Mid-day Herald, 26 August 1895

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Mid-day Herald
  • 22 1 THE MID-DAY HERALD —_^_________?*,fc- -tf af^ mm a\ -—J3V M^a' m mmm. ••""^^T VOL I.] SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1895 [NO. 241
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 304 1 TttE MID-DAY ILKRALD, SINGAPORE. publication of the LLD is at No. 19, ite the "Daily AdPublication is at 2 od Saturdays. ription ii a I $1.22 lor out- ;h. nesi matter tlu Manager. VDVERTISEMBKTS. part of an inch, Two for long periods t b allowed. te will be inserted nations
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    • 551 1 OENIXSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Office, Col Iyer Qnay. Wharves and Godowus, New Harbour THE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards and leave Singapore homewards on the following dates Outwards llome wards 1895 1805. Pekin Mar ISth. Rohilla Mar. 20th I: -tta Ap il Ist. Ilavenna April
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    • 308 1 Posada Wine Company WIXES FROM THE WOOD TO THE GLASS DOCK GLASSES USED. RBD PORTS, VINTAGE 1838 1874. INVALID PORTS. n T DOZEN. BOTTLE DOCK GLASS Lort Dry Tawny. 15.00 150 25 Amontillado ßeco 20.C0 2.00 3J rosadii ChanpsjgiM 87.50 1.50 50 W hue Seel dry -j; 50 *2 50
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    • 619 1 TJRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGA TION CO., LIMITED, TO PENANG, RANGOON, AND CALCUTTA QNE of the Company's Steamers is intended to leave "Taujong Pagar SVharf every week. PaBsengers and Cargo are booked by the above steamers at through rates to all ports in India and Ceylon, also to East African Ports,
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    • 382 1 (^ANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Cpital Subscribed $2,f;00,0(K> Amount paid up 500,0<m Reserve Fund 500,000 Head Office, Hongkong. Genenal Agents Messrs. Jardine, Mathbson Co The undei signed baring been appcinted Agents for the above Company are prepared to accept marine risks at current rates. A Bonus is annually paid o all
      382 words

  • 608 2 Is Pork Wholesome SiXGArom:, MoKDAI Ai'<;., 26, 1595. After the case that appeared before Mr. Anthonisz on Saturday, this question may be asked very seriously. Perhaps it would be better to put it in another form and ask, is it sate to eat pork. The case alluded to is well
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  • 375 2 A Cochin paper relat s tht) of o tragedy in real lite. A Brahmin travelling between Chittur and Neman vva? belaitd on the road and asked for shelter for the nitfhfc at a houte wtiare S)e was received by two Nair women, lie entrusted to
    375 words
  • 116 2 TUHM.I.ITAUV, w.,v, tl!. to put before th IHic/j on inters \la meats. Them* amount to an .v r tiking the laat of calculation. W,,'; 1; ing to omit this w tioa o< the 17| o/o, would give Wo'ofthV the avenue «u the Coloni'i iUm purpose! ment
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  • 128 2 COUNCIL Dr. Lino Boon Kjoghai visionally apoointed to a i u CV>u.iciU The appointment from a 3htnew point of v,, he is the representative of mnntly, there is noting to i Ueruinly it ia Bometbin^ have so young and placed in each I posiiion, while in< of
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  • 130 2 In Saturday's -'G wernrneotGjz appeared the announcement I M.ti iy States i>l 1' irak, s i h.mg an J X '_rn 3 i co;ne I'd'rated under \w.\of the IVotec'e i Mil I', internal economy >t the- ia no wisj b<* disturb i r.\n *e'.n -nt. The Suluna
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  • 142 2 The Munictjal Conimhwi >new decided to spend some Jlmakinff this pi, ice a little iu taking measures to prevent, -i- i as poseible, a repetition ol tlw trous fire that occur re I early in year, though, except t >r t 1 curred, it was an u nil
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  • 117 2 By the w*y one would I public bad h f Bertioni of the "Free i' effect that it, an 1 it alon< the problem I Militar) l tion, while at tho mudry ih ta >t the obi othei organs :!nr did i follow the Thiai it being bead
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 778 2 THE TANJONO PAGAB DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED, Tun premuee of the Company i tnjong Pagar, i I tin Towi igapore. IVharl axtendi to one mi i divided bj be enl r m k>cksintotl Tl e v one mile in length a25 to ■■■"> feet watei alo ig t. i strongl; c
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    • 762 2 TABAQUERIA UNIVERSAL. WHOLESALE IMPORTER OF MANILA CIGARS. ni;o3to inform the public tint a large ttoc'c of tho choicest brands of Ci^rs has been received hv the last Blinih Iliil t'roiu the leading factories of Li Insular and La Perls del Oriente which has just baen unpaekTil ami arc offered lor
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    • 225 2 Medical Electricity. PROFESSOR S. De JUQUILLOT IL E M is now on a visit to this City Specialist in all Nervous Diseases. Permanent cure of Paralysis Rheu mutism, Spinal affeetions, HystericDyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Neural. j<ia, Piles, Exhaustion, Mfelaneholi*. Stomach Detention, Liver Torpidity* Local Weakness, in paired Vitality. Men suffering from
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 117 2 MEMO: OF THE VVEKK. Monday, Aug. 25tb,~ Hijrh W.iti r,— 1.45 a., 1,5? p. Ii A <,> 1 idrtlle I flub, 7.30 p. m. Philharmonic Orchestra, 8.30 p m'i nesday, A ng. 27th.— High Water,-— 2. '4 a., 2.3d p. French Mail Homewards. French Mail Outwards. Po| alar Orchestra Concert
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  • 106 3 !h lh iEd i o( d n r.M/ 1 nnd'thj public i tl iap city obi in which CI U raid r :ii >y or ihe law ties n vi I 1 BUCII ;i:»l r a ma imably of ihc» QOt i to it. rJj UAL, 19 to
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  • 77 3 cai with I ut into >uceru< \i i:nii.i« t .w: clean. ur ■•>'■■ con time t<i br is i pea little 1 their best and they are not v a j: >int must be if the creeks and two in isionmade >rt \o i filled up, It wou there.
