Mid-day Herald, 28 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
5 8 Mid-day Herald
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 312 5 ii\Y EIERALD, ORE. n of the No. 19, Daily ad- .it 2 S subs ription ii j<l $1.25 for outI ich. nesi matter Bs< '1 to the sianager. .I»VERTISKMEXT3. i or part of an inch, Two for long periods illoi will be inserted on literary N intruded for publi" "The
      312 words
    • 524 5 DENINSULAB AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Ollieo, Collver Quay. Wharves aud Qodowns, New IT.irbcur The mail steamers may l>e expected to arrive outwards and have Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1595 IBM m Mar 18th RohilU Mar. *20th April Ist. Ravenna April 3rd ir-i Hiud April 15th.
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    • 299 5 Posada Wine Company WINES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS DOCK GLASSES USED. RflD PORTS, VINTAGE 1638-1874. INVALID POUTS. dozen. Bottle Dock glass Port Dry Tawny. 15.00 1 ">0 2"> \f 1 1 Ck m Liqueurs— D. O. M., Chatreuse, Absinthe, Pernod, Maraschino, Annipette, Peppermint, etc. Malt Liquors. English and
      299 words
    • 632 5 "nRITISiI INDIA STEAM XAVIGA TION 'JO., LIMITED. TO TENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA /~\NE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by t ?io above steamers at through rates to all ports m India and Ceylon, -tlso to Bast African
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    • 371 5 (CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE vy LIMITED. UPITAL SUBSCRIBBD $2,500,000 Amount paid v\* s 500,000 RnSBBYI Fund SUu,UUO Head Office, Hongkong. GeneEul Airents Messrs. Jardink, MathesON Co The undei signed haying been appiinted Aleuts for the :ibore Company are prepared to accept malice riaki at current rates. A Bonus Ii annually paid
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  • 736 6 Singapore, Wednesday Aug., 28, 1895 Madagascar. THE latest news from the seat of war is of a vory gloomy character. It is said there are live thousand of the French troops m hospital, and the death rate among them is very heavy. This is a very serious matter and must
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  • 764 6 Mr. C.irey after dealing with the details of his junio/ m Soithero India, md;es tiie following very m. teresting obeer vat ions. T.io oonolu. diug paragraph was published yett*r« day. To sura up. I attribute tho poor m. i fiux of Tamil labour iuLo this country to
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  • 559 6 Tho following is the D*jcto« Report for presentation to the a holders at the Hall- Yearly Ordiu. U.-neral Meeting to be beldoo I day, the slh September, l«W coon. Singapore, *Btli A-.--GMTLiKSi,-Yuur d be^r to submit the Aocuunti tor w half-year ml-1 SOih June la
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 919 6 THK TANJONG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. The premises of <ho Oompaaj art 1 situated al Tanjong Pagar, adjoining the Town <>f Singapore. The Wharf extends to ono mile and a iju utec "»l i s divided by the entrance! toxheGraving Docks into three parts. The >gy>t Wharf orer one milo
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    • 714 6 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. BkgB to inform the public that a lerce stooV of the cfcoioest brands of Ci.r-irs been roceiv-d by the la.t Muiili Iliil from Ihe leading factories of hi insular and La Perle del Orientc which has just
      714 words
    • 257 6 Medical Electkicity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT M. E M is now on a visit to this City Specialist m all Nervous Dkseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu matism, Spinal affections, HystericDyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural, gia, Piles, Exhaustion, Melanebolia. Stomach Disteution, Liver Torpidity,, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men suffering i'rom the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 94 6 MEMO: OF THE WEBK Wednesday, Auj. )^;1 High Water,— 3.sl a :;..',l> p. Paper Chase. Municipal Commission, 2-OUp. iv. B. V. a. Bquad Drill Thursdaj, Aucr. 20ch.— Hifch Water,— s.26 a., :>3 p. S. N A. 8- inch li. L Gun drill. Friday, Aunr. :?(»[1 X—K High Water, 7.24 1
      94 words

  • 781 7 I bu Memory. I >b McNair, cm g v.a J 1 'ye all lost a friend m the I the late Sultan of Johore, I itself loses a Sovereign r had an equal m Mala. I Two centuries ago it is I :ird of Malayan
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  • 1142 7 There was but onj case of cholera reported to the police yesterday. The body of a Chinese pauper was fouud this morniu^ at Teiuk Ayer Beach. The Temps is calling upon the Great Powers to take concerted action against Chiua. Anti-foreign action is going on m Canton.
