, and -G ;il. Bara- ilc< >i ii i-, atul peace. It is that Kin^ Menelek was iug io his tent
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  • 1717 3 c retnrned this mornShe will le.*\ I ■m mid other [> >t cruelty to animals h tills uior ijiiiLC by M r. Ihe offen erf ere all I:. sector Paglar prosecuted, iv hvj Chinamen were >- m tic fa all 3 months 1 ri. iment for preparing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 224 3 Christinas 1895. OHA.YO BRANCH, No. r )l>.s.2, North Bridge Road. JUST ARRIVED. A Choiei selection of XHAS and NEW YEIR'dCHUDd. 6iiK Enb.oiJei\d au i llandpainted Screens. Gold Lacquer, and Hardwood Cai)inet. Porcelain and Br mze ware. Ivory inlaid Panels, Silk Kttissonos, uud stationery of every description, &c. Suitable Lr CHRIST
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    • 365 3 2.»0 to 20 J, O ch:ufl Rmd. Brrad Druykrrd up to st»i Mils. BreaJ. Tickets .on Appticaiion. SL Al\v:iys 10 stock ;i l>.»st ati 1 c»:n|)lefo FRENCH PEOVISIONS, 5 wI G a WINES CLARET. 2 5 a 2 g EVERY KIND OF FRSMOH x 2 n CHEESE. g C^ BRIB,IfOMT
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    • 270 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. r J^LXI);]IiS are invited under the following headi for works an i materials! to be supplied to tne Munietpaiitv t Singapore, fiom Ist Janu.ry, IS. Mi, viz >r me tuppij during fche year itWJ of 1. Timher. I, Mangrove and Biutangor rollers. 3. Painter-' Siores. •i Portland Cement
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    • 577 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. J^OTICE i^* ber. by flren f ;it Urn RovisHd Liate of persooft duly :|u»lin.'j to be eleoted Manic pil U > v a\B* •ionera for the Vo vn of Singap ireand of peno .8 duly > w ilifie 1 1 vote ,i, Mduioi pal Blectiom rofthd >cv -iml
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will ci.ust tomorrow. for Bangkaliss Ba^an. Bam Tor, I p iv !';ih it. A,iog Aim I a m Kia.i V;iiu. 2 p m .i Port Dicka »n Slang, Juno. 3 p m v Klangi X \n- >n. Auiheist, 3 p iv ai:i.\uk, Hajili 13rookf. 3a vi
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 498 4 Powell Co. SINGAPORE. irKNITURE MANUF.VCTU RERS LARGE Hock of Household and Office Furniture always on luud Urder* can be executed ior the beat description ot Furniture. D^si^ns and l&stitnatM 9upj>li(Ml fr«*e of chir^e. Clline^e Workmen employ 'd at Ibe Orchard Road Factory include several ikilled Uabinel Maker*. (Jar vt-rs French
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    • 471 4 L ffi. LYOffi CO. MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We horowith givo somo convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of Users of Belts. Tho following genuine extract is taken from Huttons v Works Managers Handbook as to the
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    • 149 4 A: FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most, distinguished patronageo* Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of tho Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Com- mission Agent. To those Furnishing. A. rare an I choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices
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    • 176 4 STAINFIELD'S PRIVATE HOTEL 3 DUDDELL STREET. HONGKONG THE business lately carried on at 1 Quoen'sßnd IS lit, has baen inDvel t3 m >re coutr J and C3:nTi3liou3 premises, 3 Duddell Streot, m close proximity to the principal Banks, Post Offlse, The Rooms are light, airy, anl comfortably furnished. The Caisind
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    • 468 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. J)K. V. A. PILLAY, L M.*B can be consulted at any ti mp day or ni^ht, at Raffles Diapenamrvl 79, North Cridije Road. Singapore, 2dth March, 1895. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 KUPPER'S BEER CHOP«PAYONG," the only boer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB'3 IRON SAFES
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