Mid-day Herald, 1 November 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 14 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD Vol II aniffh 0 SINQAPORL, FBIDAT, NOVEMBER 1 i«q«; [NO. 298
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 438 1 I [HE MID-DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. THE office of ymblioation of the ..day Herald" is at No. 19, t lite the 4< Daily AdThe hoar of Publication is at 2 m. daily and at noon on Saturdays. The rate of subscription is $1 a month il iind $1.25 for oufcriberi, jie&
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    • 266 1 John Little Co. Ltd. BICYCLES. wnrt^n^A^ 8 re ceivod a large consionmont of Radge Whitworth and Qmaton Cycles which we .re ahlo to ofiEerat lower prices than aay yet qaoted. Frame, of Woldlass Steel, BM WUITE FOR COMPLETE IIiLUSTRiTBD CITATO The followiunr are the prices of a fow of tho
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    • 484 1 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR s7d"e JUQUILLOT M. E., is now ov a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Deseasks. Permanent care of Paralysis Rheumatism, Spinal affections/ Hysteric m PI c- ExhauBtlon Melancholia. wTv L BteBlioni Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality Men eaffenog from the results of in descretions
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    • 345 1 (JANTON INSURANCE* OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.. $2,500,000 Amount paid up..... suO oop Reserve Fund. SOo.'ooo Head Opficb, Hongkong. General Agents MESSRS. JARDINB, MaTHEqO^ Co The undei signed having been appointed Agents for the above Company are prepared to aooept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus Is annually paii o
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  • 735 2 Singapore, Friday, Nov. 1, 1895 Female Immigration. Ix yesterday's issue a correspondent who seems to have given some thought to the matter, and to have consulted some of the best informed Chinese residents, gave to the public his views on this very important, but somewhat complex question. Wo have among
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  • 227 2 THE MID-DAY HE RALD. This is our tirst anniversary. Thinkto iiu appreciative aud generously disposed puhlic, we are still doing our best tor the interests of the com m inity m general. We oaniiot say things are so easy with us as we would «riih them to be, but reoit)iilbertnji
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  • 141 2 Travellers ivlu visit' lor CapeN^rocou.tiyof Am. hoard fr>m the natives o( i was part Wider ..I <» ltole<f »boui incaotiouil to escape lt«ra.the gwl of Mr Welw.tseh to di-cof* ll gin of the legend, Strol iui sirou«ha wind swept übleUod Uy.hecamaapon. pto*i lownponthe groaed, but WJ^ enormous
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  • 471 2 1 M^>!i'.,], Ha'.ce,ft!,, ,M 1 I*"*. nV I of technical P H V|l I •dotation. OfawT* 1 1 on every r >"^ Who reo^e V,:" I ambition, iffLfi* 1 •baki.,, i t 9( h ,^7'-S o^-ny, it it n ,t to, mv I good ol Z I Profffw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 905 2 THE TANJONO PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LlMITBD. TEH premises *>f the Company are I'rtaaU 1 at Taajong Pagar, adjoining \\n- Towa of Singapore. The Wharf axtendl to one mile and a 1111 tuei iad is divided by t lie Mktrftnoef iotl)C< 1 raving Docks into three parts. The West Wiiaif; over
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    • 737 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bkos to inform the public that a lar^estoc'c of the choicest brands of Cigars has heeu receive! by the last Manila Miil from the Uadiog factor iea of Li Insular and La Perla del Oriente which has just
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    • 176 2 AT THE CHINBSR THEATRE HALL NO. 499 NORTH BRIDGE KOAD. SINGAPORE. professor A. Naftaly will exhibit for a few days only, by special reqnest ot the public, his GRAND NEW ENTERTAINMENT, from 2 to 11 p. m. daily and on Sundays from G to 11 p m. GR£AT REDUCTION OF
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 124 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Friday, Ncv. Ist, High Water,— 9.2o a., 10 3 p All Saint b Day. Hey. W. Murray's Lecture. Piincep St Chapel 8 p m Dalhousie R A 0 No soB, 8.30 pin Higli Water.— 9 48 a,. 10.36 p. All BouLV Day. Coronation of the Sultan
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  • 225 3 Sectary oi S -ate fur the Col- ha» ueoued ii inst despatch on 4 subject, u xpreesei satisfaction 1 the K°°^ r u^ a achieved, M he 4j ihem ii^n. the report for 18 J4. ys particular btress vu the neces. 0 a more
