Mid-day Herald, 31 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 340 1 rHE mm) DAY HERALD, U \poki:. pablication «>f the ,d ifl at No. 10, Daily ad- I blication is At 2 j .iii-I it net' >n on S.tnrdays. script ion ii $1 a I .i $1.25 for out- j •h. n bnainea matter i :t <i to the Manacer. I
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    • 349 1 Posada Wine Company :o; WINES FROM TLIE WOOD TO THE GLASS DOCK GLASSES USED. RBDrORTS. VINTAGE 1838-1874. INVALID PORTS. i 1 dozen. Bottle Dock glass Port Dry Tawny. 15.00 1 ">0 25 Cortes 12 00 1.15 20 Marsala lo 00 1.00 15 Malaga U 0 1.40 2r> Muscatel HOo l
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    • 445 1 MAX STERN Co. SINGAPORE. Beodiri seja ada juli Wakil sania Orung raja. DIUUvOPP punia Kreta Leren^ Dia la. Tilam saina lain lain paka&ai su la sodia patf>Hg batiia kuat sauia binia ba^us ynnia krcta Leren^ yang a la erna ker mi. Messrs. DUBKOPP&Co. Rudajuil i si Kreta L-ren^ dalaui taun
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    • 385 1 pANTON INSURANCE OFFICK V> LIMITED. UPITALBUBBCRIBID 52,. r )0O,0(K» Amount paid tti> 500,000 EtBSBRVB Fund 500,U00 Head Offipk, HoVGKOVQ. Qenejal Agents Messrs. Jakdinh, MathksON Co The Bndei signed haying been appcinted Agents for the above Company ara prepared to accept marica risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually pui
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  • 720 2 Singapore, Saturday Aug., 31, 1895 The Music Nuisance. IT is certainly somewhat paradoxical, to write of a musi. cal nuisauce, for all music m moderation is pleasureable and lew will bo found to take objection to it. This title applies to what is considered music by a very largo class
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  • 257 2 An extraordinary love tragedy, recalling the story ot Boin<Hl aud Juiet, is repoited from Alttor. t, Inn*. S)me time a^o tho daughter ot highly respected rainily ma 'c the acquaintance of an employe ot the local ftdtaiaistf** tiou, whose uncle is oue ot the Princes ot the
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  • 873 2  -  W. J. A. By oMw tkan .h >V|S V "'«"y,l Sr^r* "> 1 didn t luve U) w,-resurpr.s,| IIOiVl IOiV l.? th I ■g«j 10 co«usfi su d ;tr r I to iinrrv h m j, w C[r of \m friendf tot,. tOdl( >l *ur. to s:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 914 2 THK TAN JONG PAOAU DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of the Company are fcituatert at Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town of Singapore. The Wharf extends to one mile and qti irter and ifl div.ded by the entrances tothe Graving Docknintothree aaita. Tho West Wharf; over one mile m. length with
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    • 600 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bkgs to inform the public that a larje stoc'c of the choioest brands of Cigar* has heon received by the la*t M.nih It til tfmm the leading factories of Li Insular and Lv Perla del Orientc which
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    • 122 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICS. CLOSING OF CRAWFORD BRID iE. q^EIE public are hereby informed that this Bridge will be closed to traffic from Mond.iy the 29th instant until further notice, for the purpose of repairs. By order J. POLGLASE, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore, ZMh July, 1895 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. CLOSING OF KIvIPONG
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    • 193 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S, De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to thu City Specialist m all Nervous Deseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu. mntism, Spinal affections, Hysteric, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, gia, Piles, Exhaustion, Mtl?ncholi;'« Stomach Diatention, Liver Torpidity, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 175 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. Saturday, Aiifij. 3 let. Hijtfl Wat. r,"— 8.3 J a., 7 3\) p. S. V. A. Pa ade (Teluk Aye S, R, Inter Club Ifatoh. SCC Tennis Eatligi Clos Sepo\ Lines Golf Club— Medal Play I O G T Anniversay, Soldiers' Home 7.30 p. m Woodward's
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  • 277 3 ()k:)i;i;s oy Vkl r Hutt€ub»ch'f resolution re i ,nii i'litioii. I Bank Bill Uowmtltee. Supply Bill Ut Readmg. 11 l !n"-M l to o ruin r,,,,r,-IMI do. r istratiou ol u*ea* Rt Bill do. dx k! i Ji« x lr. Mr. HuttM. iv. lIIUUTIOM. ctfalty recom---d* as fiu*l
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  • 383 3 The "Free Press" and Mr. Huttenbach's Resolution. >ft)ui Put**/ Gazette) 2is i i* of the Sm^.i--i M v the military con- i bate al w.i vs amis d me. :i>rd -d m.« m >re ■cnt than that which you reprojuoed jretterdajr. There \s t tone '> about it that is
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  • 561 3 ■lUt« Of Proceeding of the Mu.uc.pulConmi^ionen at an Sue Pkbnf^t. A <; M itle Km, President. A. N .-in? on E^q. B«ah Liar tj Seah Em, fan Jiak Km E*q J. P. Joaquim Esq Absknt. Tho Injector General of Polico, Uoloael I euiH'father. W. Kvana E-q. C G.
