Mid-day Herald, 27 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 13 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD Cheapest V«L I SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1805 [NO. 212
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 296 1 MID DAY HERALD, SINGAPORE. publication of the Her \u> ia at No. 19, the Daily Ad. i 1 iblication is at 2 ioon on Saturdays. script ion is £1 a i and $1.25 for OUt- •h. 3 on bnsiness matt- r < Manager. part of an inch, Two and for
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    • 547 1 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Otliee, Collyer Quay. Wharves and Godowns, Now Harbcur THE mail Steamers may he expected to arrive < •inwards and Kave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards Homewards 1893 1890. IVkin Mar 18th. Bohilla Mar. -20th R petto April Ist. Ravenna April Ird K:ii-ar-i
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    • 306 1 Posada Wine Company WINES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS RBDPORT& VINTAGE *****974. INVALID FORTS. n dozen. Bottle Dock glass fort Dry lawny. 15 A >q 1 ;"><> 2."> Liqneora.— >D. O. 11., Chatreuse, Absinthe, Pernod, Maraschino. Anni sotte, L eppermint, etc. Malt Liquors. English and German Ales, Guiness's Stout,
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    • 627 1 1 T>RITISII INDIA STEAM NAVIOA TIOX 'JO., LIMITED. TO PENANG, RANGOON, ANL> CALCUTTA QXE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave Tanjong Pagar Wharf every week. Passengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to i!l ports m India and Ceylon, ylso to Kast African
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    • 366 1 n ANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. I'riTAL Subscribed t2£OO,OOU Amount paid up 500,0U RBBBBVB Fund 500,000 Head OFFICB, HONGKONG. GeiK'i.-ul Agents Mebsrs. Jabdinb, Mathbsob c■» The andei signed having been uppcinted Agents for the above Compauf ire prepared to accept marine rista it current i-ates. A liomiH is annually paid 0
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  • 763 2 Singapore, Tuesday Aug,, 27, 1895 The Bankruptcy Ordinance. DIVERSE opinions are held on tho uiility of the Ordinance at all. It is thought that since credit is the foundation on which commercial prosperity is raised, and as all transactions are entered into with tho consent of both debtor and creditor,
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  • 1170 2 Bvr thk Brad ACastrr of Harrow. (Revle 10 of li cr It ws. There is v very admijmbla p^ip- r which mi^'ht be circulated thiou (hottt the length and breadth of th<» Bti*Uh Empire with aiiv.mta^e i i thfl Journal of the Royal Colonial lust tuU tor
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 935 2 THE TANJONG PAGAU DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. THE premiss! of the Company arc r,tni i'l m Taajong Pagari adjoining tbi- Town of Singapor i'lif \Vli;»i-f ext'ii Is to one milo i\nd ii q\i rter and istliv ded by ihe entrances lot beGraribg Doeksintotbree parts The We 8 Wnar oTer one mile
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    • 588 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IX THE TRADE. BtOi to inlorm the public th^»t a Uric stoc\- of the choicest brand, of Ci»ri has heen received by the last M.nih-Miil from the Uading factories of Li Insalar and La Perla del Oriente which hat just
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    • 120 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICS. CLOSING OF CRAWFORD BRIDGE. T£BE public are heroby informed ihU this Bridge will !»e closed to traffic from Monday the 29th instant until further notice, for thd purpose of repairs. By order J. POLGL49S, Municipal Secretary. Municipal Office, Singapore, 21th July, ISOo MUNICIPAL NOriOft CLOSING OF KAMPOJG JAV\
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    • 236 2 Medloal Electuicity. PROFESSOR S, Db JUQUILLOT M. E., is now on a vi^it to this City Specialist m all Nervous DfESBASBS. Permanent euro of Paralvsfs Rheu m^t.sm, Spinal affcetipai, HynericDyspeps);,, Nervous Debility, Neur»l. gia, Piles, Exhaustion, MrUncholuu Stomach Distortion, Liver Tor, »id it v, Local Weakness, Impaired Vitality. Men sutferin^r
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 110 2 MEMO: OF THE VVEBK, Frouoh Mail Homewarda. French Mail Outward?. Popular Orchestra Cone -n 9 p m Moon, Pint Quarter, 12.38 p m. Wednesday, Aug. 28th, High Water,— 3.sl a., :'».;'.ii j>. Paper Chase. Municipal Coromiasion, 2*3 op. m. ft, V. A. Bquad Urill Thnn lay, Anjr. 29th,— B. V.