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  • 193 3 /Lceording to tL Frgt Pres* an attrffipt lias hi en m ide Ly ihe Secret P/itil \\i::cli China is honry. i, to capture tins place. The jdtt*astu massacre tlie Chinese authoritic*-, iit llio aiseueltj and up ih<ad*q «ariers there, with a view to tug ct the M.iuciiu dyna*ty. Ihe
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  • 209 3 report tbat Japan has changed she was ctediteu with, of H i\ re», tind is willing to -ueh arrangements as shall give Hermit Kn^dotn her ir.depen%;i it be correct, a more tbat redounds to her credit aud shews that I ;tt all events willing to do all r] wer
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  • 223 3 la ihe tace ot the reports about, regarding the occupation of Port Arthur \>y Russia, it ia refreshing to read the w taken v* them l>y the Daily itltyrajh" m an article published a month a<jo 'I hat journal laughs tho idea lo scorn and m
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  • 192 3 Via Ceylon. L>ndou, Oct. IG. -Rtuter'acorres. pendent at Constantinople itl graphs that the AmbaMadore of the Powers and Saul raclii, the Foreign Mmi.ster yeMenlay a-reed to a Budifitmtion of the Armenian reforms, which includes the appointment of a Christian Com. missions who will be charged to ex ecuto
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  • 1068 3 The coronation of H. 11. the Sultan of Johore Ukei place to.uurrovv, it is believed, at 3 p. m. It is noticeaUe that the missionaries are disposed to encourage Chinese female immigration. The Rev: W. Murray lectures tonight at Prinaep Street Chapel at 8 o'clock on the
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  • 256 3 Yesterday the hea»*iii^ of this case whs resumed. Tan Joo Quao stands charged with a negligeol act not amounting to culpat>le homicide, Mr. Anthuni z was on flu baach. Mr Lamtner?, inaptctor of buildings, feus recalled and under cro-8-ex irnina. tion by Mr. J oaqiim s:dd that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 456 3 Pine Old Scotch Whisky. -o Christie Robertson &C9T m co Solel^>P rie^ Glasgow. „5- GUARANTEED 6 BOTTLES TO GALLON. < D I I ZC $12. PER CASE WITH PASS. SOLE AGENTS: EMPORTEaS OP AUSTRALIAN AND SPANISH WINES. No. 7, HIGH SIREET. latest MUNICIPAL NOTICE. 'J END KHS are invited under
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    • 363 3 FOR SALE. Horses. Horses. -tlOl SGS. To bo *olti at tnodorato price* at Lambert's Livovy Stables MAISON F- PAUL CO. FKENCH HAIli DHESSIXG SALOON. JonAmmiTaD ?M*«Bnust Simons" large quantity of new perfutiury from Paris. Mark? LEO RAND KIGALD&Co., PIVEK AND PIN-AUD.-SCENTS. White Violef, Violettes doubles de K.rine; Lilas Blanc, Lilaa
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    • 548 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. JTOTICE i^ herhy given thai the Koriaed Lists of pereoa« duly qa%iified to be eleotod MaaJoipil U»inaif« ■ionera f or the I'o.vn of Singapore mdof perso is duly <j-i ililijlt > vutea- M imci pal Eleetio.s rorth.jsevjr.il Wirhof Singapore M inioip.ility, have b'Mi published iQ the (Jooetnment Lhizctte
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 67 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close to-morrow, for Djambie. Kian Ann, 11am liatu Puhat, Aiaf Ann, 9 am K. Pahau^, Pukau Tringganu, Lady Longden, 1 1 a m liilhtun k Pontianak. B. W Soon Noon, Penan uinl Deli Hebe, 3pm Malacca, iV Klaii^', Sappho, 3 pm BouralMy Cawcan it Ba:idjermaa3in, Sri
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 517 4 Powell&Oo. SINGAPORE. rORNITURB MAXITIWCIT KKRS A LARGE ft ock of Hoatcbold and Office Fur u it u re always oil hand. Ofdeit can bo ex 'cuted lor t lie best description of Furniture. Dw^si^ns und Estimates supplied free of charge. The Chine># Workmen employ 'd at the Orchard Hoad Factory
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    • 718 4 MILLWRIGHTS, .ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL 1 SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of Usorsof Belts. Tho following genuine extract is taken from Muttons v Works Managers Handbook" as to tho respective^ Strengths of one
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    • 453 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. J)U. V. A. PILLAY, L M. ft s can be consulted at any lime clay or biffbt, at R; ni(»s Dispensary 71), X>ith Bridire Road. Bin^apore, '2\)ih Mareb, 1895. ffUTTENBACH BROS. CO KUPPER'S BEER CHOP"PAYONG, M the only beer which received any award at the Chicago Exhibition. CHUBB'S
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