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  • 81 7 London 4 mouths' sigbt Baakbilh 2/2£ o Private Paper 2 2 5/16 00 days' sight Docain ones 2/2 5/ 1 6 D i» ~/~'f demand Bank billa 2 2 TT 2 2 France, demand 2.70 Java ...1.31 Penally J o/o pre a India 105^ Hongkoug 1 o/o pre
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 362 7 TANJONG PAGAU DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. fpHE half-yearly Ordinary Genera' Meeting of the Shareholders m this Company will be beld at the Company's Office, Cjllyer Quiy, on Thursday, the sth day of September, at noon. Business: To receive tha Directors' Report, and to pass the Accounts for the half-year endinar 30th
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    • 318 7 FOR THREE NIGHTS MORE. GRAND ENTERTAINMENT VOYAGE AROUND THE WOULD. one should fail to visit this most ■arpriting exhibition, vivilly il laminated sketches of the great wars and views of the worl 1 and the late f'HiNA and Japan Wah which will bo open for 3 nights raore from Wednesday,
      318 words
    • 408 7 MAX STERN Co. j SINGAPORE. Sendiri soja ada iadi Wakil sama Qrang Paja. DIRKOI'P ptrak Kreta L^rcng Diana. Tilam Mima lain lain pakafcai tuda sedia pa sang b.uiia kuat aiina bania I>a4us gania krota LereQg yang ada peroa kerim. ttecjrs. DXJRKOPP& Co. tudajual mi Kreta Leren^ dttlutn taun iB9£ lebeli
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 111 7 SHIPPING ARRIVALS Ang 27 French str Caledonien, BeriloqiW, from Saigon, M M co. French str Melbourne, Bourdon, from Marseilles, M If co. British str Loosod, Jacobson, froii Hoi How, Bohn Meyer and co. British str Dardanus, Gregory, from ni» Britisw str Bpeoialiit, HcMan, from Swatow, Guthrio and co. British str
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 468 8 Powell&Co. SINGAPORE. Furniture m.vnufactu hers A LARGE itock of Homehoid v I Office Furnitore always on hand Ordert can be executed lor the bwt dctoriptiou. o( Furniture. D^vi^nt %nd B^titnatea iupplie«J tree ol charge. The Chiuc-e employed at tbe Oicliurd )i a Factory iuclode ieveral ik'Ued Cabinet i\i..kcrs. Oar \cjs
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    • 421 8 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE TO USERS OF BELTING We herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Users or Bolts. The following genuine extract ifl taken from Huttons v Works Managers Handbook'* as to the respective Strengths of one
      421 words
    • 147 8 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronageo^ Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agrent. To those Furnishing. A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room -furniture at the lowest prices for cash.
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    • 147 8 Notice. JfUXER AL arrangements undertiven oa the shortest possible notice and on very moderate terms. Hiving m view the restricted circumstances of the very lar^e majority of tho community, the underpinned is prepared, where circumstances demand it, to allow credit for a reasonable period and to accopt payment by sunii
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    • 467 8 MEDICAL NOTICE. [)U. V. A. PILLAV, L M S> ft can be consult^ at »ny lime lay or niirht, at R Ii! Disn i 7U, North B,id,, e Road. Bmgupore, 2&Ui &iireh, 1895. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C 0 X UPPERS BEER chop-payong; 1 tut oni) beer which received any ay ird
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