Mid-day Herald, 29 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 I day HERALD, i SINGAPORE. I of the 1 l\li>" So. 19, m Daily adI m is at 2 m i ou S t u:\Liy >. fa t ion is $1 a 9 If 1.25 for antI nts i tch. m Bine*! matter s the Man. ■!>\l-l('l a Hi of
      327 words
    • 544 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, Xew Harbcur THI mail steamers may \\o expected to arrive outwards and h-ave Billgapote homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 189S IBM Ptkin Mar l*th. Rohilla Mar. iOth > Ap il Ist. Raieaas April ;{ml Kauar-i-Hind April
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    • 311 1 Posada Wine Company -;o; WINES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS DOCK GLASSES USED. R£D POUTS. VINTAGE 1838 1874. INVALID POUTS. dozen. Bottle Dock glass Port Dry Tawny. 15.00 1 ">0 25 2° rtef N 2 l) 0 LIS 20 Amontillado Boco 20.C0 1.00 80 Lqueur^.— l). O. M., Chatreuse,
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    • 641 1 I^IHTIHH IXOTA STEAM NAVIGA TION 'JO., LIMITED. I'OPEXANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QXK of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar VVharf every week. Passengei-s and CargU are booked by the above steMDera at through rates to t!l ports m India and Ceylon, also to Kasfc African Ports, M:iuritinsor
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    • 377 1 nANTOM INSURANCE OFPICB LIMITED. CPITALSUBBGRIBBC $2,. r )0(),0(K> Amount paid ur 500,000 RtSBBVfI Fund 500,000 Head office, Bokokong. GtenecaJ Agents MKBBBB. JARDIHB, MathejjON Ob The nndeisigiied baying been %p» pcinted Agents for the above Oompitiy tT« prepared to BOOept marine r idles -is current rates. A Bonus is anaoallj pai
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  • 704 2 Singapore, Thursday Aug., 29, 1895 Mr Justice Leach and The Magistrates. IX a paragraph m yesterday's issue it was noticed that a number of appealed magistrates' cases had teen quashed by Mr. Justice Leach. This is not astonishing, the only wonder is th^re are not more m fact; it may
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  • 311 2 The Irish Witch Case. The witch burning case at Clonmel, an account of which wo gave some time ago, has now been conclaJed. Th<; evidence m Court disclosed a vast amount of superstition which it seemed scarcely possible could still lurk m the brains even of inhabitants ot Ireland. Mrs.
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  • 948 2 OeM yesterday. T} lt a,, I Pfctvtirr. I A. G Mikle Kso P rAa 1 f W. K Vdus g^; Pro3^m I C G. Patttr»<»n E g i An m m \j. Moses E-q. Al^|.;v[ I The Inspector »i X Colonel Peiotfather! I I Seah Liang Seal, X,^
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 908 2 Tfil TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premisef of the Company are litoatid at Tfcajong Pa^ar, adjoiniug th Town of Singapore. Ihv Wharf ex ton* Is to one mile and tv bo er an^ i- s diTided by the antcanoai loll)' Graving Docks into three parts. The Weal Wharf; over
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    • 602 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Bros to inform the public that a lar^e itoO*4 of the choicest brands of Cigars has beeu received by the last Manila Mtil from the leading factories of Li insular and La Perla del Oriente which has
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    • 120 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. CLOSING OF CRAWFORD BRIDGE. fllE public are hereby informed that tins Bridge will be closed to traffic from MonJay the 29th instant until further notice, for the purpose of repairs. By order J. POLGLASE, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore, 24th July, 1895 MUNICIPAL NO i ICE. CLOSING OF
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    • 224 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Diseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu niatism, Spinal affections, HystericDyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural. £jia, Piles, Exhaustion, MelancholiaStotnach Distention, Liver Torpidity,, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering from the results ot
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 75 2 MEMO: OF THE WEEK. lhursday, Ausr. 29^b, High Water, 5.26 a., 4 53 p. S. V. A. 8-inch P>. L Gun drill. Friday, tag, 30th,— High Water, 7.J4 a ti.l9 5. S. V. A. 6 inch B. L. Gun-drill. Saturday, Aug 3lat, Hisrh Water,- -8.3 a 7 89 p. S.