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  • 81 3 0 the Mivi day liou 1i kv t do :>L':tor the thoughts has 1 1 and peaks 1 le" I vcral ia b 1 j tbe Tho flour aft< r us.j is i I itinu inac- ad'•l !n j i < may produce u in a high state Biciently
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  • 1162 3 Dr.J.ll McOloskv has accepted m aargeonship in Seiangor. Qnoh Le«n Tuck has won lYe CTentenary Scholarship noAdal in Penan... In the cricket match played on Saturd v. Mr. Just (1 l2 The i. Kon^eo arrived Prom Bangkok ye y with 150 bullocks. I fy four eases of
    1,162 words
  • 220 3 Fr> fessor Nal aly opened His wry intereetiug exhibition oa Saturday evening in the v Id biili.ird room at the Adel^hi Hotel. The jtrrau^emeßtsare I I lit cod v Visitors are it ied, t a may vi ires o\ u number •>! w tfer c>>: seen t% in
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  • 79 3 London months' aight BankbTh '-t~ t Private Paper -2,3 L6 i u days' sight Doco a >nu 2/2 3 6 jJ l demand Bank bills 2 1 1.1. l a Franco, demand 7 > Java 1.3 Penaag o/o pro n in Li 195 1 1 < > i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 61 3 THE SINGAPORE ME \T Sl PPLY COMPANY. Xo. 30, Orcha n.j Road. gUPPLY Fresh meU of the r lje>t quality at BDlerate ra h All Orders Promptly Attendso 10. Singapore, 17th August, \i?~). Fod Sale. A MAIL PHAETON, in good or- <ler. I'ne- 1 very moderate. Apply to A. \Y\,
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    • 315 3 Jiatcfit 3tdrrrt! f icmeiit:i. INDO-CHINAS.N.CD LTJFOR PfiNANQ CALCUTTA. TheOompnny's steame- WIMOSANO. 1,517 tons, Captain Young, having left Hongkong on the 23fcU inst., mv bd expected to arrive here on or about tho h inst., and will hive prompt des1> ik<?h {<w the nb ive p<»rti I For freight or passujra
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    • 539 3 'Aairii 2\:!uei:ti;iemcu!:i. MUNICIPAL NOriOiS. PARTIAL CLOSING OF THOM x S RO VD. >^ >TICB is hereby given ;h\>. Tho upton Ro»d, will shortly ba parti illy closed at t!i> undermentioned pi while certain works in conn »ction with u the 24 main are baiug carried o I ba At the
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    • 383 3 UAX. STERN 00. SINGAPORE. -•il liri soja ada j idi NVakil Bftma Orang Paja. RKOPI i Krela ,;mi. Ti am i\a lain paku di s »dia p.-- 1.- mia ku il hutia .nia a us i^Quia kreta Liei a penui k rim. M< DU Co. i Kreta Lireiij, dalam taun
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 198 3 SHIPPING ARRIVALS Ang22 British str Tl m A an, P I > Palembang, Wee Bin c British str PCC K ao, Pii^ot, from Swatow, Behn Meyer and co. Ang 23 Italian str Bis-vjrno, I lei Hongkong. Behn M yer an i c > British str Lily Mitchell, DJugforJ iom 'Ihilachay,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 460 4 PowelldCo. SINGAPORE. frtJRNITOBE MVW! n; BEBB A LARGE ltuck ol Hoatehold and Office Furniture al w*yn «.»n basd Oidcr» can be <x •< uu-ij lor I lie bctl ii;ii> ii u( Furoiture. D.'si^ns and E*ltniat69 ftupi ii I free <»[ uhar^e. The ilik'-o Workman employed at the U.ciiard K>:»i Factory
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    • 776 4 MILLWRIGHTS, ENGINEERS, IRON FOUNDBfiS, CONTRACTORS. a NOTICE TO DSERB OF BELTING WK herewith give some convincing facts relating to our ORIGINAL SOLID WOVEN COTTON BELTING for the edification of Usereo£ Bolts. The following genuine extract is taken from Hnttons Works Managers Handbook' as to the respective StrengtbB of one squavo
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    • 475 4 MEDICAL NOTICE. l)W. V. A. PILLAV, L M.kS, can he consulted .it, y [Ulv day or niffht, at Raffles Dispena 79, Natl' Bridge Road. Singapore, 29th Much, 1895. HUTTENBACH BROS. &C0 K UPPER'S BEER Chop PAYONG," the only beer which received tiny award at the Chicago Exhibition. CII U B1)
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