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  • 622 3 The s, 8. Pyrrhus arrival from China ports yesterd ly will 210 Chinese immigrants. Tan Lang was fined $">, m default 1-4 days, for attempting to introduce chandu iuto the gaol. An old offender was yesterday sentenced lo 6 months' hard labour and to leceive 16 cuts
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  • 307 3 Fott L'UttßK NIGJTJ MjHB Wo are requested by Professor Naf tally to state that owing to continued success he will open his exhibition for three ui^kts more, during which tha public will be iriven the rare opportunity of seeia^ the moon and the principal Planet*, through
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  • 78 3 Lou lou 4 months' ai^lit B c bills 2/2 3/16 o Private Paper 2'2| oO days' sight Djju.u jlu-s :iO 2 2 5;Hi H domaal liaulv bill-* 2 2 Frauce, deiaanl 2.71 Java I.IU Ptonaaj o/o pro v ItttiU 105 Hongkong 1 o/o pre a Manila M 5
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 Fou Sale, Jl SMALL compound house at Se. riin^oou, about 2k milosfrjm towu. Water supply good and abjnd*n&. Apply to H. W. G., c/o 4 Mid-day Henild." Singapore, 10th Aug., 1695.
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    • 662 3 John Little Co. Ltd. BICYCLES. v. hVi G have just received a large consignment of Bldga Whitworth and Qumtoii Cycles which «ra are a>lo to offer at lower prices than any yet quoted. FrftOiea of Weldlesa Steel Bill boaniißß throughout. Price complete with Saddle, Podal's, Inflator Oil Can, Spanners and
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    • 454 3 Tltt T\NJOVG PAGVR DOOK COMPANY, LIMITKD THUE Transfer Books of the Compiny are closed till Thursday the st!i proximo. JOHN BLAIR, M magei*. Sio^apoto, 2» h Ai^., 1&9&. TANJONO PA(I\U .C CO UPANY, LIMITRD. '[^lIX half-year'y Olmiry G -nera< Meeting of th^ Siiareholdctl m tliis Company will ho I—l I
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 41 3 MAIL NOTICE. Mails will close on Monday for Pontianak, Sri S^ntang, 9am liaiix'kok, Ban Sen£ Guati 10 a m Malacca, Klang At T. Anaon, Neera, 3pm A-.td m Deli, Sumatra, 4 p in Bandterma ain.L'ulau Laut, Passir Coti<>, Kau Loon 3pm
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    • 90 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAL! A-og SO BHtiah str Pycrhm, IU» k from Khoba, Mnnafioltl and oo German itr Snm ttra, Caatam, fr^m Deli, Helm Meyerandco. British sir Bingapore, Miin, fr,) :n Bangkok, 300 Sen^ Clum Nor l>k Corona, Pafleraeaj from Mauritius, A X Aagalle^ and co Ajag 31 British iteamer Sri IloriLC
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 507 4 Powell&Co. SINGAPORE. Furniture iwlnufaoto bmbb V LARGE itock «^t Hvaneboid ami Uflijc Ktuuifurc always on 1»:uhI O(«le^ Can be »X.*cuted i»> r tlie b««t description vi Furnitur*. [>^»i a oa and r Vh- Clii u'-e Workman vapluy d :it the Oichaul Elott'l Factory Incl«d«i > vtinl frkiHtrd Cabintrt M^kerp, Car.
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    • 470 4 xii% JUXUIm %aU% MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, COXTRAC UORS. NOTICK TO USi:US OF BBLtING We herewith jrivo some convincing facts relating to our ORIGIN Ali SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of Users of Baits. Tho following genuine extract is taken from Km tons Works Managers Handbook* as to
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    • 150 4 A. FRANKEL, I 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronage o' Sir Cecil Glementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission A^ent. To those Furnishing.— rare anJ choice collejti »n of hawin/, dining and bed room furniture ut the lowest prioet
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    • 162 4 t Notice. It AL arrange neat* anJertu. en oi the shortest possible notiji and on very nularato ternas. Hivin x m view the restricted circu n* a-ucs of the very large mijjiity ol tlu com imiiiity, ths undir>i<tiod is pr<-j> vre I. where cireu nitances demand it, to allow ere.
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    • 483 4 MEDII IL MOTI D !c V A PILLAY, 1. M can be »i» n IM ai my i,• o*»y "r riiirht, al it ffl j, 71). N.-i B i c lload. &n< 29 i, March, LH93; ttUTTENBACH BROS, ft X UPPER'S BEER Ghop-paYONG/ 1 the beer which received any h.-.
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