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  • 341 3 s; extract i* takeu from I on a visit to Southern 1 fore the members i or Planters' Associ&i July, 1895, by Mr. E. V. I rtnan recommend that the As I I bare a native aa C nt 1 every steamer to and 1 V to
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  • 1230 3 Tho s.s, U-cuba brought ia 150 buloc« yesterday M 1 tho 9.3. Kroner brought m 100 this morniag. Twotorpedobiati irrired this morning rheyare forth* < overil meat and were bull m GUrmauj. Mr. II nrv T.e^ .nli m of the tf^a/fc /*/*<?*, lett yonerd ly t» j
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 EASTERN' SCHOOL THi HAMBIoaT, SIXQAPORB. EVENING CLAS3BS IN ENGLISH, CHINESE, AND MALAY. /^WING to an enlargement of the teaching at iff la this school, applications will now be received from young men desirous of joining evening class 'S. Should a sufficient numbar of pupils come forward, a special class would
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    • 447 3 Jaffa! TAXJOXG PAGAR DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. half-yearly Ordinary Genera' Meetiug of tin* Shareholder m this Company will be held ;it the Company's Office, C.llyer Q,, ,y, on Ihnrsday, the sth diy of September, at noon. B^usivess.— To receive tho Directors' Report, and to pass the Accounts i«o^ he half *J
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    • 296 3 GRAND ENTERTAINMENTVOYAGE A ROUND THE WOULD. XTO one should fail to visit this most surprising exhibition, vivilly ll laminated sketches of the great wars aud views of the world and tha late 'hina and Japan War which will bi open for 3 ntghti only from Saturday, the 2Ath August, from
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    • 441 3 MAX STERN Co. I SINGAPORE. Sendiri soja acta ja-li Wiikil Bama Drang Paja. DURKiOPP putiia Kretii L-ren^ Diana. Tilam >a:ni lain lain jiakaKas Illdft •edit pa-in^; bania kuat, suna. bania ba_;us gaaia kreta Lertoif yan^ ;iJa peroa kt>rim. Messrs DfJftKOPP&Co. Micla juil mi Krota Leren^ dalttdi tnun IHiH lebeli deri
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 40 3 MAIL NOTICE, Mails will close to-morrow Bangkok, Cerberus, Noou liat.ivia it Samarant,', taking Mails for port l>ar\vin (ioilavtiv, a m Djambio, Kian Ann. 11 a m Bangkok Koogaet 11am Malacca, P. Dickson, Klang A T. Anson Malacca. 3 p, m
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    • 153 3 SHIPPING ARRIVAM Aug 25 Bnti>h str Kongsee, Tii>^, fro i Bangkok, Tan Ben^ f^ee. British str Lindala, Wi hersi Com Cilcutta, Bjnstead an I co. Datoh str Speelmaa, Bowbjee, froau Batavia, I) lendela and co British str GUenfrntn, Darke, front Hongkong, Jardiae ICatheson aadco. French str Gfod iverj, ii »^liaa
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 363 4 I'owell&Go. SINGAPORE. FURNITURE MAXUFAXJT r RERS 4 LARGE 4tockol Household and >.., j'i:i mi :;r •ul ways on baud «> lers» can be ex utcd !<»'■ tlie best descri)»tivti oi Furui'ure. D^»i a ns und T!) Chinese Workmen employed :u \hc O:ch*rd \i>:\\ Factory iacludu »e*vei .-k 1!. ,1 Cabinet
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    • 434 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDERS, CONTRACTORS. NOTICE tO T T SEIiS OF BELTING WK herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Useraof Belts. Che following extract is taken from Huttons "Works Managers Handbook" as to the respective Tins belting b eparated
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    • 148 4 A. FRANKEL, 375, Victoria Street. Baker and Confectioner, Under the most distinguished patronageoSir Cecil Clementi Smith, 0.C.M.G., late Governor of the Straits Settlements Furniture Dealer and Commission Agent. To those Furnishing.— A rare and choice collection of drawing, dining, and bed room furniture at the lowest prices for cash. The
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    • 149 4 Notice. TOUNEEIAL arrangements uilerfcicen oi the shortest possible notice and on very moderate terms. Hiving m view th(3 restricted oiroum stances of the very lar^e mijority of the com inanity, the u:i Ijr-uued U prepared, wluTe, oircum^tancds demand ir, t<> allow ere lit (or a reasonable perioj and to accejit
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    • 451 4 MEDICAL NOn I^)U. V. A. PILLW, L M. can be cousnltfd m nn >* li day or niirUt, at Li 111-s Disp< v 79, N >i 1 1» Biidi'e lioad. S.ng»por :rv.:) March, 1 HUTTENBACH BROS. &C( X UPPER'S BEER Chop"PaYONG," the beer which received any a a( t!iu Chicago
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