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  • 1627 3 lepurtod ..IV. ■ral of Police rei this lv >ruic i 8 yesterday nths, was occupier oi a not lor lv c a i Lea carpeoU r fell fc«t high m upper I >vas -cvt rely injur- way io hospital. li will be jive n by Eastern Primrose
    1,627 words
  • 82 3 Lou lon I tnouths' airfht Cine hi I* 2/2| <j I'riv.ite Paper 125 L 6 I U days' tal _jlit Doeuai ills 2 J Mil ->,-»A detLhuiJ Baulr bills 22 T.T 2 '2 France, demand 2 7u Java 1.31 Penaag }o j pre i [iidU 195 11 i^kooj
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  • 78 3 Gambler, np 0.3j do Cabe No. I l~ o<J do do So.l IJ.SJ Copra Bali, suu drieJ fr.95 do l'oiitKiii ik, o.Gj Pepper Blaok, 10|. IS.vgo t'lour, Xo. 1...... 0 Pearl S^o, 3 o Cotl'ou Lliili, i'iokod J Coiteo LiberuMi, pijKol *J*J Tapioca sm ill F1ik0,.., 4.#J
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 ~"D. GEORGE, I DEN T TIST AND HAIIi OOTTIB, Hair Cutting and Dressing Saloon GB, North Bridge ELoaxL Perfumery and toilet requisites ot the best quality. SANT/TCEC ILIA'S BAND~ r\\? 10 trained Mmila nausioians il open to tnga^ements tor Soirees, Balls, Theatres, Funerals, Baptisms, Weddings, Picnics, 3. lommuuioationfl to TABAQUEBIA
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    • 437 3 patent gidierti'icmcittf). TAXJONG PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. rjMIE lialf-year'y Ordinary G.>nera' xM.'eting of the Shareholders m tliU Company will be heM at the (Vmipany'i OfiTico, Cdlyer Quny, on Thiir.-day, the sth d..y of .<ej)tember, at noon. BuBTOWg. To receive tho Birec tor»* Report, snd to pass th^ Accounts for the
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    • 334 3 FOB THREE X[(;ilT.s MORB. GRAND ENTERTAINMENTVOYAGE A BOUND THE WOULD. JJO one should fail to visit this most surprising exhibition, rivi lly il lumin.it d sketches of the fcre*t w*ra aud views of the world an.l the late '/BIN A and Japan War which will be open for ni-hts more
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    • 434 3 MAX STERN Co. SINGAPORE. Sendiri soja a<l?i ja<li SVakil Bama Or an j raja. DURKOPP p;iiiia Kreta Lercn^ Diana. Tilam mn i !ai i lain pakAtcm iiidu totiia patmtiifj ban m ktftat sama L»;u)i;i l.»!i_:us rmia krettt t*irttoJ£ yun^ uiLi j t; r 1 1 i kerim. Mef«rg. DUUKOPP& Co.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 47 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close to-morrow FOR M Li 1 Belene, Noon lilli .1 .v I.ii l.niiil;. U. \V Soon N<x>n, j and X A 1 11 Hje Ltoiii,'. 3pm ion.iii. and l»-ii Hebe, 8 p m La;u\. l i, Überibou «ft ttetaanuig, Gian^ Ann i \> ia
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    • 146 3 SHIPPING ARIUVAFm Ang 28 British steamer Isabella, EluJdon, from Muar, Wee Biuandco British str Medusa, Tyfe, from l/iu^kok, W, M:uisti I<l and c>. 1 ritiah Htr Giang Ann, Folle I fr*m Butavia^Tan KimTian and Sons Briti.s!i itr Sappho, Shepherd, from KliiiL', stmitrt Steamship Co British str Lightning, Spence. from Calcutta,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 463 4 Powell&Co. SINGAPORE. Furniture bcanufaoto rsrs A LARGE tfuck of Household ami Office Farnitore always on hum O.'der* can be < c^euted lor Ihc bett •tijii>-ii(»i Furuiiure. D^si d ns and Ei*tiinal< 9 siipj'li free o! din 4 'i'h»« Chinese VVotktu n employ -tl nt the Oi chard U il Factory
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    • 765 4 ICILLWBIGHTS, ENGINEEBS, IKON FOUNDERS, CONTBAOTOBS. NOTICE TO VS&XS OF BKLTING Wk herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for tho edification of Usersof Belts. Hie following genuine extract is taken from Buttons "Works Managers Handbook" as to the respective Strengths of one square inch
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    • 463 4 MEDICAL MOTIUE. \)M V. A. PILLW, L \!.,vs can be cou*tilt*H at „n y day or nijrht, at K-IH-s Dispcosa 79, Xu-th li i-1 -<■ Uoad. BingHpore, -\K\ M nch, LHy5. HUTTENBACH BROS. KUPPER'G BE; Chop P/tfONG/ 1 the ou beor which received any aw iit the Cijic;vgt» Exhibition. IKON
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